[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Roger Builds That Win Games

best builds for roger
10 Sep 2023

What are the best builds for Roger?

This Dire Wolf Hunter is still something that needs to be decoded. He works and moves like a beast, ready to tear apart anyone that goes against him.

He is that marksman hero that can also be used as a fighter. He is very versatile, and that is why most users still adore him, even in the mythical glory tier.

If you are a mobile legends player ready to master Roger, read until the end of this article.

Roger Strengths

  • High damage - Roger has huge damage output. This is because of his ability to have varied attacks.
  • Immunity - He has the ability to gain immunity for a period of time. This is advantageous during critical situations.
  • Mobility - Roger’s mobility makes him a good choice for faster rotations and ganking. This is a very crucial feature, especially if you are using him to become the hyper carry of the team.

Roger Weaknesses 

  • Low HP - Just like other marksman heroes, he has low HP. This can be taken advantage of by the enemy team, so always address this issue of Roger first.
  • Defense issues - Although he is a reliable attacker, he is not that good at defending himself. So Roger, most often than not, really needs support from a tank.
  • CC skills - Roger’s main weakness is heroes with crowd control skills. So always make sure that you equip him with items that can help negate or fight these crowd control effects.


3. Offlane

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The offlane build is for the strong ones only.

The offlane build is best for heroes that has the potential to become fighters. They basically take on the EXP lane and focus more on leveling up there.

Use This Build If…

  • You decide to focus more on items for fighters - If you decide to use Roger as a fighter, then you should use this build. Marksman heroes are not really advisable to go on to the EXP lange.
  • You are not against very deadly assassins - Roger is an item-based hero. So if you choose to go to the EXP lane, you may not be able to buy items faster. So only use this build if you are not catching up on the skills of your enemies.
  • You can solo drive - With solo drive, that means you can carry and help your own self. Heroes on the EXP lane do not get that much attention from the tank of the team. So make sure that when you use this build, you can truly contribute to your teammates.


You can follow this leveling-up sequence to ensure that Roger gets to maximize this build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Hunter’s Steps/Bloodthirsty Howl)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Wolf Transformation/Restore Human Form)


1. Swift Boots (710): Even if Roger already has the mobility, not buying one will put you at risk. So always make sure that you buy this one first.

2. Windtalker (1820): Windtalker improves the movement and critical damage of Roger. So this is a very good item to improve his offense. 

3. Berserker’s Fury (2250): Pair up your windtalker with Berserker’s Fury. This item also provides an additional enhancement to the critical damage of Roger, which is very useful in the latter part of the game.

4. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Demon Hunter Sword allows Roger to gain physical lifesteal when attacking enemies. He can utilize this, especially during team clashes.

5. Queen’s Wings (2250): This item helps Roger reduce the power of damage he receives, especially if his HP is low.

6. Immortality  (2250): Immortality is a finishing touch for Roger. This is useful if the game is extended to a longer period of time. When everybody is already at their peak, the defense will become your best offense.


The assassin emblem is more useful for Rofer in this build.

Assassin Emblem

  • Veteran Hunter - Additional gold when you eliminate jungle creeps.  Extra 50 Gold upon eliminating Jungle Creeps.
  • Wild Power - Additional gold upon killing an enemy affected by the Retribution spell, capped at 1100.
  • Demon Slayer - Damage received and dealt from and to Lords and Turtles decrease and increase by 20%
  • Iron - Damage received from monsters is reduced.
  • Knowledge - Cooldown reduction
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.

Battle Spells

You can utilize the inspire of execute spells in order to ensure an instant kill.


2. Attack and Defend

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Offense and defense? Worry no more.

We all know that Roger is an efficient marksman too. In case you want to use him as the main marksman, you can use this attack-and-defend build.

Use This Build If…

  • You are the main marksman - As mentioned, Roger is a very hybrid hero. You can use him as a marksman or fighter. If ever you opt to choose to former, use this build.
  • You take on the Gold lane - Gold lanes are for marksman heroes. This is because they can farm and earn gold faster here.
  • You want to improve the long-ranged attacks of Roger - Roger can attack up close and from a distance. If you are aiming to attack from a safe distance, then this build is the one for you.


1. Endless Battle (2470): Endless Battle is the one-stop shop of marksman heroes. It basically offers enhancement to a lot of areas, such as the HP, cooldowns, mobility, and lifesteal. 

2. Swift Boots  (710): Mobility is often an overlooked hero in Mobile Legends. They only cost less but do wonders in the entire gameplay.

3. War Axe (2100) - This item gives cooldown reduction, attack damage, and additional HP to Roger. This can be used by marksman heroes but they only get 50% of the stacked effects. 

4. Brute Force Breastplate (1870): This item will not only increase thephysical defense and HP of Roger but will also provide additional mobility to him.

5. Queen’s Wings (2250): This is one of the items that offer defense for Roger in this build. When you buy the Queen’s Wings, Roger will only absorb the lesser amount of damage from enemies when his HP is low.

6. Blade of Despair (3010): Are you even a marksman hero if you do not use Blade of Despair? Blade of Despair is a household item for marksman heroes as this is the most expensive attack item. Use this, and Roger will definitely be at his peak.


For the attack and defend build, you can follow this leveling up sequence:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Hunter’s Steps/Bloodthirsty Howl)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Wolf Transformation/Restore Human Form)

For this build, you can utilize the marksman emblem or assassin emblem.

Assassin Emblem

  • Veteran Hunter - Additional gold when you eliminate jungle creeps.  Extra 50 Gold upon eliminating Jungle Creeps.
  • Wild Power - Additional gold upon killing an enemy affected by the Retribution spell, capped at 1100.
  • Demon Slayer - Damage received and dealt from and to Lords and Turtles decrease and increase by 20%
  • Iron - Damage received from monsters is reduced.
  • Knowledge - Cooldown reduction
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

You can use the purify battle spell so that you can counter heroes with CC effects.


1. Hyper Carry

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Witness Roger's hyper carry power.

Hyper carry is another term for jungler heroes. From the term itself, this is players that choose to take on the role of carrying their team. With that, they must be very good at the hero they have chosen.

Use This Build If…

  • You are the jungler - Again, hyper carry build is for players that want to carry the team. So if you have no plans of being the main core hero, then do not use this.
  • You are a master in using Roger - Core players have a lot of weight on their shoulders. Teammates practically depend on them for the offense. So you must be aware of how Roger works in order to contribute well to the team.
  • The enemy team does not have that much hero that can counter him - Truth be told, it's difficult to use a hero if the other team has all the means to stop them from maximizing. So if you are against enemies that are composed of most heroes that can counter Roger, be wise and do not use this anymore.


1. Windtalker (1820): Windtalker adds up to the critical damage and mobility of Roger. Since Roger can vary his attacks and can basically attack up close and from a distance, this is such a very worthy buy to enhance his basic attacks.

2. Swift Boots (710): Swift Boots are a must for heroes. Basically, boots are a must-have, regardless of your role. So do not forget this one.

3. Endless Battle (2470): Endless Battle deals with the squishiness and cooldowns of Roger. More than that, it also provides support in the lifesteal and HP departments.

4.  Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Demon Hunter Sword is a good buy to attack from a distance and still penetrate the enemy team formation.

5. Brute Force Breastplate (1870): Buying this item will solidify the defense of Roger. It was mentioned that although he is a strong attacker, he is a weak defender. So, in the long run, that might become his biggest weakness. Never forget his defensive items.

6. Immortality (2250): Immortality is useful for core heroes, especially that they are the main target of the enemy team. Buying this will help you defend yourself from them.


Most players basically follow the basic way of leveling up sequence of Roger, regardless of the build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Hunter’s Steps/Bloodthirsty Howl)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Open Fire/Lycan Pounce)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Wolf Transformation/Restore Human Form)


For the hyper-carry build, the assassin emblem is most effective since this can help Roger earn gold way faster.

Assassin Emblem

  • Veteran Hunter - Additional gold when you eliminate jungle creeps.  Extra 50 Gold upon eliminating Jungle Creeps.
  • Wild Power - Additional gold upon killing an enemy affected by the Retribution spell, capped at 1100.
  • Demon Slayer - Damage received and dealt from and to Lords and Turtles decrease and increase by 20%
  • Iron - Damage received from monsters is reduced.
  • Knowledge - Cooldown reduction
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.

Battle Spells

The retribution spell must be used by Roger if he is the jungler.

Roger is very strong against:

  • Sun
  • Zilong
  • Layla
  • Lapu-Lapu
  • Yi Sun-shin

Roger is basically weak against heroes like:

  • Fanny
  • Karina
  • Alucard
  • Ling
  • Natalia

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