[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Popol and Kupa Builds That Win Games

best builds for popol and kupa
11 Sep 2023

What are the best builds for Popol and Kupa?

This Dire Wolf Hunter is still something that needs to be decoded. He works and moves like a beast, ready to tear apart anyone who goes against him.

He is that marksman hero that can also be used as a fighter. He is very versatile, and that is why most users still adore him, even in the mythical glory tier.

If you are a mobile legends player ready to master Popol and Kupa, read this article until the end.

Popol and Kupa Strengths

  • Can farm fast- Since Popol has a partner, Kupa, he can easily farm fast in the early game. Kupa can enhance the basic attack of Popol, which is a great advantage.
  • Can clear lanes immediately- Because of his basic attack, Popol and Kupa can clear minion waves faster than others. This helps in pushing.
  • Crowd control skills - Popol and Kupa have the ability to stun enemies and freeze them. This is very useful in singling out targets and during team fights.

Popol and Kupa Weaknesses 

  • Low escape mechanism - Popol and Kupa have little to no escaping abilities. So they must really be aware of assassins or tanks with crowd control skills.
  • Dependent on skills - Although Kupa can provide additional damage to Popol, this is not enough in the long run against actual enemy heroes. 
  • Not beginner-friendly - Using Popol and Kupa requires strategic positioning. You also have to aim his attacks perfectly. That is why beginners often have a hard time mastering him. 

3. Sustained DPS

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Sustained DPS build for a long-lasting Popol and Kupa.

The sustained DPS build is helpful if you are the main marksman hero of the team. This will help you stay longer in the field, allowing you to contribute more to your allies.

Use This Build If…

  • You are against heroes with thick shield - Heroes like Esmeralda has a very thick shield that supports them. Attacking them from time to time might exhaust all your HP. Thus, the sustained DPS build will help you keep up with them.
  • You are the marksman hero - Again, use this build if you are eyeing to take on the role of marksman hero in the team. This build does not work that much if you want to go on EXP lane or is the jungler.
  • You know how to strategically place Popol and Kupa - Being one of the damage dealers in the team, using Popol and Kupa means that you know his skills by heart. So before taking on this role, you should know how to use him already.


You can follow this leveling-up sequence to ensure that Popol and Kupa gets to maximize this build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Popol’s Surprise)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (We Are Angry!/Restore Human Form)


1.  Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Demon Hunter Sword allows Popol and Kupa to gain physical lifesteal when attacking enemies. He can utilize this, especially during team clashes.

2. Swift Boots (710): Even if Popol and Kupa already have the mobility, not buying one will put you at risk. So always make sure that you buy this one first.

3. Endless Battle (2470): Endless Battle is the one-stop shop of marksman heroes. It basically offers enhancement to a lot of areas, such as the HP, cooldowns, mobility, and lifesteal. 

4. Windtalker (1820): Windtalker adds up to the critical damage and mobility of Popol and Kupa. Since Popol and Kupa can vary their attacks and can basically attack up close and from a distance, this is such a very worthy buy to enhance their basic attacks.

5. Blade of Despair (3010): Are you even a marksman hero if you do not use Blade of Despair? Blade of Despair is a household item for marksman heroes as this is the most expensive attack item. Use this, and Popol and Kupa will definitely be at their peak.

6. Immortality  (2250): This is useful at the end part of the game or if the game is extended to a longer period of time. When everybody is already at their peak, the defense will become your best offense.


Recently, Mobile Legends has undergone a great revamp in its emblem system. For this build, the marksman emblem will be helpful for Popol and Kupa to gain an increase in attack speed, adaptive attack, and life-steal capabilities. For talents, you can now mix and match various talents beyond your selected emblem set. You can follow this talent set for the sustained DPS build:

  • Swift - Gain an extra 10% attack speed.
  • Bargain Hunter - Reduce equipment costs and buy them at 95% of their base price.
  • Weakness Finder - Basic attacks may reduce the enemy hero’s movement speed and attack speed.

Battle Spells

You can utilize either the Flicker or Sprint Spells for Popol and Kupa.

2. Burst

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Get ready to kick down enemies.

As mentioned, Popol and Kupa have high burst damage potential. With that, you are very much welcome to utilize this advantage and make him reach his maximum damage output. 

Use This Build If…

  • You are the marksman of the team - This build is highly useful for marksmen, especially since it only aims to enhance the attack and damage of your hero solely. 
  • Your enemies are fighters and assassins - Burst damage is a good way to fight off assassins and fighters. Use this build to penetrate against their defense.
  • Your hero has burst damage - This build will only be useful if your hero possesses burst damage. Thus, this is perfect for Popol and Kupa.


1. Blade of the Heptaseas (1950): This build is best for physical heroes that offer or have burst damage in their basic attack. Other than increase in physical attack, this build also offers HP increase for Popol and Kupa.

2. Magic Shoes (710): This boots, other than mobility, also provides a 10% cooldown reduction to your hero. This is useful so that you can spam Popol and Kupa’s skills from time to time.

3. Endless Battle (2470): Endless Battle basically enhances important areas and functions, such as the cooldown time, HP, mobility, and lifesteal. 

4. Hunter Strike (2010): For more damage and mobility, buy this item for Popol and Kupa. It offers physical penetration that is best against fighters and tanks. 

5. Blade of Despair (3010): Blade of Despair is best to buy in the latter part of the game when your hero already accumulated enough gold to buy. This item is expensive, that is why this serves as the finishing touch for them.

6. Immortality  (2250): Immortality is one of the best defense items that you can use for Popl and Kupa. This will enable him to be resurrected after dying. When resurrected, he will gain a little amount of shield and HP. Use this time to escape from enemies.


For the burst build, you can follow this leveling-up sequence:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Popol’s Surprise)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (We Are Angry!/Restore Human Form)


For this build, it is best if you use talents from other emblem sets, such as in the assassin emblem, to maximize his burst damage. However, using the marksman emblem as the main emblem is still advisable. For the talents, you may follow the following talent set:

  • Rupture - Gain adaptive penetration
  • Weapon Master - Gain bonus extra attack 
  • Lethal Ignition - Gain extra damage on multi-hits

Battle Spells

Just like the previous build, use either Flicker or Sprint for Popol and Kupa.

1. Jungle

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Become the main source of power with this jungle build.

Jungle is when a certain hero becomes the core hero of the team. As the jungler, you have bigger responsibilities because your allies will prioritize feeding you first than themselves. You will also be given the chance to farm more jungle monsters than them.

Use This Build If…

  • You are the core jungler - Again, this build is only for jungler heroes. Do not use this if you have no plans to carry the team.
  • Enemies cannot counter you - The best time to turn a marksman hero into a jungler is if no one in the enemy team can counter him. Basically, if most heroes in the enemy pool can counter Popol and Kupa, then do not use him anymore since that would be a big risk for the team.
  • You’ve used Popl and Kupa a lot of times already - As the jungler, your allies depend on you. So if you use him without even knowing how, it would be a great disaster, thus, make sure that you can already position him strategically before confidently using him as the core.


1. Endless Battle (2470): Endless Battle gives solution to the squishiness and cooldowns of Popol and Kupa. More than that, it also provides support in the lifesteal and HP departments.

2. Ice Hunter’s Magic Shoes (710): Since you are now the jungler, you gain additional features for these boots. The Ice Hunter will give Popol and Kupa additional damage to minions and creeps. When used against enemy heroes, this will turn into True Damage and seep a certain percentage of their movement speed.

3. War Axe (2100): War Axe is an attack item that caters to the physical attack, HP, and cooldown reduction of Popol and Kupa. Other than that, the passive effect of this item also offers an additional movement speed. This is very good for chasing down enemies and poking them from time to time. 

4.  Berserker's Fury (2250): This item is very famous among physical attack heroes as it gives an attack speed boost and critical chance enhancement. Use this for Popol and Kupa to enhance his burst damage. 

5.  Immortality (2250): Immortality is useful for core heroes, especially since they are the main target of the enemy team. Buying this will help you defend yourself from them and will give you some confidence in attacking during critical times on the battlefield.

6.Blade of Despair (3010): Blade of Despair is best to buy in the latter part of the game when your hero already accumulated enough gold to buy. This item is expensive, that is why this serves as the finishing touch for them.


Most players basically follow the basic way of leveling up sequence of Popol and Kupa, regardless of the build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Popol’s Surprise)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Kupa, Help!/I Need You, Kupa!)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (We Are Angry!/Restore Human Form)


The assassin emblem is most effective if Popol and Kupa is the jungler to gain an increase in penetration, attack, and movement speed. However, to bring more damage, you can also utilize talents from the marksman emblem:

  • Fatal - Gain 5% extra critical chance and 10% extra critical damage
  • Master Assassin - Earn increase in damage when up against only one enemy hero
  • Weakness Finder - Basic attacks may reduce the enemy hero’s movement speed and attack speed.

Battle Spells

Popol and Kupa must use the retribution spell for this build.

Popol and Kupa is very strong against:

  • Kimmy
  • Zhask
  • Esmeralda
  • Silvanna
  • Wanwan

Popol and Kupa is basically weak against heroes like:

  • Helcurt
  • Ling
  • Cecilion
  • Gusion
  • Hayabusa


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