[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Moskov Builds That Win Games

best builds for moskov, how to use moskov
06 Jun 2023

What are the best builds for Moskov?

Moskov is actually a pretty popular hero. With his unique all-purple set-up, one can easily identify him in the crowd. Despite new releases, Moskov remains to be at the top list when it comes to reliable marksman heroes.

With Moskov’s ability to chase and reap enemies, it is understandable why he never goes out of style. Indeed, his specialty in offense is something to look forward to.

If you are aiming to discover the greatness of Moskov, feel free to finish this article.

Moskov Strengths

  • High attack speed - This is probably the main reason for his popularity. Moskov is actually that marksman hero that already has in-built attack speed. So buying pieces of equipment will only enhance him more.
  • Deadly in the late game - Some heroes peak early, while some are in the last moments of the game. Moskov belongs to the latter. He can be weak in the earlier part, but he is strong mid to late game.
  • Good escape skills - Moskov has good escape abilities because he has the ability to link from time to time. So he can always use that to his advantage,

Moskov Weaknesses 

  • Weak in the early game - As I said, Moskov is weak in the early game. So you need to think twice about your objective to avoid getting too aggressive.
  • Small attack range - Although Moskov has a high attack speed, his range is not that wide.
  • High mana usage - This is one of the problems that you need to address when placing Moskov. So make sure that you buy the right equipment to ensure that he keeps his mana throughout the fight.

3. Attack Speed Effects

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Moskov's build to increase attack speed.

Moskov already has a very high attack speed level. Choosing to go on this path will only means that he will possess the most insane attack speed you will ever see.

Use This Build If…

  • You are the main goldlaner of the team - This build is highly recommended for those that take on the goldlaner role, given that it focuses more on his attack rather than his defense.
  • You have tank support - This build is hard to pull off without a tank that can help you in the early game.
  • Your enemies are agile - With high attack speed, and given that Moskov can also stun his enemies, this will help you silence enemies that are too quick to catch.

This build is mid to late game build.


Since this build focuses on his attack speed, make sure to always upgrade Moskov’s first skill since this gives him increases in attack speed from time to time.

  • Level One: First Skill - (Abyss Walker)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - Spear of Misery)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Abyss Waker)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Spear of Destruction)


1. Swift Boots (710): This item is important to give Moskov the necessary push and speed in his mobility.

2. Windtalker: With Windtalker, Moskov will instantly gain offense and power in the early part of the game. This is crucial so as to avoid feeding the enemies and getting poked constantly.

3. Berserker’s Fury (2250): Berserker’s Fury is the holy item for Moskov. Giving a critical chance item to a hero that has built-in high attack speed will result in insane damage.

4. Scarlet Phantom (2020): After getting Berserker’s Fury, Scarlet Phantom is already a no-brainer purchase. These two go along together in order to produce a hero with insane critical chance and damage.

5. Malefic Roar  (2060): It is most likely that you will face enemies with bulky structures and thick defense. This item will help you counter their defense.

6. Corrosion Scythe (2050): This item is perfect for Moskov and this build. Since we are highly focusing on his attack speed, Corrosion Scythe wil give Moskov a chance to make his attack speed even faster while slowing down enemies simultaneously.


For this build, marksman emblem is a good choice to enhance his strengths and capabilities as the gold laner of the group. The following talent points can also be utilized for Moskov:

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

As the hero with attack speed, using Inspire spell is the best decision. Not only will this maximize your skills, but this will also allow you to deal a huge amount of damage in such a short time.


2. Attack and Defend 

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Use this for Moskov if you want to improve his defense and attacks speed.

If earlier we just talked about increasing the attack speed of Moskov. Now, we are also looking into how we can ensure that he can still defend himself despite having all these offensive-focused items.

Use This Build If…

  • Your team lacks in defense - If there is no one who can assure you that they will protect you at all times, you might as well use this for yourself. This will ensure that you bear the necessary defense for yourself.
  • You are one of the main damage dealers - If you are one of the main damage dealers, the pressure is high on you. So make sure that you buy items that will keep you from getting killed from time to time.
  • The game is up for a long time - Long games mean that everyone is at their peak already. So, in that part of the game, you should be more focused on your defense rather than on offense. The items that you will buy here are extremely anchored with the possibility of having a late-game duration.


1. Swift Boots (710): Do not ever forget this item. Moskov might be a strong hero, but he lacks in mobility.

2. Windtalker: This is a pretty cheap item. So this is a good pick for starters. This will help you gain the boost to be able to fight enemies in the early game.

3. Berserker’s Fury (2250): Berserker’s Fury will give you the ability to gain another source of physical damage. The perk of this item is you will receive enhanced critical chances.

4. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): This item is the ultimate tank killer. With this, you can easily melt down tanks and fighter heroes.

5. Endless Battle (2470): It was already mentioned that Moskov uses a lot of mana. The Endless Battle will help you solve that problem.

6. Immortality  (2250): This is the peak defense item out there. Not only will this give you a shield, but this will also give you another life. This is very helpful for comebacks.

The attack and defend item is very helpful for users that like going on solo lanes.


Level up Moskov’s first skill first in order to gain an immediate advantage against enemies. With the increase in attack speed, you will be able to farm and kill minions on the gold lane faster.

  • Level One: First Skill - (Abyss Walker)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - Spear of Misery)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Abyss Waker)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Spear of Destruction)


Marksman Emblem is still a good emblem choice for this build. You can also customize Moskov’s power by picking these talent points:

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

To unleash the power of Moskov, the presence of purify more than inspire, given that his attack items do not have something to make him achieve temporary immunity. 


1. Sustained DPS

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Increase Moskov's sustenance with this build.

This build is very useful if you want to stay longer in the game at all times. From the name itself, Sustained DPS will allow you to be sustained in order to contribute more to the team.

Use This Build If…

  • You are fighting against very thick heroes - Heroes like Esmeralda and Argus takes too long to kill on the battlefield. In cases like that, you can keep up with them by choosing this build.
  • Your team lacks in offensive heroes - If you are one of those heroes that your team rely on, then you should keep this build. That way, you will not be dying immediately.
  • You are the constant target - With this build, you will be able to defend yourself from enemies that constantly attack you because you have equipment that will be able to negate their skills. 


1. Swift Boots (710): The passive of this boots fices extra attack when certain conditions are met.

2. Windtalker: This is one of the main items for Moskov. Attack speed is highly important to keep him going, and this will give him extra attack speed and critical chances.

3. Berserker’s Fury (2250): This is extremely important since it increases the crit chances of Moskov and helps him burst down his enemies just by casting basic attacks.

4. Wind of Nature (1910): This is best used for enemies with physical damage. Its passive will allow you to outplay them. Activate this, and you will be immune from all physical attacks.

5. Scarlet Phantom (2020): This results in an insane amount of damage, especially when combined with the previously mentioned item. Scarlet Phantom is a great item to give Moskov additional attack speed and crit chances.

6. Malefic Roar  (2060): This is good for enemies that have a high physical defense. This allows you to lower your physical defense and increase your physical penetration.


There is no other way to make Moskov perform the best than following this upgrade sequence. This will ensure that you give Moskov the immediate offensive ability while also giving him next the ability for defense.

  • Level One: First Skill - (Abyss Walker)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - Spear of Misery)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Abyss Waker)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Spear of Destruction)


For this build, you can actually utilize the marksman emblem or physical emblem:

Physical Emblem

  • Open Fire - Increases Physical Attack.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Bravery - Upgrades Physical Attack.
  • Shield - Magic Defense.
  • Firmness - Physical Defense.

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

Sustained DPS is more challenging to pull off compared to the previous one. The Inspire spell is the best option for him. This will help him shut down enemies in an instant.

Moskov is actually strong against fighters and tanks. He is also the best counter for squishy marksman. Examples are the following:

  • Akai
  • Balmond
  • Layla
  • Zilong
  • Chou

Moskov’s weaknesses are assassins and heroes with huge lifesteal abilities. Examples are:

  • Natalia
  • Saber
  • Ruby
  • Karina
  • Sun

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