[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Heroes For Mythic Rank

best mobile legends heroes for mythic rank, best mythic heroes in mobile legends
24 Mar 2023

Who are the best Mythic heroes?

The Mythic Rank is already the final rank that you will encounter in Mobile Legends. This is the rank that only the greatest players in the game can achieve. So if you are already in the Mythic rank, expect that you will be competing against experienced and well-knowledgeable players too.

Of course, the Mythic Rank can be quite scary, especially if you are still not well-rounded with the various heroes in the game. With that, let us offer you a quick list of some heroes that you can maximize in order to stay in this rank throughout the season.


15. Gusion

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Can you keep up with him?

I mean, is it even the Mythic Rank if you will not see a Gusion player? Gusion is a very strong hero that you can always use in the Mythic Rank in order to scare away squishy enemies. More than that, you can also use him to burst down any marksman or mage heroes with his deadly skill combinations.

What makes Gusion Great:

  • Other than his insane damage, he is also difficult to catch because of his skills.
  • His skills have a very fast cooldown. No wonder why he can always spam and poke enemies in the early game.
  • He has amazing potential to snowball, especially if he gets the most kills in the game.

14. Yve

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The Queen is ready.

Yve is a very scary mage that you can always use if you are against players who are quick and difficult to catch. With her area of effect damage, you can surely hit enemies even if they are far away from you.

What makes Yve Great:

  • She is very strong in the early game, which she can use to poke enemies at this time.
  • She has an ultimate skill with very wide coverage. She can use this to trap enemies and slow them down while also dealing damage to them.
  • Her attacks are varied and ranged. She uses them whenever she disturbs enemies with her crowd control skills or lures them with her immune skills.

13. Aldous

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He is just waiting for the right time.

This soul contractor has been famous in the game, especially since he can chase you regardless of where you are on the map. Aldous is just weak in the early game. So be sure to avoid feeding yourself to enemies at this stage and keep on stacking in order to unleash your potential in the late game.

What makes Aldous Great:

  • He is insane in the late game, which is why enemies would want to instantly finish the game if they play against Aldous.
  • He can lock enemies easily, no matter where they are on the map.
  • He can provide a shield to himself, which is why he is most likely to survive one-vs-five fights.

12. Luo Yi

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Ready to transport?

Luo Yi is a mage hero that can deal strong damage even in the early game. This makes her a hero that does not entirely depend on her ultimate skills in order to damage enemies. When her passive skill is active, her basic attacks are enhanced, and when stacked up for a certain amount, she can stun enemies for a second.

What makes  Luo Yi Great:

  • She can literally teleport herself and her enemies from one place to another. This is good for ganking or even just achieving major objectives.
  • She has good mobility for a mage and is a good initiator too.
  • She can be the team’s main damage dealer, even if she is the mage one. This shows how big damage she can contribute to team.

11. Uranus

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A tank that can be a fighter, too.

Uranus is a tank that can easily jump into the backline of the enemy formation in order to damage the main damage dealer of the team. You will have no worries every time Uranus does this since he has an insane amount of HP regeneration. With Uranus, you just need to make sure that you also have an ally who will focus mostly on dealing damage since he might become weak in the late game, especially if most enemies have already bought equipment to counter him.

What makes Uranus Great:

  • He is easy to play and can even be used as an exp laner.
  • He regenerates his HP, which is why he can always survive during team fights.
  • He can debuff enemies, allowing him to use his crowd control skills effectively against them.

10. Edith

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Can marksmen heroes be tanks? Really?

This ancient guard is a hero who may be very weak in the early game. It is understandable that Edith may rely too much on her skills. That is why you will really need to buy enough items in order to maximize the potential that she can offer to drive your team to victory.

What makes Edith Great:

  • She has powerful crowd control effects that allow her to shake the enemy team formation
  • She can sustain herself very well, especially since she is both a tank and a marksman
  • She does not require mana. This allows her to spam her skills from time to time.

9. Franco 

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Well, he is a no-brainer. A very deceptive tank.

Aren’t you scared just by looking at him? Franco has really been the favorite tank of most players, especially since his skills are unique. However, Franco’s unique abilities are only good if you are talented in predicting the movements of your enemies. Thus, it would take a lot of practice to use Franco.

What makes Franco Great:

  • He has fast HP Regeneration, especially if paired with the right equipment, such as the Oracle
  • He is fast for a tank. This is good for roaming and providing backup to the team
  • He has a lot of crowd-control skills. His first skill is very famous, which is the one that can hook enemies. He can then use his ultimate to immobilize and damage them for seconds,

8. Ruby 

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A lifestealer, indeed.

Known as the little red hood, Ruby is one of the most dangerous fighters in the game. It is because of her lifesteal abilities that can really sustain her most of the time during team fights. With Ruby, you really need to have the patience to position her strategically.

What makes Ruby Great:

  • She has very annoying crowd control, allowing her to move against enemies.
  • She is fast and quick in terms of pulling enemies toward her.
  • She has one of the biggest lifesteal effects in the game.

7. Cecilion

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Do you know his soulmate?

Cecilion is an insane mage. However, he is often underestimated because his looks do not give off powerful energy. But if you see someone who uses Cecilion in the Mythic rank, expect already that that player is experienced when it comes to him.

What makes Cecilion Great:

  • He can spam his skills, especially his first skill.
  • He is very dominant in late games. This is the time when his skills can already equal the damage output of assassins and marksman heroes
  • He is very good for team fights, especially since his ultimate has an area of effect damage.

6. Carmilla

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Hard like a rock.

Carmilla, just like Cecilion, is very underrated too. She is often belittled as just support, so she may not be that powerful. However, Carmilla is a very strong hero if paired with the right equipment and user. She is a mage who can steal and absorb both the physical and mage defense of the enemy.

What makes Carmilla Great:

  • She can disrupt the defense of enemies because of her passive skill.
  • She can provide healing, thanks to her first skill.
  • She is very hard to kill because of the defense and shield that she can provide to herself,

5. Lunox

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Chaos and balance.

Balancing between order and chaos, Lunox is the epitome of unwavering damage skills. Lunox is actually one of the toughest heroes in the game, with four skills under her sleeves. Even though she was released already a long time ago, she remains to be one of the top mage picks because of her unique abilities.

What makes Lunox Great:

  • Her passive allow her to gain additional defense and magic penetration for every certain percentage of cooldown reduction.
  • She can be invincible against crowd control effects because of her skills.
  • She provides area of effect damage that can provide damage and slow down enemies.

4. Ling

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A great wall escape.

As a former disciple of the great dragon, Ling has inherited all the good things of his ancestors. That is why Ling is one of the top-used assassins in the Mythic Rank. It also helps that Ling is very quick and difficult to catch, enabling him to move quickly from one place to another.

What makes Ling Great:

  • He can counter most heroes in Mobile Legends. 
  • He has very high mobility, allowing him to roam and gank faster than others
  • He can walk on walls, which is a unique way to avoid enemies. Whenever he walks or is on top of walls, no enemy can target him.

3. Masha

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You have three tries to kill her.

Masha is indeed a challenging hero for beginners to use. That is why you will most likely only see her in the Mythic Rank. Masha is also a fighter who does not have that many crowd control effects. So may need to take this in mind whenever you want to use her. But overall, she is a good source of damage.

What makes Masha Great:

  • She is a tank destroyer, even against bulky heroes like Esmeralda and Uranus.
  • She is perfect for pushing objectives since, other than her basic attacks, her first skill can damage turrets, too.
  • She has 3 HP Bars layers, so imagine how durable she is. She can use this to exhaust enemies and kill them the moment they have already used up all their skills.

2. Fanny

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She is literally wall-king.

Of course, we would not miss the most difficult hero to use in Mobile Legends. Good Fanny players are only seen in the Mythic rank. Although others say that she is already out of the meta, users who know really well how to use her know that she can still significantly affect the Mythic tier.

What makes Fanny Great:

  • She is the most slippery and agile hero in Mobile Legends. No one can come close with the speed of Fanny, so be sure to always utilize this by securing buffs.
  • She is a snowballer, which means that she has an immediate chance of gaining the gold advantage against the enemy team
  • She has great early-game damage. So as much as possible, ensure that the enemy team will not be able to pick a hero that can counter you so that you can freely move around the map.

1. Lancelot

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The prince of romantic gestures.

And we are down to the last hero for this list, and it is none other than the beautiful duelist from House Baroque. Lancelot is a reliable and effective duelist. You can always rely on him if you want to dominate the laning phase or want to take charge immediately in the early part of the game. Just like most assassins, Lancelot also has the chance to snowball and is highly favored both in the mid and exp lane.

What makes Lancelot  Great:

  • He has high burst damage that can easily kill marksman and mage heroes
  • He has excellent mobility, allowing him to chase enemies down with his skills.
  • He has a fast cooldown. This allows him to spam his ultimate from time to time. 
  • His ultimate skill can make him invincible for a period of time. This enables him to enter turrets and attack enemies without a single scratch.

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