Minecraft: How to Add Friends

Thumbnail of Steve and Alex from Minecraft
15 Mar 2022

Minecraft: How to Add Friends


Check out this handy video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O6KSHqYRRc

Video by: p0k3r

Minecraft is mostly run on platforms where it’s unnecessary to have an in-game friends list, since you can just contact your friends on Discord or PSN or what have you, but Pocket Edition is a little trickier. Keeping track of friendly players there requires a bit more effort. Fortunately, Pocket Edition has a built-in friends list mechanic, so you just have to know how to use it.

  • Firstly, you’re going to need a Microsoft account.
    • Microsoft accounts are free, so if you don’t have one already, go ahead and make one. You and your friend will both need one in order to add each other.
    • Once you’re certain that you both have Microsoft accounts that are linked to your gamertags on Minecraft Pocket Edition, you’re going to open up the game and tap Play.
    • There will be 3 tabs along the top of the screen. Tap the middle one, labeled Friends.
    • At this point, you should have each other’s gamertags memorized or written down somewhere. Underneath the Friends tab, there will be a big button labeled Add Friends, which will take you to a screen with a text box. Type each others’ gamertags in there.
      • You will have to type your friend’s gamertag, and they will have to type yours. 
  • When your friend’s account pops up, tap the Add Friend button.
    • Both people have to do this to add one another as a friend.
  • Once both of you have done this, you’ll be on one another’s Friends List.

And there you have it. Who knew making friends was so easy? We’ll see you around - and happy gaming!

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