[Top 10] LOL Wild Rift Best Junglers That Are Excellent

10 Best League of Legends Wild Rift Junglers That Are Excellent
22 Apr 2023

Jungling in League of Legends Wild Rift (or any multiplayer online battle arena [MOBA]) can be an intimidating prospect since there’s a lot more freedom and pressure as opposed to simply winning your lane, but it’s really not as daunting a task as it may first seem. If you’re not sure if you’re ready to try your hand at jungling, I’d highly recommend Wild Rift’s excellent Co-Op vs. AI mode that actually features an enemy Jungler, allowing you to get a better handle on timing ganks, invading, and fighting for shared monsters like Rift Scuttlers. And when you decide to take the plunge but don’t know who to choose, here’s a list of 10 of the best Junglers that are excellent (disclaimer: champions in Wild Rift, like in all MOBA games, get nerfed and buffed regularly, so do check the date this article was posted before you come for me saying I give horrible advice).

10. Jayce

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So handsome...so dangerous.

Darkbreaker: https://youtu.be/mdDkXdTbkGw

Jayce is possibly the most versatile champion in the game. He can be successfully played as Baron Lane, Mid Lane, or Jungle (or even as an ADC). He has two different forms, Mercury Cannon (ranged) and Mercury Hammer (melee) that he can switch via his ultimate, which is available at level 1. Each of his other abilities has a different version per form, giving him six total abilities. He can poke, engage, and kill any type of enemy champion.

Jayce is a very flexible champion that can be played in many different ways. It can be hard to play Jayce at first when there are so many abilities available, but with a bit of practice, you can play him almost anywhere and dominate your opponents.

Why Jayce is great:

  • Best of both worlds, having access to melee and ranged forms.
  • Can begin his ganks from a distance before leaping on enemies, knocking them back, and then finishing them off as ranged.
  • Access to six abilities with the potential to either burst down enemies or to wear them out through relentless damage per second.

9. Sett

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Taking it easy in his big boss chair.

LLWR Moba: https://youtu.be/q8c4afmAczs

Sett is a Baron Lane fighter who’s also a great Jungler and decent Support. He can be played as either a full tank or as a hybrid fighter who can seek and destroy the more vulnerable opposing champions. Instead of a typical mana bar, Sett has a Grit bar that fills as he takes damage. When you activate Haymaker (ability 2), it turns your Grit into a personal shield.

Sett is a powerful choice who can catch opponents off guard with how much damage he can do despite how tanky he is. Don’t shy away from being aggressive with Sett, as he truly shines when it appears that he’s down for the count.

Why Sett is great:

  • Crowd Control with Facebreaker (ability 3) and ultimate.
  • Haymaker (ability 2) makes him excel in 1v1 battles.
  • The Show Stopper (ultimate) allows him to single out dangerous/disruptive targets, and makes for spectacular lane ganks.

8. Vi

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Pink hair, powerful punches.

HellsDevil: https://youtu.be/HY921qDYZVw

Vi is a fighter Jungler. She's an overall solid champion at all stages of the game. She can gank early with her Vault Breaker (ability 1) and she does well in the late game as a tank and using Assault and Battery (ultimate) to lock down the main threat on the enemy team. Although you can be successful ganking before level 5, it's best to stay in the jungle until you have your ultimate available to gank lanes.

Vi is one of the starter champions in Wild Rift, making her a great choice if you want to start playing jungle. She has pretty simple but effective abilities that can help you win the game.

Why Vi is great:

  • Highly mobile champion with two crowd control abilities which make her a great ganker.
  • Above-average jungle clear because of her AoE damage and HP% damage.
  • Can kill carries as well as tanks effectively thanks to her kit.
  • Ultimate is hard to dodge, making her a dangerous assassin.

7. Wukong

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Ready to go bananas!

Rebengga: https://youtu.be/ZQ178IGFdbo

Wukong is a highly mobile attack damage Jungler. He has a strong early game in terms of clearing, 1v1 potential against the enemy Jungler, and ganks that you can utilize to snowball your lanes. He is also a great champion in the mid and late game. His ultimate, Cyclone, can crowd control a whole team and be a real game-changer in team fights.

Wukong is a great starter champion if you want to play in the jungle. He has some simple abilities that are easy to learn and can have a big impact on the game.

Why Wukong is great:

  • Flexible enough to be played as a bruiser who can deal consistent damage and be a constant presence in a team fight and he can also be played as an assassin who can deal large amounts of burst damage in a short time.
  • High outplay potential using his Warrior Trickster (ability 2). It is a versatile ability that can be used in endless ways which adds to Wukong’s replayability.
  • Sustained damage throughout the game, and his ultimate allows him to disrupt multiple enemies at once.

6. Olaf

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The angry Northman.

Darkbreaker: https://youtu.be/9BrE73uy_Tk

Olaf is a fighter Jungler. He has one of the best early games in terms of clearing and 1v1 potential against the enemy Jungler. He can also be strong in the mid and late-game which makes him an all-around good choice. Once Olaf reaches level 5 and gets Ragnarok (ultimate), he can ignore all crowd control, so you can run into any lane and start to do a bunch of damage on any target.

Olaf is a solid all-around Jungler who’s great for people that have just started playing Wild Rift and want to give the jungle a try. Olaf is really good at running down enemies and dealing a lot of damage to carry the game.

Why Olaf is great:

  • Strong early game which makes him able to punish most enemy Junglers.
  • Can snowball quite effectively.
  • Extremely fast objective taker who can kill Dragon and Rift Herald before the enemy team realizes it.

5. Nunu & Willump

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The dynamic duo.

OUTSIDER WR: https://youtu.be/_sLPZVCfom0

Nunu & Willump are an AP tank Jungler duo who are crowd control machines. With Biggest Snowball Ever! (ability 2), they are able to get around the map and gank with ease, starting at a much lower level than many other Junglers. Once they catch up to their enemies, Nunu & Willump can use Snowball Barrage (ability 3) and Absolute Zero (ultimate) to crowd control and kill them.

This pair is a fun and speedy choice who are easy to learn. They have great jungle clear and early ganking potential that allows you to carry your teammates to victory. They can be very tanky and survive a long time during teamfights, utilizing their crowd control abilities to make the enemy team easy targets.

Why Nunu & Willump are great:

  • Early game ganking thanks to Biggest Snowball Ever! (ability 2), allowing them to quickly move across the map and gank lane after lane.
  • Consume (ability 1) is essentially a second Smite, giving them first class objective control.
  • Packed with a lot of crowd control, survivability, peeling, and damage potential.

4. Fiora

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En garde!

Rebengga: https://youtu.be/0A3miB7DAig

Fiora is a Baron Lane fighter who also makes an excellent Jungler. She isn’t the strongest early game champion, but once she reaches the mid to late game and has a few items under her belt, she is the ultimate 1v1 duelist. Duelist's Dance (passive) reveals Vitals on the closest enemy champion, and when you hit one of these Vitals, you deal more damage and Fiora heals.

Fiora has a very fun playstyle that many people will enjoy. She is one of few champions that can carry the entire game on her own back. She’s capable of games where you split push and destroy the enemy nexus, winning the game all on your own.

Why Fiora is great:

  • One of, if not the strongest duelist in the game - she can 1v1 most champions and come out on top.
  • Strong damage output with true damage mixed in so it doesn’t matter if she’s fighting a carry or a tank.
  • High mobility as the cooldown for Lunge (ability 1) is quite short at max level when it hits an enemy. Plus, she gains bonus movement speed when she strikes a Vital.
  • Sustain that allows her to survive fights and her ultimate can even heal her teammates as well.

3. Rengar

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Silence Wild Rift: https://youtu.be/u66Fp8IOXps

Rengar is an aggressive assassin Jungler. He boasts a strong early game, speedy jungle clear, and good health management with the heal from Battle Roar (ability 2). Once you unlock Thrill of the Hunt (ultimate) at level 5, Rengar gains invisibility, giving him a huge advantage for lane ganks.

Rengar can scale well into the late game by using his ultimate to go invisible and stacking up successful ganks.

Why Rengar is great:

  • Unique brush leap mechanic makes him a fun and rewarding champion to play.
  • Strong Jungler who can snowball uncontrollably with his Bonetooth Necklace passive which grants him stacking bonus damage.
  • Great early game dueler who’s able to win scuttler battles and eventually chase enemy Junglers from their own jungle.
  • High sustain for an assassin with decent map control thanks to the reveal from his ultimate.

2. Kha'zix

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This bug squashes you.

Canserole: https://youtu.be/hMk8G5Y7VtU

Kha'Zix is an attack damage assassin Jungler. He can be vulnerable early unless he can find an isolated enemy and take advantage of his passive, Unseen Threat. His jungle clear is decent and the heal from Void Spike (ability 2) keeps his health fairly high.

If you love to jump around the map as an AD assassin, picking off enemies with ease, then Kha'Zix is the perfect champion for you. You can jump into an enemy, kill them, and jump back out before they even know what hit them.

Why Kha’zix is great:

  • Great solo queue Jungler because of his good clear, 1v1 potential, and objective control.
  • Immense burst damage with core items that allows him to destroy most carries and mages with just one combo in the mid to late game.
  • High replayability since choosing different orders of Evolution can lead to varying playstyles.

1. Lee Sin

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The blind monk master.

Assassin Dave: https://youtu.be/QaQhoZE8-k8

Lee Sin is a highly mobile attack damage Jungler. He has one of the best early games in terms of jungle clear and 1v1 potential against the enemy Jungler. He does fall off a bit when you get to the late game, but if you take advantage of his great early game ganks, you can help the rest of your team snowball.

Lee Sin has a lot of mobility allowing him to jump over multiple walls and can make some really fantastic, flashy plays. If you like an aggressive jungle playstyle and a champion that can use his early advantage to carry the team, then Lee Sin is the go-to pick for you.

Why Lee Sin is great:

  • Loaded champion with seven abilities crammed into four buttons - two mobility abilities, a shield, a slow, an on-hit effect, and a knockback.
  • Clears fast and is an incredible ganker, snowballing the game to the point that the enemy team has no possibility of a comeback because of the gold and level gap.
  • Unpredictable and fun to play over and over again.

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