LoL Best Shen Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome (All Shen Skins Ranked Worst To Best)

Shen Best Skins
17 Sep 2022

The Eye of Twilight, Shen is a powerful top-lane tank that can bully opponents in the lane and has a global ultimate to turn any fight around. Shen has 10 skins out of which 3 are legacy. Here we will rank them from worst to best based on different attributes.


Available Skins

7. Blood Moon Shen

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See Blood Moon Shen in action: Blood Moon Shen Skin Spotlight

Blood Moon Shen features Shen in the named theme with a white mask, a new blade and a red tabard. The animations and effects are still the same as base Shen.

  • General appearance: 7/10
  • Ability animations: 5/10
  • SFX: 5/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 22

The skin is available for 750 RP.


6. Warlord Shen

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See Warlord Shen in action: Warlord Shen Skin Spotlight

Warlord Shen features him as a cool-looking samurai. There are new subtle particles added to the skin that don’t look too different from base Shen. The model of the skin is good-looking with Shen carrying a flag on his back. Shen also has a new model for his Ki strike.

The recall animation remains the same and there are no new sound effects.

  • General appearance: 7/10
  • Ability animations: 6/10
  • SFX: 5/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 23

The skin is available for 975 RP.


5. Surgeon Shen

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See Surgeon Shen in action: Surgeon Shen Skin Spotlight

Surgeon Shen features him as an oversized scalpel-wielding healthcare professional with an aqua-coloured uniform, a stethoscope and glasses. The skin changes the usual purple of Shen’s abilities to an aqua. The sword is now an oversized scalpel and there are minor particle changes as well. Overall this is a nice skin for its price.

  • General appearance: 9/10
  • Ability animations: 6/10
  • SFX: 5/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 25

The skin is available for 975 RP.


4. PsyOps Shen

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See PsyOps Shen in action: PsyOps Shen Skin Spotlight 

PsyOps Shen features him as a psychic soldier. The base variant of the skin has greyish colours. The colours of the abilities have a multi-coloured touch to them which pleases the eyes.

The sound effects are neat and the recall animation features the hologram of a young boy that is supposed to follow the storyline behind the PsyOps theme.

The downside to this skin is that other than the colour changes to the abilities and the SFX changes, the skin isn’t that good to look at. It seems like a worse version of base Shen. Then again, it’s a subjective feeling. Some people like this skin while others don’t.

  • General appearance: 7/10
  • Ability animations: 6/10
  • SFX: 7/10
  • Recall animation: 7/10
  • Total: 27

The skin is available for 1350 RP.


3. Pulsefire Shen

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See Pulsefire Shen in action: Pulsefire Shen Skin Spotlight

Pulsefire Shen was the first ever epic skin for Shen. The skin features Shen in red, white and blue colours with all new animations, SFX and particles.

Shen’s sword has a new model and when it passes through enemies, it glows red. Ki strike has new sharp sound effects as well that go along with the theme. All abilities have “Pulsefire” themed SFX and particles.

The recall animation looks awesome as Shen opens a gateway to another dimension (the base) using his Pulsefire weapon.

  • General appearance: 8/10
  • Ability animations: 8/10
  • SFX: 6/10
  • Recall animation: 8/10
  • Total: 30

The skin is available for 1350 RP.


2. Infernal Shen

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See Infernal Shen in action: Infernal Shen Skin Spotlight

Infernal Shen features him as an Infernal warrior from the Underworld. The skin looks blazing hot (pun intended) and awesome. From the new SFX that are way more satisfying than Shen’s usual SFX to the new weapon models, the skin seems like a good option for Shen fans.

All of Shen’s abilities have fiery particles to them and sounds of flames can be heard when using any of them. The skin does well to follow the theme. The recall animation looks crazy as Shen dives into the Underworld.

  • General appearance: 9/10
  • Ability animations: 8/10
  • SFX: 8/10
  • Recall animation: 8/10
  • Total: 33

The skin is available for 1350 RP.


1. Shockblade Shen

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See Shockblade Shen in action: Shockblade Shen Skin Spotlight

Shockblade Shen’s concept comes from his brother Shockblade Zed which has been a trendy skin for Zed mains. And Riot did not disappoint while designing this skin. From the particles to the sound effects to the ability animations and recall animation, this is the best skin yet for Shen.

The sound of thunder is audible in all his abilities. Electricity even flows through his passive shield. Ki strike when empowered makes Shen’s blade yellow. Shen’s dash feels like he turns into electricity himself. The ultimate surround Shen by thunder as he teleports to his allies.

This would’ve made a fantastic legendary skin and would’ve solved the problem of Shen’s ancient voice lines. But still, we can’t complain.

This skin is highly recommended if you’re looking to buy a single skin for Shen. It’s worth all the bucks.

  • General appearance: 10/10
  • Ability animations: 10/10
  • SFX: 9/10
  • Recall animation: 10/10
  • Total: 40/40

The skin is available for 1350 RP.


Legacy Skins

3. Frozen Shen

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See Frozen Shen in action: Frozen Shen Skin Spotlight 

Frozen Shen makes Shen look like “Sub-Zero” from Mortal Kombat. Sadly, there are no frozen effects or particles that come with this skin. Everything except the model is the same as base Shen.

  • General appearance: 7/10
  • Ability animations: 5/10
  • SFX: 5/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 22

The skin can be bought for 520 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can also be obtained through Hextech crafting or purchased via “My Shop”.


2. Yellow Jacket Shen

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See Yellow Jacket Shen in action: Yellow Jacket Shen Skin Spotlight 

Just like Frozen Shen is inspired by Sub-Zero, this skin is inspired by “Scorpion”. And yet again sadly, we don’t get a “GET OVER HERE!” line when he calls his sword towards him.

The model of Shen looks awesome. Everything else is the same as base Shen.

  • General appearance: 8/10
  • Ability animations: 5/10
  • SFX: 5/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 23

The skin can be bought for 520 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can also be obtained through Hextech crafting or purchased via “My Shop”.


1. TPA Shen

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See TPA Shen in action: TPA Shen Skin Spotlight 

TPA Shen was released after Stanley’s performance in the 2012 World Championship. The theme is Shen as a modern street ninja. The best thing about the skin is the auto-attack sound effects. They sound much smoother and soothing than Shen’s regular auto-attacks. Shen’s model also looks better with the new colours and the headphones.

  • General appearance: 8/10
  • Ability animations: 5/10
  • SFX: 7/10
  • Recall animation: 5/10
  • Total: 25

The skin can be bought for 750 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can also be obtained through Hextech crafting or purchased via “My Shop”.

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