LoL Best Kha’Zix Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome (Worst To Best)

Kha'Zix Best Skins
03 Aug 2022

Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver is an evolving predator with cool-looking abilities. Here we have compiled a list of all Kha’Zix skins ranked from worst to best so that you don’t have to waste any money. Kha’Zix is one of those champions with no “bad” skin. Hence it is tough to rank them. We will be rating all skins based on general appearance, ability animations, SFX and recall animation.

6. Guardian of the Sands Kha’Zix

Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix Skin Spotlight

Guardian of the Sands Kha’Zix was the second released skin of the champion after Mecha Kha’Zix. Being an old skin, it doesn’t have special animations. The recall animation is also underwhelming compared to the latest skins. One good point about his skin is the SFX. The blades sound very satisfying, giving a sandy-blade feeling.

General appearance: 6/10

Ability animations: 8/10

SFX: 8/10

Recall animation: 5/10

Total score: 26

The skin costs 975 RP.

5. Mecha Kha’Zix

Mecha Kha'Zix Skin Spotlight

Mecha Kha’Zix is the first Kha’Zix skin that was released with the champion. It is one of the best skins of the Mecha skin-line with nice effects and SFX considering how long ago it was released. Back then, recall animations didn’t use to be like they are now so that is the only thing that sucks. That said, the skin could use a revamp. A variety of chromas are also available with the skin.

General appearance: 8/10

Ability animations: 7/10

SFX: 7/10

Recall animation: 5/10

Total score: 27

The skin costs 1350 RP.

4. Championship Kha’Zix

Championship Kha'Zix Skin Spotlight

Championship Kha’Zix is one of the best-looking Kha’Zix skins. Available only during LCS season, this is one of those skins that every Kha’Zix main must have. Like all championship skins, it gives that same blue, golden, silvery feeling. What’s awesome is when he jumps and lands with his E, it imprints an LCS logo on the ground. The recall animation is also a spectacle to look at.

General appearance: 9/10

Ability animations: 7/10

SFX: 6/10

Recall animation: 8/10

Total: 30

The skin costs 1350 RP and is only available during the LCS season.

3. Death Blossom Kha’Zix

Death Blossom Kha’Zix is one of the smoothest Kha’Zix skins. It really depicts the theme well. Once the ultimate is evolved, Kha’Zix looks like a dying flower. The Q animation is very cool looking with great SFX. What is so awesome though is the recall animation; he literally wraps up inside 3 petals. The cost of the skin is the real deal breaker.

General appearance: 9/10

Ability animations: 8/10

SFX: 8/10

Recall animation: 8/10

Total: 33

The skin costs 975 RP.

2. Odyssey Kha’Zix

Odyssey Kha'Zix Skin Spotlight

Odyssey Kha’Zix is the latest Kha’Zix skin in the game. It fulfills the Odyssey skin theme line, showing Kha to be an intergalactic species troop killer. Like all Odyssey skins, it is well designed with great SFX. With that being said, it does look like a better version of “Mecha Kha’Zix”. 

General appearance: 9/10

Ability animations: 9/10

SFX: 8/10

Recall animation: 10/10

Total: 36

The skin costs 1350 RP.

1. Dark Star Kha’Zix

Dark Star Kha'Zix Skin Spotlight

Dark Star Kha’Zix n is the best Kha’Zix skin out there. The visual and sound effects for this skin are stunning. It compliments the personality of Kha’Zix and turns him into an alien predator. The R transformation makes the skin look even more fantastic. This skin could have been a legendary skin if a little more work was put into it but it’s still by far the best skin for Kha’Zix up till now.

General appearance: 10/10

Ability animations: 10/10

SFX: 9/10

Recall animation: 9/10

Total: 38

The skin costs 1350 RP.

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