LoL Best Jhin Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome (All Jhin Skins Ranked Worst To Best)

Jhin official splash art
03 Jul 2022

As a stylish killer, Jhin is one of the champions in League of Legends that is hard to master because of his reloading mechanics. For this article, we will rank his skins from worst to best, so players can kill their enemies with finesse and fashion while using the skins that they chose to buy. 

7. SKT T1 Jhin

SKT T1 Jhin Spotlight

Jhin was chosen by Bae “Bang” Jun-Sik as his second champion to get a skin for their championship run during Worlds 2016. The red and gold colors and the design of his costume reflects the emblem of SK Telecom T1. This skin offers an awesome splash art, new skill effects, particles, sound, and a one of a kind recall animation showing a dancing Jhin which Bang personally choreographed, along with his signature.

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points once it is re-released from the legacy vault.

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SKT Jhin shared splash art

6. Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin

Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin Spotlight

Shan Hai Scrolls are introduced with a teaser trailer on January 29, 2021, where Jhin is one of the enemies of Neeko. This skin offers a brand new skills, sound, particle effects, and a new recall animation. For the model of the skin, players are quite disappointed because it is similar to his default skin, and a bit underwhelming. A Chroma Bundle is available if players want to change the secondary colors of the skin and skills. 

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

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Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin splash art

5. DWG Jhin

DWG Jhin Spotlight

This skin is made to honor Jang “Ghost” Yong-Jun’s performance with his teammates during Worlds 2020. It comes with a new skill effect which highlights the colors and emblem of DWG, sound, particles, and a recall animation. If players use Jhin’s ultimate, they will see guitar strings, and hear the song “Take Over” which was released during Worlds 2020. Players may also buy the Chroma skin for this skin if they want a deeper shade of blue for this skin.

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points once it is re-released from the legacy vault.

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DWG Jhin shared splash art

4. Blood Moon Jhin

Blood Moon Jhin Spotlight

Powered by the Blood Moon, Jhin kills all of his foes, whether it is a demon or person. The skin offers stunning splash art, new skill effects, particles, sound effects, and recall animation. Some players consider this skin as one of the best in the Blood Moon skin line because of the blood magic that can be seen in each bullet Jhin releases. 

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.

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Blood Moon Jhin splash art

3. High Noon Jhin

High Noon Jhin Spotlight

High Noon Jhin is the skin that players can buy for Jhin when he is released. In this skin, Jhin is dressed as a cowboy from the west, covering his face using a bandana and of course, a cowboy hat. It also comes with new particles, recall animation, and the gun sounds that players loved. They can also buy the Chroma Bundle if they want to change the color of the skin.

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points. 

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High Noon Jhin splash art

2. Project Jhin

Project:Jhin Spotlight

Project Jhin is one of the three skins that was featured in the Project | Hunters trailer. Being an epic skin, it offers new particle effects, skill effects, recall animation, and a new voice-over. Players can also get the borders of this skin during the Project Hunters event. 

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points. 

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Project:Jhin splash art

1. Dark Cosmic Jhin

Dark Cosmic Jhin Spotlight

Legendary skins are pricey, but Dark Cosmic Jhin is a must buy for every Jhin mains. This skin is extremely elegant in every way; the in-game model, new voice-over, emotes,sound effects,particles,idle,walking,attack animations, and recall animation where he has four arms. Players also think that the in-game model is way better than the splash art which is a good thing. The skin also offers special interaction if players encounter different cosmic skins as their enemies.

How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard from Hextech Box, chance to get it as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1820 Riot Points.

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Dark Cosmic Jhin splash art


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