Last Epoch vs Path of Exile: Top 10 Differences

 Last Epoch vs Path of Exile: Top 10 Differences
12 Apr 2024

What is “Last Epoch”? Good question although I would be surprised if you haven't heard at least the name mentioned in the last few weeks. Last  Epoch is a new contender in the Isometric ARPG landscape which consists of Diablo, Path of Exile, and Grim Dawn to name a few. You play a hero of your choice and venture through 5 distinct eras (or Epochs) of time to save the world from itself. You will fight monsters, find loot, and ascend to the status of legend. 

What is Path of Exile? Not a question I likely have to answer, but I will nonetheless. Path of Exile is the direct competition to Diablo and the two are often compared even though the games only share a camera perspective and loot hunt. You will fight monsters, find loot, and… well you know the rest. Saying what each game is out loud makes them sound overly similar. Every house is the same if your only criteria is “Does it have a front door”. We are concerned with what is behind that door. In this article, we will look at 10 major differences between these two popular ARPGs. 


10: Path of Exile is free to play

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Path of Exile logo

Path of Exile(PoE) is free to everyone on all platforms and has been since its initial release. Last Epoch at the time of release costs $35. This is a fair price, but gamers with a tight bank account should consider and will consider this when making a decision. Both games at the time of writing still offer free expansions though. So your $35 is a one-time price if you choose to give it to them. 


9: Last Epochs stash system is more consumer-friendly

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Last Epochs stash system

The difference between ARPGs when it comes to stash space is vast. Diablo never has enough, PoE lets you buy more when you need them, and Last Epoch lets you make unlimited stash tabs. Yes. Unlimited. You can even group them up into subcategories, and change the name, icon, and color for each tab and category. This system is a loot hoarder's paradise that would make Larfleeze and Smaug satisfied.


8: Last Epoch is simpler for all intents and purposes

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Last Epochs classes and masteries

The game is not simple. I know you read that title and thought “How simple?”. You still have to think, it's just not PoE where most people let others think for them. You don’t need a guide to make a build, and you don’t need to study the game stats and attributes for 3 years before doing things on your own. You simply choose your class, unlock skills, and make a build around what you like. 


7: Skills automatically unlock in Last Epoch as you level

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Rogue passive tree and its unlockable skills

In PoE you find skill gems in the colors of red, green, or blue; That you socket into their corresponding slots in your gear. If the gem is not socketed you do not have the skill usable. Last Epoch is more similar to Diablo 3 where skills unlock as you level up. You get a skill when you level every 5 or so levels. You also can unlock skills by speccing points into your passive trees. 


6: Every skill has its own skill tree

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Necromancer skill tree for Bone Golem

As mentioned above, you find skill gems in PoE. You also find support gems to modify said skills. Well in Last Epoch skills unlock as you level. What also unlocks is a specialization slot. These slots allow you to unlock trees for the 5 skills you use further augmenting your playstyle. I have run a lightning shaman but nearly all of my skills allow me to convert them to frost damage with a couple of points. I am tempted daily. 


5: Last Epoch lets you skip the campaign

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Last Epoch world map

You can choose to skip the campaign on an alternate character if you would like by doing a few dungeons. In PoE, you are expected to venture through all 10 acts every time you create a new toon. The campaign skip in Epoch is not as simple as that of Diablo 4, but it is a neat little system. You will find three dungeon keys in the world to skip the main campaign and save yourself several hours of repetitive grind. I’ve left a link to a guide that better explains the process below.


4: Path of Exile makes you grind for your ascendancy class

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Duelist ascendancy selection

In PoE, you have to complete the Labyrinth(a dungeon in Act 3) three times to unlock your ascendancy and get all its skill points. In Last Epoch you simply complete act 4 and reach the “end of time” zone. From there you spec into the mastery of your choice. It was far less time-consuming to me in Last Epoch than it was in PoE to get a build online. 


3: Path of Exile has more endgame content

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PoE Map device

This is a technicality but it is still the truth. While it is not a fair comparison PoE truly does have more endgame content. The game came out in 2013 and has received an update every 3 months since then. Last Epoch hit its 1.0 release four weeks ago. Last Epoch still has a fun endgame, but variety is where the current PoE beats them out. It should be mentioned though that Epoch already has updates and new endgame content to be added in the coming months for free. 

2: The trading system is wholly original in Last Epoch

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Last Epoch trading factions

In PoE trading is active through the entire game and has no limitations. In Last Epoch you will choose between the Circle of Fortune and the Merchants Guild. This choice decides whether or not you will be trading with other players. Circle of Fortune members will find better drops but cannot trade those drops with other players. Merchants guild members get average drops but can trade for better ones in the Bazaar. Players can freely switch between the two factions but the gear will not. This means that something you found with CoF active cannot be traded.

1: Last Epoch is a much newer game

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Heorot concept art

Last Epoch came out on February 21st, 2024. Path of Exile came out on October 23, 2013. These two games are over a decade apart so Last Epoch has better graphics due mostly to its more modern lighting rig. Its more recent release status also means that it has a lot more gas left in the tank. Path of Exile is at the end of its life cycle with Path of Exile 2 just beyond the horizon. If you want a game that feels more modern and has a lot of life left in it, I would go to Last Epoch. If you want a game that has a decade of polish I would go with Path of Exile. Either way, you’re in for a great experience. 


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