[Top 3] Genshin Impact Best Arataki Itto Builds That Wreck Hard!

09 Jan 2022

Arataki Itto is one of the latest characters included in Genshin Impact. He’s the first one of Inazuma’s characters from a not-human race: the onis. The red horns in his head betray him, letting everyone know how mighty his race is.

This might he has is shown in his combat style as well. A brute force gameplay, based on powerful normal and charged attacks. It’s as easy as it’s deadly. With the guide below, you will understand better the different ways to play with Itto.

3. Archaic Petra Set + Shimenawa’s Reminiscence Set

First of all, we have to note that Itto hits like a truck with the three sets proposed. However, it’s true that there are better builds than others. The worst of the three is the use of 2 Archaic Petra artifacts and 2 Shimenawa’s Reminiscence Artifacts.

What this build does is increase both the ATK% and the Geo Damage. Although a Geo Damage increase is always welcome, Itto’s base ATK is really low because his damage comes from his defense-based elemental burst. That’s why this isn’t his best build.

What This Build Excels In:

  • 1. Main DPS: Itto’s normal attacks when not using his burst are based on his ATK and not on his DEF or Geo Damage. That’s why this build, which is half-focused on ATK, is better than the others when it comes to continuous damage.
  • 2. Burst DPS: As his Geo Damage is also increased, both his elemental skill and elemental burst will have increased damage. However, his burst scales from his DEF, so it won’t have as much of an increase.

Build details:

  • Weapons:
    • 5-star option: Redhorn Stonethresher (Critical Damage)
    • 4-star option: Whitebland (DEF%) or Serpent Spine (Critical Rate)
    • 3-star option: White Iron Greatsword (DEF%)
  • Artifact stats:
    • Sands: DEF%
    • Goblet: Geo Damage Bonus
    • Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage

2. Archaic Petra Set + Husk of Opulent Dreams Set

The second build we offer gives your Itto both a Geo Damage Bonus (Archaic Petra) and a DEF% Bonus (Husk of Opulent Dreams). This build is made to increase the damage output from his burst, so his normal attacks are less powerful.

However, if you use some support character with high Energy Recharge, Itto will be able to constantly spam his burst and only deal Geo Damage normal attacks based on his defense. This is one of his best builds for sure.

What This Build Excels In:

  • 1. Burst DPS: After using his burst, because of the Geo Damage and DEF increase, the damage dealt by his normal attacks will be HUGE in comparison with the other build.
  • 2. Main DPS: In this case, Itto’s normal attacks before using his burst won’t be as powerful, but his main attraction is spamming his burst so it doesn’t really matter.

Build details:

  • Weapons:
    • 5-star option: Redhorn Stonethresher (Critical Damage)
    • 4-star option: Whitebland (DEF%) or Serpent Spine (Critical Rate)
    • 3-star option: 
  • Artifact stats:
    • Sands: DEF%
    • Goblet: Geo Damage Bonus
    • Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage

1. Husk of Opulent Dreams Set

Finally we have the best build of all. What this build offers us is practically the same as the last one. However, the DEF% bonus can get up to 54% instead of 30% and the Geo Damage Bonus can get up to 24% instead of 15%!

Numbers may seem just numbers. But do you know what a 54% increase is? His burst will deal more than half of his initial damage! This build is really crazy if used correctly, so trust us and farm the Slumbering Court domain until you get all the artifacts.

What This Build Excels In:

  • 1. Burst DPS: Yeah. The same as in the last build. But with bigger damage. Even bigger than you can imagine. HUGE DPS.
  • 2. Main DPS: In this case it’s better than the second build. This is due to the high Geo Damage and the low cooldown of his skill, which can be spawned while waiting for the burst and also deals tons of damage.

Build details:

  • Weapons:
    • 5-star option: Redhorn Stonethresher (Critical Damage)
    • 4-star option: Whitebland (DEF%) or Serpent Spine (Critical Rate)
    • 3-star option: 
  • Artifact stats:
    • Sands: DEF%
    • Goblet: Geo Damage Bonus
    • Circlet: Critical Rate or Critical Damage

As you can see in the huge damage numbers on the video, Arataki Itto, leader and founder of the Arataki Gang, has established himself as one of the best DPS in the game. Not only that, the Geo Resonance and the super useful support he gets from characters like Gorou or Albedo make him even more amazing.

The time to pull for him has already passed. It’s a pity, but if this article convinced you to get this character, start saving primogems so that you can pull from him as soon as his rerun is announced.

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