Top 10 Games Like Metro (Games Better Than Metro In Their Own Way)

games like metro exodus
22 Feb 2019

Let's Countdown To The Best Games Like Metro and Metro Exodus

Metro hit a lot of good notes.

Most importantly, it told a great story and flawlessly immersed players into a terrifying setting.

The creatures help tell the story instead of becoming annoying inconveniences to the players.

We feel the following top 10 games like Metro capture those important aspects in horror and survival gaming.

10. SOMA (Developer: Frictional Games)

SOMA Gameplay

SOMA is a sci-fi nightmare that ultimately leads us to a question about identity.

After watching our character fade in and out of consciousness, unable to fully distinguish dreams from reality, we finally awake in a deep-sea research facility.

A grim reality where humans can be merged with machine. Where they can go insane trying to accept what they have become.

Players are given limited tools and no weapons. Fighting back isn’t an option. Survival relies on hiding until the big baddie finds something else to sniff around.

SOMA uses a click and drag system to interact with the objects in the world. Mechanics also utilize character collision, so if a door is open, characters can bump it closed with their bodies.

Something interesting in SOMA is the puzzles, most just require a little attention to the setting, such as a password scribbled on some paper.

Others are hidden, in fact, the developers even put a puzzle in the games file folder named supersecrets.rar.

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Survival relies on hiding until the big baddie finds something else to sniff around.

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Explore interesting and terrifying environments.

9. Hunt Showdown (Developed by: Crytek)

Hunt Showdown Gameplay

Put your boots on the ground as a hunter, search for clues, kill monsters and compete with other hunters.

The first hunter to kill the big monster of the map claims the prize, but at a cost. The hunter becomes the hunted and any player can hunt them down to steal the prize.

Hunt Showdown takes a horror themed 19th-century setting and successfully turns it into a horror filled online first-person shooter.

Players must survive in a map filled zombies and various Lovecraftian style monsters. Players are given a good range of weapons; shotguns, rifles, revolvers, and even melee weapons such as knives and machetes.

Taking the currently popular Battle Royale theme, Hunt Showdown adds its own twist.

The map is filled with clues, special monsters, lore and mysticism. Players are drawn towards each other not because the map is closing in but because it’s a step closer to their goal.

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Team up with other hunters, take down enemies and find clues faster.

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Face numerous terrifying creatures.

8. REBORN (Developed by: Knife Entertainment)

REBORN Gameplay

Reborn seeks to give birth to a new genre of horror, one where players can scare the monsters.

Reborn is a first-person survival horror game that looks to be filled with new and classic occult.

Developers from Knife Entertainment claim that players will have a wide selection of weapons and tools to hunt down the monsters around them. Just remember that while players can fight back, there is a reason they need to.

Reborn is still yet to be released and how it will be unique in the realm of survival horror, remains to be unseen. Still, Reborn looks extremely promising.

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Step into classic horror, this time with a chance to fight back.

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Players will have a wide selection of weapons and tools to hunt down the monsters.

7. Witch Hunt (Developed by: Andrii Vintsevych)

Witch Hunt Gameplay

The main objective in Witch Hunt, is hunting. To do this players step into the haunted woods and look for treasure, clues and of course, monsters.

We enter the woods and face off against several different and interesting enemies. Creatures in Witch Hunt are can be plentiful, almost annoying in their consumption of valuable ammo. But others are tricky and dangerous forcing players to think and plan. Maybe even run.

Players can use unique weapons and ammo, tools and even magic to hunt their prey. While on the hunt, players can easily be drawn to large landmarks with great rewards or terrible horrors.

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The woods are filled with strange things and various enemies.

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Ghouls may be an easy target but their plentiful and ammo consuming.

6. F.E.A.R. (Developed by: Monolith Productions)

F.E.A.R. Gameplay

In F.E.A.R. players take control of the Point Man, a First Encounter Assault Recon soldier tasked with taking down an army of telepathically controlled super soldiers. Players fight through hallways, labs, warehouses, and other unique settings that allow combat for both the player and the enemies to be adapted.

With a wide arsenal of weapons to take down enemies, F.E.A.R. even adds in some slow-motion features to up the fun. Upgrading your health and abilities also comes at a unique price, facing your fears.

Despite being released in 2005, F.E.A.R. is considered to have some of the greatest enemy AI to this day. It’s nothing ground breaking but it is a beautiful combination of level design and AI, it feels as though the AI was customized for every level. Enemies will even attempt to crawl under fallen debris while their teammates give them cover fire. Another great feature is the voice recordings, enemies call out where the player is in detail, “Over behind the bookcase!” instead of, “Over there!” It’s a detail that really immerses you into the action.

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Slip into slow motion and get the drop on enemies before they get the drop on you.

5. Fallout 4 (Developed by: Bethesda)

Fallout 4 Gameplay

The highly anticipated Fallout 4 didn’t seem to let many fans down as it brought us all to the wastes of Boston. Frozen alive and forced to watch the murder of their spouse and kidnapping of their son, our protagonist finally gets free. Fallout 4 is a hunt to find your stolen son; and revenge.

Explore the open map of Boston and its surroundings, alone or with a companion. Take on countless side quests, fight against or with four major factions, build your own settlements. Seriously, build little towns.

Fallout 4 also did a complete overhaul of their crafting system. We mentioned building settlements but Fallout 4 now let’s players completely customize their weapons and armor. Almost every object in the game is usable.

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Fallout 4 strives to produce a more city like setting similar to the actual Boston.

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Customize your power armor, try out a new jet pack. Just make sure you have enough fuel.

4. Miscreated (Developed by: Entrada Interactive)

Miscreated Gameplay

Dropped into a fallen future, everyone is just hoping to survive. It’s a harsh world with little kindness, weapons and items have all been scavenged and the few you do find will have other players looking to take them.

Miscreated is filled with danger, players might survive a horde of mutants only to be taken by wolves. But the most unpredictable and dangerous of all is the other players. Players can share weapons and items out of kindness or simply hunt you for sport.

Despite the rough setting, Miscreated offers players several options to survive. Players can craft and build, camp and cook, players can even, as we mentioned, hunt. If they hunt animals or humans is up to them.

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Players might survive a horde of mutants only to be taken by wolves. Or maybe a bear.

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 Build your own buildings, make it your base or even a trap.

3. STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (Developed by: GSC Game World)

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Gameplay

Set in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone after a second event, STALKER creates an award-winning atmosphere that not only looks terrifying but is open and engaging. This first-person survival horror game sets players out in an open world filled with mutants and gangs.

STALKER is a beautifully open game where you can choose to follow the story or completely lose yourself exploring the wilderness. The world is littered with weapons; pistols, shotguns, SMGs, assault rifles, snipers, and even rocket and grenade launchers. If you can find it, you can use it.

STALKER also has an interesting artifact system where anomalies create items with various abilities. Our favorite is a literal meat chunk that increases your health. Yum?

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Scavenge the wastes at your own risk, mutated humans and creatures lurk around every corner.

2. BioShock (Developed by: 2K)

BioShock Gameplay

Set in a fallen 1960s underwater utopia, BioShock crashes players into a scary steampunk fiction with iconic and unique enemies. Big Daddies protecting Little Sisters, junky splicers trying to drain you or just kill you for fun. Fallen utopia is a gentle description.

Despite BioShock being a first-person shooter, players are given a choice on if shooting it out is the best way around an enemy. Players can sneak or even talk their way around some enemies. With a selection of powers called plasmids, players can even set traps to help avoid or combat their foes. Should you choose to shoot it out, players are given an arsenal of weapons and combat plasmids to tear enemies apart.

Traditional weapons can be used and upgraded throughout the game but BioShock really shines with plasmids. Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, ice and sonic powers, you can even send out a swarm of bugs.

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Get to close to a little sister and face a Big Daddy.

1. Resident Evil 7 (Developed by: Capcom)

Resident Evil 7 Gameplay

Resident Evil 7 brings players in as a hopeful system engineer, named Ethan, set on finding his missing wife. In a terrifying display of domestic violence, your wife brutally stabs you with a knife and even cuts your hand off with a chainsaw. And I thought I had marriage problems. Regardless, Ethan sets out to find a cure and escape with his wife.

Stepping away from large and varied maps, Resident Evil 7, immerses us into the intimate setting of a ranch home. It’s a return to the classic first-person horror; focused on the noises behind you, the fear of what’s around the corner. Combat takes a bit of a back seat, in fact, two of the early enemies are completely immortal. Players are forced to sneak, run and hide just to progress.

Being a system engineer with no tactical training, weapons feel heavy. Aiming slows you down and shooting seems to only delay the monsters you hope to kill. It adds to the significant sense of helplessness. Still as the game progresses, so do the weapons, players can find axes and knives, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, flamethrowers and even a grenade launcher. Each has its own unique feel and usefulness in an otherwise horrific setting.

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Meet the Bakers.

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