[Top 15] FF16 Best Items In The Game

22 Feb 2024

One of the most important highlights and trademark features of the latest entry of the Final Fantasy series is its combat. It shines best throughout the game whenever you’re fighting tougher enemies and bosses that are way above your level.

What helps the combat shine through and through is the use of different weapons, gears, vembraces, and accessories that help amplify your gameplay.

Without further ado, let’s get on with some of the best items that you can craft and use in your journey towards Final Fantasy XVI.


15. Adamantite Gauntlets

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Adamantite Gauntlets

First up, we have the Adamantite Gauntlets which are a mandatory addition to this list! The Adamantite Bracelets/Gauntlets are a recurring accessory featured in every iteration of the Final Fantasy series and it is a welcoming sight to see this item make an appearance in the latest iteration as well!

What it does is that provides a whooping 500 HP boost towards Clive’s healthbar! Some enemies in the game hit harder than usual and when they do land a hit, this item would help you get back on your feet.

What makes Adamantite Gauntlets useful:

  • Increases the HP of Clive by 500, providing for additional health boost against enemies.
  • Grants Clive the ability to get his feet back up in combat and deal with enemies tougher than him.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Adamantite Gauntlets: Found in a white Fallen chest near the Edge of Infinity fast travel Obelisk in Waloed.


14. Genji Gloves

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Genji Gloves.

The next item on the list is the Genji Gloves, which is also another recurring item within the franchise, just like the Adamantite Gauntlets!

What this bad boy does is increase Clive’s attack output to 5%! Not just in combat but in magic as well!

What makes Genji Gloves useful:

  • Increases Clive’s damage output to 5% towards all enemies, making Clive unbeatable.
  • Grants Clive the ability to get his feet back up in combat and deal with enemies tougher than him.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Genji Gloves: You can attain the Genji Gloves by completing sidequests as well as fulfilling the Patron’s Whisper Requests, and Alliant Reports to get 2365 Renown in order to unlock this.


13. Berserker Ring

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Berserker Ring.

The Berserker Ring is next on the list and, as the name implies, increases the output of Clive’s attack potency more in combat.

The ring works differently, however, in that the attack output is increased after every precision dodge, which is the most rewarding combat mechanic of the game yet. So, the more last-second dodges that you do, the more the attack output is increased. 

What makes Berserker Ring useful:

  • Increases damage dealt towards the enemy with every precision dodge made by Clive.
  • Grants Clive the ability to get his feet back up in combat and deal with enemies tougher than him.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Berserker Ring: You can attain the Berserker Ring by completing sidequests as well as fulfilling the Patron’s Whisper Requests, and Alliant Reports to get 85 Renown in order to unlock this as a reward.


12. High Cleric’s Medallion

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High Cleric’s Medallion

Up next is the High Cleric’s Medallion, and this, too, is amongst some of the most important items that you need to keep in your inventory.

A useful tool, the High Cleric’s medallion increases the potency of the healing effect of “Hi-Potions” by 25% which can save Clive from imminent death when facing against a tougher enemy. You will need Cleric’s Medallion

What makes the High Cleric Medallion useful:

  • Increases the potency of the “Hi-Potion” healing effect by 25%.
  • Grants Clive the ability to get his feet back up in combat and deal with enemies tougher than him.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get High Cleric Medallion: You can attain the High Cleric’s medallion by completing sidequests as well as fulfilling the Patron’s Whisper Requests, and Alliant Reports to get 715 Renown in order to unlock this.


11. Cavall’s Fang +1

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Cavall’s Fang base form.

This is the upgraded version of the Cavall’s Fang, as the name implies, and is a new item featured exclusively in the latest iteration of the Final Fantasy series.

What this does is that it increases Torgal’s attack potency throughout the combat. So, whenever you order Torgal to bite or launch the enemies in mid-air, keep this accessory equipped to deliver some killer damage as well, and if you equip this with Cavall’s Fang as well as this, the attack potency increases quite a bit!

What makes Cavall’s Fang +1 useful:

  • Increases attack potency of Torgal when fighting with enemies to give an edge.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Cavall’s Fang +1: Reward for completing the side quest, "A Bone to Pick".


10. Crimson Tassels +1

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Crimson Tassels Base Form

Going further in this list, we have the Crimson Tassels on the next spot, and it is also another important accessory to keep in your inventory!

The mechanics for this item are a tad bit complicated. It increases the amount of Limit Break generation by 6% when dealing damage towards enemies. A pretty useful tool when in combat!

What makes Crimson Tassels +1 useful:

  • Increases Limit Break Generation amount by 6% when dealing damage towards enemies.
  • Can be combined with Crimson Tassels (Base Version) to exponentially increase the Limit Break gauge.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Crimson Tassels: Available at Charon’s Toll for 26000 gil after completing the “Cid The Outlaw” main quest.


9. Cobalt Tassels +1

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Next, we have the Cobalt Tassels +1 and they work differently compared to the Crimson Tassels above on the list.

What this bad boy does is that it generates 12% of the Limit Break gauge whenever Clive takes damage from enemies instead of dealing damage towards enemies. Pretty different but still essential item, nonetheless. The base form of Cobalt Tassels produces 6% of the Limit Break gauge, and if you combine this with the +1 variant, it should make you unstoppable.

What makes Cobalt Tassels useful:

  • Increases Limit Break Generation amount by 12% when dealing damage towards enemies.
  • Can be combined with Cobalt Tassels (Base Version) to exponentially increase the Limit Break gauge.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Cobalt Tassels: Can be bought on Hawk’s Cry Cliff for 24000 gil.


8. The Golden Testament II

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The Golden Testament II is the next item on the list and this is one of those items that can be found during New Game + mode.

If you’re looking to increase the amount of gil that you have by 50% and become a millionaire by the end of the New Game +, this item takes the cake for the task.

What makes The Golden Testament II useful:

  • Increases the amount of gil earned throughout the game by 50%.
  • Can be equipped with The Golden Testament to exponentially increase the amount of gil attained.
  • Accessory allocation can be experimented upon.

How to get The Golden Testament II: Available to reinforce in New Game+ from Blackthrone if you have The Golden Testament present in your inventory.


7. Channeler’s Whispers

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Channeler’s Whispers.

Onto the next item, we have the Channeler’s Whispers accessory, and this one is useful for all the magic lovers out there!

With this accessory equipped, you won’t need to hold down the magic button to charge it as it automatically charges your magic until fully done. You can instead slash your way towards the enemies and release a “Charged Shot” for extra efficiency!

The pre-requisite is that the “Charged Shot” must be unlocked for the charm to take its effect.

What makes The Channeler’s Whispers useful:

  • Helps deliver Charged Shot without the need to hold down the charge margic button.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get The Channeler’s Whispers: Available at Charon’s Toll once you have completed the “Cid the Outlaw” main quest.


6. Badge of Might +3

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Badge of Might +1.

As you go higher up the list, you’ll the importance of the items increase in its value; that is where the Badge of Might +3 comes in the list.

It increases Clive’s attack by 32. That is a lot! With constant reinforcement, Clive will be a literal powerhouse against his enemies!

What makes Badge of Might +3 useful:

  • Increases Clive’s attack by 32, making him a literal force to be reckoned with.
  • A greater edge in combat as well as attack power is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Badge of Might +3: Complete the “Caulk and Bawl” side quest in Final Fantasy mode twice to get Badge of Might +1 two times. Combine them at Blackthrone’s Forge to get Badge of Might +3.


5. Badge of Mettle +3

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Badge of Mettle.

Now, we’re on the top spots starting with #5, which is the Badge of Mettle +3, and this one here is a make-or-break tool!

The +3 form of the Badge of Mettle, which can be attained during New Game +, increases Clive’s defense up to 90! That really makes him an unbreakable Titan. (Pun-intended)

What makes Badge of Mettle +3 useful:

  • Increases Clive’s defense up to 90, making him a titan against enemies.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Badge of Mettle +3: Complete the “A Culinary Pilgrimage” side quest in Final Fantasy mode twice to get Badge of Mettle +1 two times. Combine them at Blackthrone’s Forge to get Badge of Mettle +3.


4.  Cleric’s Medallion +1

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Cleric’s Medallion +1.


On #4, we have the Cleric’s Medallion +1 accessory, and if you’re a guy who almost uses potions in every fight or boss battle, then this accessory may be a perfect fit for you.

The Cleric’s Medallion +1 increases the healing potency of simple potions by 40%, whereas the base form does by 20%. Only available in New Game + mode, of course, but it's a worthy addition nonetheless.

What makes Cleric’s Medallion +1 useful:

  • Increases the potion healing potency by 40%, giving Clive a chance to make a comeback.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Cleric’s Medallion +1: Defeat Chirada for the first time during the "Louder Than Words" main quest on your first playthrough and reinforce it in New Game + at Blackthrone’s Forge.


3. Dire Wolf Jess +1

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Dire Wolf Jess.

On #3, we have the Dire Wolf Jess accessory, which is also another worthy addition to the list, and you’ll know why is it placed amongst the top 3.

What this accessory does is that it increases the combo damage by 10%; that way, you can keep pulling those sick moves whenever you’re fighting hordes of enemies or just one huge boss!

What makes Dire Wolf Jess +1 useful:

  • Increases combo output by 10%.
  • A greater edge in combat is attained.
  • Goes well with your Eikon Build setup.

How to get Dire Wolf Jess +1: Reward from the "Safe Passage" donation at the Patron's Whisper for reaching 295 Renown during New Game +.


2. On Fortune and the Heavens II 

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On Fortune and the Heavens.

On #2, we have the On Fortune and the Heavens II which is one of the most useful items that you can have in your inventory.

This is the reinforced form of On Fortune and the Heavens and it increases the EXP gain by 50%! You can even equip this along with its base accessory to get a whopping 80% EXP Boost!

What makes On Fortune and the Heavens II useful:

  • Increases EXP Gain by 50%, making for more leveling up.
  • Can be equipped with On Fortune and the Heavens for more exponential level boosting of Clive.
  • Makes Clive unstoppable in the later stages of the game and during New Game +.

How to get On Fortune and the Heavens II: Available to buy the base form from Charon’s Toll after “Cid the Outlaw” has been completed and reinforced at Blackthorne at the Hideaway when two of it’s copies have been bought.


1. The Wages of Warcraft II

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The Wages of Warcraft.

Finally, on the #1 spot, we have The Wages of Warcraft II, the reinforced form of The Wages of Warcraft.

To attain the “Masterclass” trophy, you will need to have unlocked every single Eikon Slot available, and that happens when Ability Points (AP) are saved up.

What this does is that it increases the AP gain during normal encounters by 40%, and like the previous item above, you can equip it with its base form to get a 60% AP Gain boost.

What makes The Wages of Warcraft II useful:

  • Increase in AP Gain by 40%, which can help unlock Clive’s Eikon Abilities.
  • Can equipped with The Wages of Warcraft to provide a 60% boost in AP Gain.
  • Helps in unlocking the “Masterclass” Trophy early on.

How to get The Wages of Warcraft II: Buy two “The Wages of Warcraft” from Charon’s Toll available after completing the “Cid the Outlaw” quest and reinforce it to get “The Wages of Warcraft II” during New Game +.


And that’s about it with the best items in-game! See you next time.


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