FF14 How To Hide Headgear

FF14 How To Hide Headgear
04 Dec 2021

Are these headgears covering your beauty? Or the lower level headgears in Final Fantasy XIV is fugly?

Ahahaha! You can say that again! But no worries! If you don’t have any low-level glamour to cover them, there is always a solution, which is...to hide them! It’s even better if you have a great rare hairstyle you want to show! Do you want to know how? Well, here is how!

Hide your headgears:

  • Open the ‘Character’ menu and select ‘Character’ or press [C] if you haven’t changed the default button,
  • Bellow your character display you will see 3 small icons on the left, and 3 on the right,

Body Image

  • The second button from the left is the icon to hide your headgear!

Now, you can hide those fugly headgears! But if this isn’t your choice, you can simply get a low-level glamour! That will also do nicely! Which one do you choose? Is up to you~

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