[Top 5] FF14 Endwalker Best Levequest for Gil

final fantasy, ffxiv, mmo, mmorpg, ff14, final fantasy 14, endwalker, best levequest, gil farming
12 Jul 2022

Final Fantasy XIV is a game that places a premium on its current in-game currency, Gil. Gil can be obtained in a variety of ways, including completing main and side missions, participating in daily roulettes, selling items on the Market Board, and many more.

Levequests are one of the most popular and simple ways to earn Gil that has been around for a long time. Levequests are optional quests that can be obtained in each region (ARR) and expansion (Heavensward onwards).

While this approach is not as efficient as it was during the Shadowbringers era due to the developers nerfing the amount of Gil one can obtain from doing levequests, it is still one of the best ways to get Gil in Final Fantasy XIV right now.

This article will list five crafting levequests that players can do to earn Gil. Because levequests allowances are not unlimited, it is recommended that players do this once a week to avoid exceeding their levequests allowances.


5. Plying With Precision

The first Endwalker levequest included in this article is Plying With Precision, a level 88 Blacksmith Levequest. Aside producing earning money, it is also an excellent way to raise one's Blacksmith level from 88 to 90.

How Much Can You Make:

  • This levequest will ask the player to submit one Chondrite Pliers to Ahldryn in Old Sharlayan
  • Upon completion, players will get 5,040 Gil as reward, along with Crystals and other miscellaneous rewards.
  • Players will also get an extra 5,040 Gil for submitting High Quality Chondrite Pliers, so it is recommended to craft or buy High Quality ones instead of only normal.

How It Works:

  • Players can take the quest ‘Plying with Precision’ from Grigge in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can craft or buy Chondrite Pliers with a Blacksmith or in the Market Board.
  • Players can submit the Chondrite Pliers to Ahldryn
  • Players then get the reward from completing the levequest from Grigge.
  • Repeat the whole process once a week.

4. Practical Command 

Practical Command is the second levequest discussed in this article and is another excellent option for gamers looking to earn Gil.

How Much Can You Make:

  • Players can submit 3 bottles of Commanding Craftsman’s Draught to Ahldryn after taking the quest.
  • Players then will get 5,000 Gil after completing the quest
  • In addition, players will get an extra 5,000 for submitting High-Quality Commanding Craftsman's Draught, so it is recommended to craft HQ items instead of normal ones to be submitted.

How It Works:

  • Players can take the quest 'Practical Command' from Grigge in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can craft 3 bottles of Commanding Craftsman's Draught with an Alchemist, as one craft will get 3 bottles.
  • An alternative way is buying the bottles from the Market Board.
  • Deliver the bottles of Draught to Ahldryn in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can then get the rewards for completing the quest from Grigge and 5,000 Gil.
  • Repeat this process every week or so.

3. Mindful Study

Mindful Study is the third levequest included in this article, and it is also a levequest exclusive to Alchemists.

How Much Can You Make:

  • Players can get 5,040 Gil upon completing this levequest.
  • Additionally, players can get 10,080 Gil instead for submitting High-Quality items instead of Normal ones, so it is recommended to craft or buy High-Quality items.

How It Works:

  • Players can take the levequest 'Mindful Study' from Grigge in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can then craft three bottles of Grade 5 Tinctures of Mind with an Alchemist. Similar to the previous levequest, players can get three bottles of the tinctures with one craft.
  • Deliver the three bottles of Tinctures to Ahldiryn in Old Shalayan.
  • Players can then report back the completion of the quest to Grigge and receive the rewards and Gil.
  • Repeat the process every week or so, it is also important to note that players can take different Levequests at once.

2. Blast from the Pasta

Blast from the Pasta, a tradecraft levequest for Culinarians, is the fourth levequest featured in this article.

How Much Can You Make:

  • Players can get around 5,040 Gil after completing the quests by delivering the necessary items to the related NPCs.
  • Just like the previous levequests, players will get an extra 5,040 Gil for delivering High-Quality Bowls of the Noodles of Elpis instead of normal ones.

How It Works:

  • Players can take the quest 'Blast from the Pasta' through Grigge in Old Shalayan.
  • Players can then craft three bowls of Noodles of Elpis by switching to a Culinarian. Note that only one craft is required for this, as a completed crafting for this item will yield three bowls instead of only one.
  • Alternatively, players can also buy these bowls of Pasta through the Market Board.
  • Players can deliver bowls of noodles to Ahldiryn in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can then report back to Grigge to get their rewards for completing the levequest.
  • Players can then repeat the process every week or so.

1. The Mountain Stepped

The final levequest included in this article is also a tradecraft levequest for aspiring Culinarians.

How Much Can You Make:

  • Players can get a total of 5,040 Gil from completing the quest by submitting Tsai tou Vounou.
  • 5,040 of extra Gil will also be given to the players if they submit high-quality Tsai Tou Vounou instead of normal ones, so it is recommended to get some High-Quality ones for more Gil.

How It Works:

  • Players can take the quest 'The Mountain Stepped' from Grigge in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can then craft three plates of Tsai Tou Vounou with a Culinarian. Just like the previous levequest, only one successful craft is enough to get three plates.
  • Alternatively, players can buy them from the Market Board. It is recommended to get high-quality for either one of them to get the bonus Gil for completing the levequest.
  • Submit the plates of Tsai Tou Vounou to Ahldiryn in Old Sharlayan.
  • Players can then submit back the quest to Grigge and receive the rewards.
  • Players can repeat the steps every week or so to get the most Gil for themselves.

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