[Top 3] Eternal Return Best Chiara Builds That Are Great

Eternal Return, ERBS, Augments, Black Survival, new moba 2022, battle royale 2022, anime fighter 2022, anime game
13 Apr 2022

Hello everyone, today we will be continuing our series of character builds. This time we will be talking about The Fallen Angel Chiara. While she has been nerfed, there has been a recent resurgence of Chiara players as they have found a way for her to compete competitively. 

When it comes to Chiara builds she can only go Rapier however people have found ways to take Chiara’s rapier build and completely switch it on its head based on what items and skills she prioritizes. From an assassin to a tank to a constant DPS Chiara has become much more versatile than before due to her Nerfs.

3. R= Executed by TNLWM613


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This Chiara Build is a spectacle to watch as it absolutely destroys most if not all things in her path. It is a more tanky, skill cooldown reduction type of build that allows her to maintain her ultimate for as long as possible to get the execute effect off. 

While Chiara is not meant to be a tank this build allows her to play like one while she drains life using her ultimate. This also means that she is weaker in a fight when her ultimate is off cooldown. Other characters may share the same weakness but Chiara is one of the few characters that truly feel like a different character with her ultimate. 

This build requires a lot of materials to get going though so make sure you minimize time spent fighting and maximize your hunting route and searching. 

What makes it good

  • Extremely Durable
  • Slows and shielding for days
  • Fast movement speed (once fully built) 
  • High attack damage
  • High skill siphon 

Build Path

You need to build Mistilteinn + Amazoness armor + Helm of the Banneret + Sheath of Shah Jahan + EOD Boots + White Crane Fan

To do this you need to go to Hospital > Cemetary>Archery Range> Alley> Beach. But you must also pick up a paper fan from Chapel, Forest, or Avenue along the way or after you are done. 

Skill Tree

Unlike most other characters, Chiara has no dashes but you still start E because of the slow it provides. You max out R>E>W>T>Q so that you can maximize damage. 

This build is not as reliant as others on Augments but the most common set of augments are Support + Fortification; you take Healing Factor as your main augment, then get Thorn Shackles, Assembly, Embolden, and Steadfast. 


2. Sulwon’s Assassin build


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As the name suggests this build has a high critical strike chance and multiplier. It revolves around attacking fast and critting often to delete enemy health bars. Using her ultimate as a range extender as well as a blink when it comes to fighting multiple enemies in a row. 

This was the most powerful Chiara build back in season 4 however with the nerfs this lost some popularity as her critical damage multiplier was decreased and more items were changed to defend against auto attacks better. Still, its power remains as it boasts a powerful 100% critical strike chance. 

There are very few things that can upgrade this build any further so once you complete it you are near peak item potential and can seriously dish out some damage. 

What makes it good 

  • 100% crit 
  • Her skills naturally allow her to close the gap and attack often. 
  • High burst potential when ambushing 
  • Less reliant on landing skill shots
  • Good self sustain

Build path 

You go Volticietto + Optical Camouflage Suit + Crystal Tiara + Creed of the Knight + Bucephalus + Buccaneer Doubloon. 

The path you need to take is this Hotel> Pond> Avenue> Alley> School. This goes through a lot of areas shared by plenty of build paths so be sure to go fast as items you need might be snatched away. 

Skill Tree

You start with your E then max T(passive)> R>E> W> Q. make sure you also level up your weapon skill as this build scales extremely well with weapon damage. 

For Augments you go Havoc + Support, taking Frenzy as your Core Augment, with Quench Stopping power, Thorn Shackles, and Theia as your Sub- Augments


1. Moonhs0823’s Chiara Build 


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This build is a similar take on the previous assassin build but rather than chase that guaranteed crit it sacrifices some crit rate for increased movement speed. This takes care of Chiara’s weakness of not having a dash and allows her to constantly attack enemies while on the move.  

This build is a little like a hybrid of the two previous builds as it has tankiness and damage at the same time. As a bruiser you aren't as reliant on grinding out fights with others but at the same time, you don't instantly pop people’s health bars. 

This build lets you move fast even without a dash, which means faster farming and faster item collection. Don't be afraid of using your ultimate to fight bears so long as you know how to play around with those cooldowns. 

What makes it good 

  • In-built reflect damage 
  • Tanky 
  • Moves Fast
  • Respectable attack damage and speed
  • Can be directly upgraded with things like Meteorite and Tree of Life. 

Build Path

Durandal Mk2+ Optical Camouflage Suit + Mohawk Headgear+ Creed of the Knight + Bucephalus+ Laced Quiver

To do this you need to go to Hospital> Cemetary> Avenue> Docks> Chapel. Many people end in areas like Docks and Chapel so they may look for a fight while you are still gathering strength. Just keep in mind that Laced Quiver can be upgraded into Sultan Adorned if you manage to get Meteorite. 

Skill Tree

You start with your E then max E>T>R>W>Q so you can maximize your damage. 

For Augments much like the first of this list, there is nothing, in particular, that is sought after however the most common builds use Fortification and Support using Healing Factor as your Core Augment and having Thorn Shackles, Assembly, Embolden, and Steadfast as your Sub-Augments.


And that is the list. Did you enjoy it? If you did, maybe check out these other articles too:

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