[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Support Players In The World Right Now (2022 Edition)

10 Jun 2022

The Dota professional scene is quite the competitive scene. Anyone can try getting in but not everyone has the luck or the skill required to succeed! There are various hardships and challenges faced by most players. Not all are cut for being a professional, but the ones mentioned in this list have defied all odds and made a name for themselves as being the best in their regions!

We have compiled this list of the Best 10 Support Players in the World. These players have seen the highs and lows, most of them are even considered to be legends. We hope this list inspires you to grind in your ranked games!

10. Saksa

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A mix of both gentle giant and the dark horse, Martin “Saksa” Sazdov was the key behind OG qualifying for the 10th International. His swift and clever plays have received acclaim from fans all over the world. Hailing from Macedonia, Saksa became a household Dota name in just a matter of years.

Making the bold and hectic decision of quitting university is no easy feat. Saksa knew what he was capable of. After finding little to no luck in mediocre teams, the American giant DC was able to recruit him a few months before the 6th International. Following a string of average results, DC managed to qualify for the International through the open qualifiers, with Saksa being credited as the MVP. 

DC defied the audience’s expectations by defeating teams like Fnatic, and EG, reaching the grand finals of a $20 million tournament. Saksa, again, was credited for DC’s heroic and unimaginable run, even though they fell short to Wings gaming in the finals. Saksa became the most sought-after player in 2016. He is also known for having 3 accounts in the top 10 of the Dota 2 leaderboards. Saksa has reached great heights, quite literally as he is 6’8”. 

Recent Major Tournament Achievement 

3rd Place -  ESL ONE Stockholm - $1,000,500

Saksa Highlights 

Saksa Twitter 

9. Cr1t-

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If you take a peek in the top 100 of the leaderboards, it’s unlikely that you find a support player there, except for Cr1t who is always in the top 10. Andreas “Cr1t” Nielsen has an exceptional gift of versatility. Even if you ban his primary hero pool, he will dominate the game with his unconventional meta-defying heroes and builds. He is the first support player to reach 11,000 MMR. He is often known for playing high-skill heroes like Earth Spirit, Dark Willow, and Pangolier.  

Cr1t is one of the few players who found immediate success in the professional scene. Initially known only for playing ranked games, Cr1t made up his mind and was part of various teams in the mid-2010s. He gained popularity after joining Monkey Business (which eventually became OG). Cr1t gained his much-deserved breakthrough with OG, winning a total of 4 majors. 

After his long run at OG, Cr1t left for the North American giant EG. The initial shift from flashy free-roaming support to a captaining and more grounded lane support was hard for him, but under his captaincy, EG had improved tremendously. EG always hovered in the top 3 of any tournament, improving slowly but at a steady pace. Consistency was the key behind EG’s success, the same goes for Cr1t. 

Recent Major Tournament Achievement  9-12th Place - The International 10 2021 - $800,400

Cr1t Highlights -  

Cr1t Twitter 

8. DJ

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DJ shook the world with his impressive performance with teams like Rave and the legendary Fnatic, which he still is playing for. His flashy yet mind-boggling plays earn him a spot on this list! Dj often shuffles between heroes, showcasing impeccable versatility. He is quite often seen having a ball whenever he plays live on stream.

Dj is credited for being an exceptional player/ His insightful and deep understanding of the game has garnered him praise and recognition all around the world. His signature heroes should be feared. He is extremely mechanically skilled, he can read the map well and react instantly during high-pressure situations!

Dj was a known name in the SEA community, often seen in LAN cafes playing local tournaments. But it wasn’t until he joined the legendary team, Rave, that it became his stepping stone into international recognition. His playstyle received great attention when he made the switch to the famous team Fnatic. He still is full of surprises and knows his way around heroes. 

DJ Highlights!

DJ Twitter 

Recent Tournament Achievement  7th-8th ESL One Stockholm $12,000

7. iNSaNia

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This HoN veteran is a crowd favorite! Aydin”iNsaNia” Sarkohi is quickly gaining popularity as one of the rising captains of the game. His experiences in previous MOBA games have given him an edge, he knows how to outsmart his opponents! 

Insania is an immensely talented support player, known to play the sacrificial lane support role. He is known for his big brain plays as well as insane calculations. Besides Rubick, Insania is known to master various heroes and has immense game knowledge. Alongside having sufficient mechanical skill, Insania is also known to be a great captain, leading his team towards victory without tilting! 

Starting his professional Dota career in 2016, it took iNsaNia quite a while to find his footing in pro-Dota. It wasn’t until he was a part of the legendary team NiP that he was getting noticed. Further, iNsaNia captained team Alliance, the roster which was known to be together for quite the longest time in recent times. The unfortunate breakup of this squad saw him moving on to greener pastures and achieving more success with Team Liquid, which he is also captaining at the moment.

Insania Twitter

Insania Highlights! 

Recent Tournament Achievement - 1st Place DPC EU $30,000

6. YapzOr

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Not all players can be good at stealing your hearts with their high-quality gameplay, speaking of stealing, there is one player who knows how to steal well. Yazied “YapzOr” Jaradat is, without doubt, the best Rubick player that we have seen in recent times. Rubick may be his specialty but he excels on all the position 4 heroes available in the game. 

Hailing from Jordan, YapzOr started his professional career with semi-professional and random stacks, not finding any major success. That was changed after becoming the newest addition to Escape Gaming, though they placed dead last at the International 6, it put YapzOr under the radar of professional teams. Quickly becoming a hot commodity. 

YapzOr found a new home in Team Secret, which he still is a part of. He is known for mastering a variety of heroes, exhibiting his flashy and greedy playstyle. Sometimes you won’t know if he is the support player or the mid laner due to his heavy farm as he goes neck and neck in terms of net worth with enemy core heroes! His only aim now is to retire after lifting the Aegis.

Major Tournament Achievement OMEGA League Europe Division 2020 - 1st Place $200,000

YapzOr Highlights 

YapzOr Twitter 

5. xNova

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Hailing from Malaysia, xNova made a name for himself in China as one of the flashiest and smartest players. xNova was one of the first players to make the rather uncommon switch of playing for a Chinese team. The decision was unusual but he fit like a glove!

xNova is known for innovating interesting item builds on position 5 heroes. He was on the LGD lineup that was inches away from winning the Ti in 2018. Apart from being a great player, xNova is humble and wholesome in his pub games. He is one of the superstar players, meaning he can make any hero work and he makes it look effortless!

There are various pos 4 players from China, but none come close to the level of xNova. There are various clips on YouTube of him outplaying his enemies, and he keeps on adding a few more outplays to the list every other day! xNova is one of the few players that deserve a Ti. 

Recent Tournament Achievement 2nd Place Huya Winter Invitational $25,000

xNova Twitter 

xNova Highlights! 

4. SoNNeiko

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Sonnieko is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable players to emerge from the CIS region. It is evident that the region needs better captains, Sonneiko fills this void. Along with his mega-mind drafts, he is also known for his impressive game sense. His camera control and hero Mirco are also praise-worthy.

Currently part of team BetBoom, Sonneiko emerged into the competitive scene in early 2015 after joining the legendary Na’Vi. He was merely 18 when he joined the likes of Dendi! Under his captaincy, various teams have managed to reach new heights and achieve success. His determination and mechanical skill are always the centers of praise. 

Even in the recent Stockholm Major, BetBoom managed to reach the main stage against all odds. With Sonneiko helming the team, we hope they achieve major success! 

Recent Tournament Achievement 7th-8th ESL One Stockholm- $12,500

Sonnieko Twitter

Sonnieko Highlights! 


3. Seleri

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Seleri made his splash into the competitive scene at a very early age. Often playing for tier 2-3 teams, he always showed potential as a great team leader and support player. Over the years, he managed to become a great drafter, often showcasing his immense game knowledge. 

Seleri is known to play sacrificial lane support, a style that is often overlooked in terms of skill. He is known to keep calm in high-pressure situations and exhibit impressive gameplay. He is great on sacrificial supports, often seen setting up ganks or stacking for his carry. 

Seleri loves purchasing utility items that provide him and his team escape and mobility. His role in team Gaimin Gladiators, who are currently predicted to be the next big thing, is quite a significant one. Besides being a great captain, Seleri is also a great drafter, which is essential for guiding a team full of young blood like Gaimin Gladiators. 

Recent Tournament Achievement 4th Place ESL Stockholm - $50,000

Seleri Twitter

Seleri Highlights 

2. Taiga

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Everyone that is following the professional Dota scene knows that Taiga is a ruthless player. He came out of nowhere and now is a household name. His fast-paced yet calculated gameplay is the reason why he is ranked so high on this list! He is known to step up when needed and is the vital reason why OG won the Stockholm Major last month. 

Taiga started his professional Dota career with SFT esports, though the team lacked synergy, Taiga played with the likes of the two-time Ti champion Topson and legendary CIS player Illidan. Though that was a failed venture, he definitely learned his lessons and improved immensely, being quite highly rated on the leaderboard. Which was the reason he was picked by the legendary Team Alliance. 

After close to a 5-year stint with his teammates, Taiga moved on to greener pastures by joining the world-famous team OG. This team consisted of then-unknown young blood. Under the exceptional guidance of Notail and Ceb, team OG improved immensely coming into 2022. They qualified for the Stockholm Major and ended up winning it flawlessly. Taiga played a variety of heroes and was considered to be the MVP of the tournament. With the Ti inching closer, we wish Taiga and team OG the best!

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place ESL Stockholm - $200,000

Taiga Twitter 

Taiga Highlights!


1. DuBu

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Dubu is essentially a household name in the NA region. His impressive performance and captaincy land him at such a high spot. He is seen constantly grinding and climbing the leaderboards by exclusively playing support heroes. He is also criminally underrated, but people are slowly realizing his worth after the recent success of TSM under his captaincy. 

Dubu is known to play a wide variety of support heroes, even the unorthodox ones. His sacrificial playstyle has worked wonders for all the teams he has played for. His deep and immense knowledge of the hero and the game makes him a great support player. His signature heroes are often banned in pub games due to his incredible playstyle.

Dubu loves rotating quite early in the game even as lane support, this secures wins in other lanes and ensures solo XP and farm to his carry. TSM’s legendary run at the recent Stockholm Major is all due to the drafting skills and prowess of DuBu.

Dubu Twitter

Dubu Highlights

Recent Tournament Achievement - 2nd Place ESL ONE Stockholm $100,000

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised