[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Offlane Heroes

21 Feb 2024

You’ll never know hardship until you play the offlane. Considered as one of the most infuriating lanes in the game, the offlane is home to the most unfavorable conditions that make even the mentally strongest minds crack. Having the task of laning in the suicide lane, there is surely one side of the map that is sure to lose their marbles. With this, let’s talk about the top 15 offlaners that can help you not lose yours.


15. Beastmaster

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Beastmaster is one of the most stable offlaners in DotA 2. Having a versatile kit that allows him to lane and team fight, Beastmaster is able to farm up and have enough for the fight. Although having a semi-difficult skill set that involves controlling multiple units, mastery over this hero will make your lane a favorable one.

Beastmaster is adept in overwhelming his opponents in lane with his powerful beasts. He is able to make space for himself to safely farm the lane and the jungle. With this, he gets his items even while laning in the offlane. With this lead he gets a tremendous advantage over enemies in team fights, showing off his mastery over the beasts. His most significant trait is his ability to start and initiate fights for the team. With a heavy engagement tool on a core member, Beastmaster and his allies are able to aggressively pounce on the disabled enemy, making quick work of the hero.

What Makes Beastmaster A Powerful Offlane:

  • Beastmaster’s Call of the Wild Boar and Call of the Wild Hawk let him use his boar and hawk to effectively maneuver the lane. His boar can damage and slow enemies while his hawk can give vision. These two serve as effective forms of vision and zoning while Beastmaster remains safe.
  • Being a universal-based hero, Beastmaster benefits from all attributes. This allows him to build a wide variety of items based on the game while also gaining a little of something from the 3 attributes, further boosting his stats. 
  • He has the tools to aid his allies, which stem from his Inner Beast and Primal Roar. His Primal Roar is the core skill Beastmaster has in team fights. This singular skill just decimates any hero caught in it due to the length of the duration of the stun, which even pierces any form of magic immunity.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Beastmaster:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Blink Dagger
  • Black King Bar
  • Assault Cuirass
  • Crimson Guard

Beastmaster is Strong Against:

  • Troll Warlord
  • Sven
  • Wraith King

Beastmaster is Weak Against:

  • Abaddon
  • Timbersaw
  • Winter Wyvern

See Beastmaster in Action:

Beastmaster gameplay.


14. Enigma

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image via estnn

Enigma is a being from the stars, consuming all through his immense Black Hole. In the War of the Ancients, Enigma serves as a powerful offlane with a game-changing ability. His laning is one of the greatest, due to his available skill set. In team fights, he becomes a monster, giving all the space in the world for his team.

Enigma is able to survive the offlane with ease due to his Demonic Conversion. This skill allows him to farm up, pressure, harass, zone, and destroy enemies in lane. With this immense laning ability, Enigma can easily transition into the late game. His team fighting capabilities greatly enable his allies to take over the game. Being an initiator, Enigma is tasked with setting up his team for victory by utilizing his powerful AOE skills.

What Makes Enigma a Powerful Offlane: 

  • Enigma can farm the lane and the jungle with his Demonic Conversion. By spawning eidolons, Enigma gains additional units to control for his own purpose. These can be used for farming, harassing, and zoning. Efficient use of these eidolons can win Enigma the lane while also getting ahead in resources.
  • Enigma’s ultimate, Black Hole, is easily one of the best team-fighting abilities in the game. With a large AOE that disables and pulls in enemies even with magic immunity, Black Hole catches all enemies caught in it and makes them vulnerable to your teammates' damage. This skill is also upgradeable through Aghanim’s Scepter, making it a very versatile late game option.
  • Enigma is a universal hero, meaning he can benefit from multiple sources of attributes. This allows him to build a diverse and versatile item build while still getting sufficient advantages.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Enigma:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Blink Dagger
  • Black King Bar
  • Refresher Orb
  • Octarine Core

Enigma is Strong Against:

  • Lifestealer
  • Troll Warlord
  • Wraith King

Enigma is Weak Against:

  • Bristleback
  • Doom
  • Warlock

See Enigma in Action:

Enigma gameplay.


13. Tidehunter

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Tidehunter is one of the more commonly used offlaners due to his durability, damage, and ultimate ability. This tough offlaner can easily survive the offlane and thrive off one core item, Blink Dagger. With the ability to soak a load of damage, this tank dominates the battlefield while giving space for his team. 

Tidehunter excels in lane against physical damage carry heroes. He has two abilities that negate the damage coming from this specific source. With this, he is a direct counter to a huge chunk of them. Despite being an immobile tank, Tidehunter has the tools to chase and lock down any foe. In addition to this, he can safely farm up the lane, while also getting another avenue to farm up in the jungle. Zoning is also another trick Tidehunter has in his sleeves, with the ability to push enemies away and take zero-to-little punishments.

What Makes Tidehunter a Powerful Offlane:

  • Tidehunter can set up his team for success with just one ultimate ability, Ravage. This ability spawns tentacles from under the ground and stuns all enemies in a wide radius. Ravage has been one of the most useful team-fighting abilities that the game has to offer due to its sheer damage and crowd control. This enables your cores to safely deal damage to vulnerable enemies.
  • Kraken Shell and Anchor Smash block and reduce damage respectively, allowing Tidehunter to thrive in the lane and especially in team fights. Anchor Smash can also be used to farm up in lane and the jungle, making it easier to get his core item, Blink Dagger. Once he has Blink Dagger, Tidehunter becomes a monster.
  • Being a strength-based hero, Tidehunter grows tankier and tougher the longer the game progresses. Partnered with his skills that negate damage, Tidehunter is unkillable.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Tidehunter:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Blink Dagger
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Refresher Orb
  • Guardian Greaves

Tidehunter is Strong Against:

  • Phantom Lancer
  • Windranger
  • Shadow Fiend

Tidehunter is Weak Against:

  • Anti-Mage
  • Juggernaut
  • Outworld Destroyer

See Tidehunter in Action:

Tidehunter gameplay.


12. Brewmaster

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image via pxfuel

Brewmaster is one of the most versatile heroes in the game. When in the offlane, Brewmaster can overwhelm enemies with his immense slow and damage. As the game progresses, Brewmaster becomes tougher to take down. When you think you can finally take him down, he just uses his ultimate trump card, which spawns 4 spirits that take his place in the battlefield. With his efficient laning and team fighting, Brewmaster dominates the game.

Brewmaster is adept in laning. He has the abilities to slow and annoy his enemies while giving himself space to smack them freely. His versatile playstyle is defined by the 4 spirits he has in his arsenal, giving him 4 different options on how to play the game. In lane, he is a monster to deal with. A tanky but hard-hitting hero, this offlane goes crazy when he reaches that late game.

What Makes Brewmaster a Powerful Offlane:

  • His Thunder Clap and Cinder Brew easily slow and damage enemies, making it a useful skill to pressure enemies in lane. His Drunken Brawler gives him a set of stats that vary with the situation he is in. This versatility and ability to adapt to any situation makes him a very powerful hero.
  • He is a universal hero, which means anything he builds gives him damage directly. He benefits from building stat-based items which give him damage in return due to his universal status. This also makes him a stronger hero with an even tougher nature.
  • Brewmaster’s ultimate, Primal Split, summons 4 spirits in place of his own. This comes with new HP bars and a new skill set, allowing him to soak more damage and deal more damage. Each spirit has its own special skills that can greatly strike terror in team fights, making it difficult for the enemy to operate.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Brewmaster:

  • Boots of Travel
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Black King Bar
  • Radiance
  • Assault Cuirass

Brewmaster is Strong Against:


  • Lone Druid
  • Lycan

Brewmaster is Weak Against:

  • Outworld Destroyer
  • Death Prophet
  • Doom

See Brewmaster in Action:

Brewmaster gameplay.


11. Dawnbreaker

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image via hitechglitz

Dawnbreaker is a strength-based hero that serves as a reliable tank for the team. Her tanky nature allows her to deal damage and soak up damage. She is a great second initiator and her skills allow her to create space for her team to deal damage. Dawnbreaker is one of those reliable heroes that you can depend on.

Dawnbreaker might not be a great initiator, but she can follow up from anywhere on the map to assist those who might need her aid. This allows her to become a great follow-up engagement hero, further pressing the advantage forward. Dawnbreaker also has abilities that allow her to pressure the enemy laner, making it hard for them to last hit and gain resources. Coupled with this, she can easily give her team. 

What Makes Dawnbreaker a Powerful Offlane:

  • Dawnbreaker is an offlaner with a reliable source of damage. She is one of the offlaners that can deal serious amounts of damage while still being able to soak up a lot of them.
  • Dawnbreaker can respond to any fight on the map by using her ultimate, Solar Guardian. This ability heals allies around a radius and teleports her to the target location. This amount of mobility can easily impact fights as responding at a moment’s notice is essential in the game.
  • Dawnbreaker’s insane crowd control can easily mow down enemies and render them vulnerable to you and your allies. With two forms of stuns and a slow, Dawnbreaker can easily win fights and lanes.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Dawnbreaker:

  • Desolator
  • Harpoon
  • Black King Bar
  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Assault Cuirass

Dawnbreaker is Strong Against:

  • Legion Commander
  • Naga Siren
  • Spectre

Dawnbreaker is Weak Against:

  • Lifestealer
  • Drow Ranger
  • Faceless Void

See Dawnbreaker in Action:



10. Spirit Breaker

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Spirit Breaker is a special case of a hero. This offlaner excels in skirmishes with supports. With a fairly high strength gain, the hero becomes extremely tanky in the late game with enhanced tenacity and mobility. Spirit Breaker has a reliable stun that is followed by a possibility to even deal more with his passive. This initiator can reliably target squishy supports and burst them quickly, working his way from the back.

Spirit Breaker’s laning is not of the greatest, but his ability to synergize with supports is a great indicator of his offlane ability. His mobility can easily allow him to reach areas that need aid, and turn things around when he arrives. He can easily poke out enemies, and get off scot-free without taking any real damage. His tanky nature is what really helps him thrive in the game, especially in the late.

What Makes Spirit Breaker a Powerful Offlane:

  • Spirit Breaker’s response and role in skirmishes creates leads that surely gets out of hand. With his ability to literally hit-and-run, Spirit Breaker charges in, gets the kill, gets out. His high damage and tanky nature allow him to do just that.
  • Spirit Breaker is a strength-based hero that benefits a lot from late game items that give him the stat. This makes him even tankier and stronger, making it harder for enemies to deal with his charge.
  • His ultimate, Nether Strike, breaks, bashes, and deals an immense amount of damage to the enemy. This single-target skill is easy to use and useful for catching core enemies that need to be shut down.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Spirit Breaker:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Silver Edge
  • Octarine Core
  • Heart of Tarrasque 
  • Black King Bar

Spirit Breaker is Strong Against:

  • Lycan
  • Weaver
  • Clinkz

Spirit Breaker is Weak Against:

  • Clockwork
  • Outworld Destroyer
  • Medusa

See Spirit Breaker in Action:

Spirit Breaker gameplay.


9. Sand King

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image via metaratings

Sand King is a reliable initiator who excels in laning, farming, team fights, and skirmishes. His powerful stun allows him to catch unsuspecting enemies from a distance, and his vicious ultimate allows him to deal immense damage to an area. With even minimal resources, Sand King can dominate the game and give sufficient space for his team to deal damage.

Sand King’s laning and resource gathering is one of the safest. His skills allow him to gather resources efficiently and safely in the lane and the jungle. His first contact in team fights puts him in our top 10, mainly because of the impact it brings to the table. Being a universal hero, Sand King benefits from the multiple stats his items give, giving him more room to thrive in the late game.

What Makes Sand King a Powerful Offlane:

  • Sand King’s crowd control and damage stemming from his abilities give him the avenue to make space for his team. Burrowstrike and Epicenter in particular are two abilities that work well with each other, giving him the upper hand in team fights. 
  • With the right items such as Aghanim’s Scepter and Blink Dagger, Sand King’s abilities can translate well into the late game against much stronger foes. 
  • His skills are versatile, and can be used offensively and defensively depending on the situation. With his flexibility in his abilities, comes his flexibility in his itemization. Sand King, being a universal hero, can benefit from almost every single item in the game, making him hard to build against.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Sand King:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Boots of Travel
  • Lotus Orb
  • Heart of Tarrasque 
  • Shiva’s Guard

Sand King is Strong Against:

  • Meepo
  • Phantom Assassin
  • Broodmother

Sand King is Weak Against:

  • Tidehunter
  • Zeus
  • Silencer

See Sand King in Action:

Sand King gameplay.


8. Legion Commander

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image via dotabuff

Legion Commander is a lane-dominant offlaner that can go toe-to-toe with any safelane carry. Her sustain is one of the things that keeps her safe and also allows her to farm efficiently in lane and in the jungle. She is very efficient in working with ally supports to lock down any hero that encounters them due to her ultimate ability. The longer the game goes on, the more damage she gets.

Legion Commander has the tools to survive in lane while also being able to gain enough resources to transition into the late game. Her core aspect is joining team fights with fellow supports to further increase her damage output through her ultimate. With this, comes her skills that ensure her safety. She is able to activate these to gain strong dispels, health regeneration, and movement speed. She is well able to transition into a carry once she gets enough items.

What Makes Legion Commander a Powerful Offlane:

  • Legion Commander can use Duel to force her and an enemy to attack her without using skills. This can isolate an enemy and allow her allies to help her focus the enemy down, giving the commander bonus damage when she wins. This translates into her ability to scale well into the late game.
  • Legion Commander can dominate the game with the right items. Her Blink Dagger and Blade Mail power spike can easily take down enemies once she casts duel on them. Black King Bar is also one of the items that makes her unstoppable in the late game, shutting down any offensive skills the enemy throws.
  • Being a strength-based hero, Legion Commander grows stronger the more she builds the attribute. She gains HP and damage. Coupled with her sustain and damage, Legion Commander is unstoppable in the late game.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Legion Commander:

  • Black King Bar
  • Blink Dagger
  • Assault Cuirass
  • Silver Edge
  • Desolator

Legion Commander is Strong Against:

  • Bristleback
  • Drow Ranger
  • Weaver

Legion Commander is Weak Against:

  • Mars
  • Medusa
  • Abaddon

See Legion Commander in Action:

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7. Dark Seer

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Dark Seer is one of the most impactful offlaners in the history of the game. With his immense laning and team fighting capabilities, Dark Seer proves to be an efficient laner and team fighter. His excellent lane control and resource gathering quickly propels him into a high position financially, making him gain even more items quickly.

Dark Seer’s abilities easily give him the advantage he requires. With excellent lane pressure, Dark Seer utilizes the advantages he gets and translates them into versatile itemization, building whatever is needed in team fights. His high mobility makes him a hard-to-catch hero, while also catching enemies off-guard. When it comes to lanes, the jungle, and team fights, Dark Seer dominates them all while being in the safety of his backline.

What Makes Dark Seer a Powerful Offlane: 

  • Dark Seer has a sustainable farming kit embedded in his skills. Making him easily gain resources safely. Coupled with this is his excellent lane pressure which easily prevents enemy carry heroes from farming and getting up close.
  • Dark Seer’s impact in team fights is tremendous. His Vacuum and Wall of Replica are game-changing abilities that can easily catch multiple enemies and put them at a disadvantage in an instant. This gives his team a chance to press on and finish all of them quickly. 
  • Being a universal hero, Dark Seer can build any item he wants and still benefit from it. His versatility when it comes to itemization makes it hard to counter and predict him.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Dark Seer:

  • Guardian Greaves
  • Blink Dagger
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Shiva’s Guard

Dark Seer is Strong Against:

  • Meepo    
  • Terrorblade
  • Broodmother

Dark Seer is Weak Against:

  • Sniper    
  • Bloodseeker
  • Ember Spirit

See Dark Seer in Action:

Dark Seer gameplay.


6. Night Stalker

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image via rare-gallery

Night Stalker is one of the most durable and hard-hitting offlaners in the game, offering a unique skill set that focuses on chasing and aggressive fighting. His dominance during the night shows his true potential as enemies just decide to fight or flee at the sight of him. He makes the entire battlefield his domain the darker it gets.

Night Stalker is a skirmish-based offlaner that thrives when allies hunt in the night, which further improves his own stats. His laning is standard, having no tools to farm in the jungle early. With this, Night Stalker looks for advantages by dominating the enemy safelane carry with the help of his supports. When the sun sets, Night Stalker becomes unhinged. All his abilities become insanely powerful.

What Makes Night Stalker a Powerful Offlane:

  • His vision control at night makes him see more than the enemy. This means his allies can also gain an advantage in vision control, which is a core aspect of the game. During the night, his abilities become stronger and he himself becomes a beast.
  • When it isn’t even close to nighttime, Night Stalker can forcefully end the day and make darkness prevail. This is his ultimate, Dark Ascension, which gives him more attack damage, unobstructed vision, and the ability to fly. Paired with his slowing and silencing abilities, the chase seems even more fun.
  • Being a strength-based hero, Night Stalker becomes more durable and powerful the later the game goes on if he builds strength items. Some of these are Heart of Tarrasque, Black King Bar, and Harpoon. The tankier he gets, the harder he is to get rid of considering he can literally fly.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Night Stalker:

  • Harpoon
  • Abyssal Blade
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Assault Cuirass
  • Blink Dagger

Night Stalker is Strong Against:

  • Storm Spirit
  • Puck    
  • Earthshaker

Night Stalker is Weak Against:

  • Troll Warlord
  • Chaos Knight
  • Sven

See Night Stalker in Action:

Night Stalker gameplay.


5. Axe

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image via cyber.sports

Axe is a melee hero who has aggressive written all over him. He can take lanes for himself and tank all the damage the creeps could dish out. This proxy type of laning is what made him famous. Along with this, comes his tanky nature. Axe is able to tank any form of damage and punish enemies for it. In other words, attacking him does not come freely.

Axe is one of the best tanks the game has to offer due to his taunt and passive. He is able to stay relatively healthy in lanes, farming up a storm. He can also transition into the jungle if the lane has become too dangerous. With strong resource gathering, Axe can farm up quite quickly, getting the items he needs to swoop in and own team fights, ending everything with his executing ultimate.

What Makes Axe a Powerful Offlane:

  • Counter Helix allows Axe to farm efficiently and quickly. This also allows him to deal pure damage to any enemy around him, shutting them down quickly with his taunt, Berserker’s Call. This combo coupled with his Blink Dagger and Blade Mail, can decimate any enemy hero. The more the merrier.
  • Axe’s lane dominance translates well into the late game. With his aggressive nature, he prevents the enemy safelane carry from getting any resources. His skillset gives him plenty of options. 
  • Axe is a strength-based hero that gets tankier the more you build him. He gets out of control in the late game, being virtually unkillable as he taunts and executes everyone tirelessly. 

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Axe:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Crimson Guard
  • Black King Bar
  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Overwhelming Blink

Axe is Strong Against:

  • Weaver
  • Huskar
  • Troll Warlord

Axe is Weak Against:

  • Doom
  • Necrophos
  • Outworld Devourer

See Axe in Action:

Axe gameplay.


4. Bristleback    

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image via dotafire

Bristleback is a durable offlaner who easily dominates the lane due to his low-cooldown skills that deal an immense amount of damage. He excels in the early game where enemies still have no answer to his spiked quills. In terms of team fighting, the longer it goes on, the better. His skills all stack, making him stronger the longer the fight goes on.

Bristleback’s damage is a consistent AOE type that gets more damaging the more stacks it has. His ability to soak up damage also complements well with the amount of damage he is able to give. He is also able to farm efficiently in lane and in the jungle, easily getting his items online. In skirmishes, he is a beast. He effortlessly takes his part in team fights, soaking damage for the team while also dealing his fair share. 

What Makes Bristleback a Powerful Offlane:

  • Bristleback is a durable hero who easily soaks up damage due to him being a strength-based hero. Coupled with this is his passive Bristleback, which allows him to take reduced damage from the back and also dish out a quill spray if the damage threshold is reached.
  • His abilities stack up and make him stronger. His Viscous Nasal Goo gets an improved slowing effect and armor reduction, his Quill Spray gets more damage, and his Warpath gives him more movement speed and attack damage. 
  • Bristleback is a great option for team compositions that focus on chasing and engaging. His itemization involves tank items that allow his team to continue chasing and dealing damage, as he is always there to soak up anything that the enemy might throw.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Bristleback:

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Bloodstone
  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Crimson Guard
  • Eternal Shroud

Bristleback is Strong Against:

  • Lycan    
  • Windranger    
  • Riki

Bristleback is Weak Against:

  • Anti-Mage
  • Legion Commander
  • Slark

See Bristleback in Action:

Bristleback gameplay.


3. Slardar

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Slardar is a durable offlaner who takes leads by being aggressive in lane. His lane dominance is seen in his abilities, which offer him a variety of ways to take control of the lane. His team fighting and skirmishing ability allows his team to dominate each and every one of them. This initiator is adept at getting in the face of the enemy and just crushing it.

Slardar is a strength-based with a very high strength gain at 3.6. This tanky offlaner packs a punch in lane due to his passive and active stun. Literally, those two skills easily dominate the lane, making the enemy safelaner suffer for just trying to last hit. Paired with a great support, Slardar can easily roam the map and take any unsuspecting enemy off-guard.

What Makes Slardar a Powerful Offlane:

  • His Guardian Sprint gives him an insane amount of mobility, especially in the river. This makes him chase efficiently and get to the fight faster.
  • Slardar can easily chain stun his enemies with his Slithereen Crush and Bash of the Deep. Just these two can ensure lane dominance as well as a fairly easy team fight. With the amount of crowd control Slardar has, his cores can efficiently deal damage and win the fight.
  • Slardar can amplify the damage of his allies by using his Corrosive Haze. This gives his allies vision of the enemy and an increased amplification of physical damage by reducing the enemy’s armor.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Slardar:

  • Harpoon
  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Black King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Blink Dagger

Slardar is Strong Against:

  • Pudge
  • Weaver
  • Bounty Hunter

Slardar is Weak Against:

  • Phantom Lancer
  • Phoenix    
  • Meepo

See Slardar in Action:

Slardar gameplay.


2. Underlord

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Underlord is a durable and versatile offlaner that is great at lane control, farming, team fighting, and laning. This all-around hero provides a huge boost in power to his team just by his skills alone. In terms of laning, Underlord easily dominates and zones the enemy safelaner from getting any resources early. This early dominance translates well into the late game.

Underlord is one of the most durable offlaners in the game, especially when he has his items. With his ability to be versatile in his items and playstyle, Underlord can easily transition from the laning phase and into any position in the late game. This hard-to-predict role easily disrupts enemies, making it hard for them to counter this playstyle.

What Makes Underlord a Powerful Offlane:

  • His Atrophy Aura is a very menacing aura for his enemies. This ability reduces the damage nearby enemies have, and also gives him more damage the more units he kills. This alone is a game-breaking ability as his allies would also benefit from it.
  • His Firestorm is a great zoning tool that can be paired with Pit of Malice to wreak havoc in the enemies’ lanes and ranks. Finally, his Fiend’s Gate can easily transport his team to crucial objectives, juking and tricking enemies who already have used up their skills and teleportation means.
  • Being a strength-based hero, Underlord can easily transition into a carry role due to his tanky nature and immense damage. By building core items such as Heart of Tarrasque and Radiance, this monster would be unkillable.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Underlord:

  • Guardian Greaves
  • Crimson Guard
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Shiva’s Guard
  • Heart of Tarrasque

Underlord is Strong Against:

  • Terrorblade
  • Phantom Lancer
  • Templar Assassin

Underlord is Weak Against:

  • Doom
  • Troll Warlord
  • Necrophos

See Underlord in Action:

Underlord gameplay.


1. Centaur Warrunner

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image via rare-gallery

For the best offlaner in this list, we have Centaur Warrunner. The vicious centaur is adept in soaking damage, and dealing it back. His excellent laning and team-fighting translate well into easily getting that victory. With a great support to back him up in the early game, Centaur Warrunner becomes a menace in the late game, overpowering anyone who stands in his way.

Centaur Warrunner is mostly known for his tanky nature and initiation abilities. He excels very well in skirmishes and team fights, making sure he gets in the face of the enemy and makes space for his allies. His abilities allow him to tank damage and still dish out a whole lot to enemies. He is a reliable tank and damage dealer and he only grows stronger the later the game goes on.

What Makes Centaur Warrunner a Powerful Offlane:

  • Centaur Warrunner’s damaging abilities with Retaliate and Double Edge ensure that his laning phase goes smoothly. With enemies finding it hard to deal with this aggressive and defensive hero, it is almost certain that he gets fed in the early game. 
  • Centaur Warrunner initiates fights with his Blink Dagger and Hoof Stop combo. This basic combo is the core for this hero and can easily start up a fight in their favor due to the immense AOE stun the skill offers.
  • When chasing or escaping, he can use Stampede to boost the movement speed of everyone on his team. This alone makes him a very valuable member of the team. 
  • Having a very high strength gain of 4 per level, Centaur Warrunner is one of the most durable and powerful strength heroes in the offlane. 

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Centaur Warrunner:

  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Crimson Guard
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Lotus Orb
  • Overwhelming Blink

Centaur Warrunner is Strong Against:

  • Phantom Lancer
  • Windranger
  • Arc Warden

Centaur Warrunner is Weak Against:

  • Clockwork
  • Lifestealer
  • Necrophos

See Centaur Warrunner in Action:

Centaur Warrunner gameplay.

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised