[Top 5] Dota 2 Best Nature's Prophet Builds That Wreck The Enemy Team!

13 Sep 2022

Nature’s Prophet is pretty much the embodiment of a great ganker! His green and serene appearance make him a leader amongst the jungle creatures. NP is one of the best rat heroes in the game, mostly due to his treants, which soak up the damage and provide extra damage while farming or pushing lanes. This hero is extremely flexible in any lane, making him a devastating force in the late game. 

To help you utilize him to the fullest, we have compiled a list of the best 5 Nature’s Prophet builds which are extremely good against any matchup.

5. Faith_Bian Build

Not all the players in the mentioned list have won the prestigious TI, Faith_Bian is one of the few Chinese players to have done the unthinkable. Offlane is the primary lane played by Faith_Bian, it is the only lane where Nature's Prophet suits the most.

Nature’s Prophet is a lethal hero and Faith_Bian is a lethal player, one fits the other like a glove! He loves opting for items such as the Assault Cuirass, Satanic, Aghanim’s Shard, and much more in the late game which makes him extremely lethal and allows him to take matters into his own hands. Black King Bar allows him to use his spells to the fullest without worrying a bit about his HP and resistance. If not controlled, his NP can quite easily capture the tempo of the game!

Use This Build If:

  • Your primary goal is to push lanes and rat whilst fighting at the same time. This hybrid build allows NP to both fight and push lanes whenever needed. Orchid of Malevolence and Assault Cuirass provide him with the ultimate team fighting tools, silence and a

Skill Points

  • Level 1: Nature’s Call - Converts an area of trees into treants which can be controllable, useful for the last hitting, and can be used to rat in the late game.
  • Level 2: Teleportation - Allows NP to teleport anywhere on the map, allowing him global presence and rat potential in the late stages of the game. 
  • Level 3: Nature’s Call
  • Level 4: Sprout - Sprouts a ring of trees around the targetted unit, it can be useful to trap enemies or convert the Sprout trees into treants
  • Level 5: Nature’s Call
  • Level 6: Wrath of Nature - Damages visible enemies all across the map, increasing the damage dealt based on the enemies hit by it.
  • Level 7: Nature’s Call
  • Level 8: Teleportation 
  • Level 9: Teleportation
  • Level 10: Teleportation
  • Level 11: Stats 
  • Level 12: Wrath of Nature

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Provides NP with the bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
  • Orchid of Maleovalnce - Bought at 12 minutes. On usage, Orchid silences the targetted enemy and makes them take a percentage of the damage dealt at the end of the duration. It is later upgraded into Bloodthorn 30 minutes into the game.
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 15 minutes. The Shard applies a curse on all enemy heroes, making them visible in fog while slowing them and dealing damage based on the number of trees in the radius. It is an extremely useful addition to the hero.
  • Shadow Blade - Bought at 19 minutes. Allows NP to go invisible and disengage or initiate the fight. It is further upgraded into Silver Edge at 21 minutes, which allows you to disable the passive abilities of enemies by applying Break.
  • Assault Cuirass - Bought at 30 minutes. Assault Cuirass grants increased armor and attack speed which makes NP extremely tanky. It also reduces enemy armor in an AoE, increasing its threat potential, allowing Faith_Bian to close the game out quickly. 

4. Teamfight Build

While ratting and pushing lanes is the idea behind picking Nature’s Prophet, there are various different builds that prove that he can also engage in teamfights and decimate his enemies in no time. This build is extremely useful in situations where your carry takes time to come on-line, especially if you are playing in the offlane or in the mid-lane.

The build includes unorthodox items like Aghanim’s Shard, and Blink Dagger which helps him not only initiate but further deal damage and prove useful in teamfights with other items which supplement him. This build is highly flexible and hence you can replace or add a few items depending on the heroes that you are facing or depending on the tempo and pace of your own team.

Use This Build If:

  • You want a teamfight oriented build. This build works well if you are playing carry NP. The items allow NP to be hyperactive and take teamfights right off the bat. It can also translate extremely well into the late game, making it an ideal choice in most matchups.

Skill Points

  • Level 1: Nature’s Call - Converts an area of trees into treants which can be controllable, useful for the last hitting, and can be used to rat in the late game.
  • Level 2: Sprout - Sprouts a ring of trees around the targetted unit, it can be useful to trap enemies or convert the Sprout trees into treants. 
  • Level 3: Nature’s Call
  • Level 4: Teleportation - Allows NP to teleport anywhere on the map, allowing him global presence and rat potential in the late stages of the game. 
  • Level 5: Nature’s Call
  • Level 6: Wrath of Nature - Damages visible enemies all across the map, increasing the damage dealt based on the enemies hit by it.
  • Level 7: Nature’s Call
  • Level 8: Teleportation
  • Level 9: Teleportation
  • Level 10: Teleportation
  • Level 11:  Stats
  • Level 12: Wrath of Nature

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Falcon Blade - Bought at around 4 minutes. Provides increased health and attack damage along with mana regen, all of which are essential in the laning phase.
  • Hand of Midas - Bought at around 8 minutes. Midas, on usage, consumes a creep and returns 160 gold along with 2.1x the XP of the creep. This item is great if you are falling behind on farm after a rough laning stage. 
  • Maelstrom - Bought at around 12 minutes, Maelstrom allows NP to farm faster as it releases a bolt of electricity that passes through all units nearby. It is also further upgraded into Glepnir at 24 minutes.
  • Power Treads - Bought at 14 minutes. Provides NP with the bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 17 minutes. The Shard applies a curse on all enemy heroes, making them visible in fog while slowing them and dealing damage based on the number of trees in the radius. It is an extremely useful addition to the hero.
  • Blink Dagger- Bought at 19 minutes. Blink Dagger allows NP to initiate or escape. It is further upgraded into Arcane Blink at 41 minutes into the game.
  • Black King Bar - Bought at around 27 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
  • Assault Cuirass - Bought at 32 minutes. Assault Cuirass grants increased armor and attack speed which makes NP extremely tanky. It also reduces enemy armor in an AoE, increasing its threat potential.
  • Satanic - Bought at 35 minutes. Satanic allows him to lifesteal and sustain himself in teamfights. This item also dispels any negative buffs and quickly life-stealing from 0 to 100 in no time.  

3. Yatoro Build

Team Spirit and Yatoro made history and shocked millions of spectators around the world with their Ti win earlier last year. While Yatoro is a highly versatile player, NP just isn’t his regular pick, yet he manages to make it work whenever he brings him out! He is known to be an aggressive laner on the prophet, often opting to chase and ward off enemies from the lane.

Yatoro loves playing NP in the carry position and prioritizes the Orchid into Daedalus build, primarily due to the damage it is known to deal. He loves to target support heroes first and take them out of the game. Yatoro prefers fast-paced games and is seen ending pub games in just under 30 mins with this hard and heavy-hitting build.

Use This Build If:

  • You want to deal high damage. Carry NP benefits heavily from heavy damage dealing items like Witch Blade and Daedalus, which work exceptionally with items like Orchid, causing optimum damage in teamfights.

Skill Points

  • Level 1: Nature’s Call - Converts an area of trees into treants which can be controllable, useful for the last hitting, and can be used to rat in the late game.
  • Level 2: Sprout - Sprouts a ring of trees around the targetted unit, it can be useful to trap enemies or convert the Sprout trees into treants. 
  • Level 3: Teleportation - Allows NP to teleport anywhere on the map, allowing him global presence and rat potential in the late stages of the game.  
  • Level 4: Nature’s Call
  • Level 5: Nature’s Call
  • Level 6: Wrath of Nature - Damages visible enemies all across the map, increasing the damage dealt based on the enemies hit by it.
  • Level 7: Nature’s Call
  • Level 8: Teleportation 
  • Level 9: Teleportation
  • Level 10: Stats
  • Level 11: Teleportation 
  • Level 12: Wrath of Nature 

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Power Treads - Bought at 3 minutes. Provides Yatoro with the bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
  • Orchid of Maleovalnce - Bought at 11 minutes. On usage, Orchid silences the targetted enemy and makes them take a percentage of the damage dealt at the end of the duration. It is later upgraded into Bloodthorn 30 minutes into the game.
  • Witchblade - Bought at 14 minutes. Applies poison, which essentially does damage over time on physical attacks along with slowing the enemy. It also has true strike. It is essential to build this item as a carry Prophet. 
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 16 minutes. The Shard applies curse on all enemy heroes, making them visible in fog, while slowing them and dealing damage based on the number of trees in the radius. It is an extremely useful addition to the hero.
  • Daedalus - Bought at 22 minutes. Daedalus has a chance to do critical damage on physical attacks. Helps Nature’s Prophet deal impressive physical damage in the early to mid-game.
  • Black King Bar - Bought at around 26 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
  • Satanic - Bought at 38 minutes. Satanic allows him to lifesteal and sustain himself in teamfights. This item also dispels any negative buffs and quickly life stealing from 0 to 100 in no time.  

2. Matumbaman Build

Matumbaman has shuffled roles, playing both the safe lane and the mid lane, he is known to dominate them both when it comes to Nature’s Prophet. He loves to stretch out the games late so he can utilize NP’s abilities to their full potential. He is aware that the hero is an absolute slippery fighting and ratting machine in the late game.

Matumbaman believes in standard item builds. Often building conventional items like Maelstorm, Aghanim’s Shard, and Black King Bar are guaranteed to help him farm faster, push out lanes and stay durable in teamfights, outlasting his enemies. This build is fairly common but Matumbaman’s playstyle isn’t, he puts up a show and annoys his enemies with his ratting antics.

Use This Build If:

  • You want to push and end the game as early as you can. This build works well if you are facing heroes which are devastating in the late game but have an extremely low impact in the early stages. It allows you to bulldoze through the enemy team with items like Maelstorm, Aghanim's Shard, and Assault Cuirass.

Skill Points

  • Level 1: Nature’s Call - Converts an area of trees into treants which can be controllable, useful for the last hitting, and can be used to rat in the late game.
  • Level 2: Teleportation - Allows NP to teleport anywhere on the map, allowing him global presence and rat potential in the late stages of the game. 
  • Level 3: Nature’s Call
  • Level 4: Sprout - Sprouts a ring of trees around the targetted unit, it can be useful to trap enemies or convert the Sprout trees into treants.  
  • Level 5: Nature’s Call
  • Level 6: Wrath of Nature - Damages visible enemies all across the map, increasing the damage dealt based on the enemies hit by it.
  • Level 7: Nature’s Call
  • Level 8: Teleportation 
  • Level 9: Teleportation
  • Level 10: Stats
  • Level 11: Teleportation  
  • Level 12: Wrath of Nature

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Power Treads - Bought at 3 minutes. Provide the Prophet with the bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
  • Maelstrom - Bought at around 11 minutes, Maelstrom allows NP to farm fast as it releases a bolt of electricity that passes through all units nearby. It is also further upgraded into Mjolnir at 43 minutes.
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 15 minutes. The Shard applies curse on all enemy heroes, making them visible in fog, while slowing them and dealing damage based on the number of trees in the radius. It is an extremely useful addition to the hero.
  • Black King Bar - Bought at around 18 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
  • Silver Edge - Bought at 23 minutes. Allows NP to go invisible and disengage or initiate the fight and also applies break if attacked an enemy under its duration, which disables the passive abilities of enemies by applying Break.
  • Assault Cuirass - Bought at 28 minutes. Assault Cuirass grants increased armor and attack speed which makes the Prophet highly tanky. It also reduces enemy armor in an AoE, increasing its threat potential. 

1. MinD_ControL Build

Playing Nature’s Prophet requires a high game sense and who better than Mind Control when it comes to NP. MC loves playing him in the offlane and is known to build a wide variety of items. Even in the losing games, Mind Control puts up a show with his impressive game knowledge and map awareness of this hero.

MC has a very chaotic and fast-paced playstyle. This means that he prioritizes fights and kills over farm, but he does not shy away from farming when the iron is hot! Fbz loves to rotate as early as he can on his signature NP, often when he gets Teleportation. As an NP, MC focuses on dealing heavy damage to the enemy carry and often targets the supports to make the game harder for them.

Use This Build If:

  • You want to play NP in the offlane. This is the standard offlane NP build, and none better than Mind Control himself to demonstrate his exceptional abilities on the hero. Offlane build allows you to create pressure on the enemy team in the early game by pushing towers and also decimating them in team fights.

Skill Points

  • Level 1: Nature’s Call - Converts an area of trees into treants which can be controllable, useful for the last hitting, and can be used to rat in the late game.
  • Level 2: Sprout - Sprouts a ring of trees around the targetted unit, it can be useful to trap enemies or convert the Sprout trees into treants. 
  • Level 3: Nature’s Call
  • Level 4: Teleportation - Allows NP to teleport anywhere on the map, allowing him global presence and rat potential in the late stages of the game. 
  • Level 5: Nature’s Call
  • Level 6: Wrath of Nature - Damages visible enemies all across the map, increasing the damage dealt based on the enemies hit by it.
  • Level 7: Nature’s Call
  • Level 8: Teleportation
  • Level 9: Teleportation
  • Level 10: Teleportation
  • Level 11: Stats
  • Level 12: Wrath of Nature

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Power Treads - Bought at 4 minutes. Power Treads provide the prophet with the bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
  • Orchid of Maleovalnce - Bought at 13 minutes. On usage, Orchid silences the targetted enemy and makes them take a percentage of the damage dealt at the end of the duration.
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 16 minutes. The Shard applies curse on all enemy heroes, making them visible in fog while slowing them and dealing damage based on the number of trees in the radius. It is an extremely useful addition to the hero.
  • Black King Bar - Bought at 21 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making the Prophet invulnerable during teamfights. It is essential in all matchups.
  • Shadow Blade - Bought at 26 minutes. Allows NP to go invisible and disengage or initiate the fight. It is further upgraded into Silver Edge at 28 minutes, which allows you to disable the passive abilities of enemies by applying Break.
  • Desolator - Bought at around 30 minutes. Provides NP with increased damage and armor corruption, essential in teamfights and also to push towers. The more stacks, the more damage it deals along with increased armor corruption. 

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised