[Top 5] Dota 2 Best Lycan Builds That Win Games (7.32d)

12 Feb 2023

Banehallow, the noble Lycan is one of the strongest carry heroes in the game. This is due to the ferocious abilities that allow him to fight well right from the laning stage. Not all heroes are capable of split-pushing or farming so exceptionally well so early on in the game. Lycan’s attacks rupture his foes, his rabid damage paralyzes their potential. Along with being an exceptional carry hero, Lycan can be also played in the offlane, sometimes having even more impact as a space creator or as a utility hero. His current pick rate has skyrocketed due to the buffs on his Howl and Feral Impulse. Lycan can trample his enemies with the right items, and skill builds. But not all builds are equally powerful.

To help you climb MMR with this lethal lycanthrope, we bring you the Best 5 Lycan Builds that will help you win games. These builds contain the best skill allocation and the best items that help you in dominating your games with Lycan.

5. Nightfall Build

Nightfall is one of the few naturally gifted players from the CIS region. His mechanical skills on the offlane and even in the safe lane are impressive. Nightfall loves playing aggressive offlaners, and who can be as aggressive as a Lycan? Though slightly an unorthodox offlaner, Nightfall loves spamming Lycan. His exceptional pushing style and aggressive demeanor ensure he wins the lane and secure the towers as early as he can. Nightfall is known to build items that are rather unorthodox but work in that specific matchup. Not everyone can match the threatening pace of Nightfall’s Lycan.

Nightfall is a team player as he is often known to change items and skill builds, depending on the matchup he is facing. The mix of the right offensive and defensive items make sure that there is no stone left unturned when it comes to winning a teamfight. This build has all the goodies, including items that help you sustain the early game, like Assault Cuirass, and Helm of the Dominator. His aggressive playstyle helped BetBoom win the game early, hence he got no time to build any more items! This is a highly suitable build for an offlane team fighter Lycan. This build can be changed slightly to accommodate a few more items like Aghanim’s Shard, Black King Bar, etc. it all depends upon the heroes you face.

Use This Build If:

  • You want an early game fight oriented build which does not slow down in the late game
  • You want a highly self-sustainable build that can help you stay durable and withstand immense damage
  • You want to push and demolish the towers right off the bat

Skill Points

Level 1: Summon Wolves - Lycan summons two wolves upon usage. Wolves can turn invisible at level 3, providing them with increased movement speed and damage. The wolves also cripple the targeted enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Due to their invisibility, the wolves can be used to scout enemies and runes, or to harass enemies in the laning phase. 

Level 2: Feral Impulse - Increases the HP regen of Lycan and all the units in his control. The early game increased damage and HP regen benefits Lycan greatly, making him and his units durable and robust throughout the teamfight. 

Level 3: Feral Impulse

Level 4: Summon Wolves 

Level 5: Summon Wolves

Level 6: Shapeshift - Turns Lycan into a wolf, making Lycan and all his units move fast. It also grants Lycan a 40% chance of doing critical damage upon physical attacks, while making him unable to be slowed by spells. This spell makes Lycan invulnerable in the early game, helping him contribute to teamfights as early as he can.

Level 7: Summon Wolves

Level 8: Feral Impulse

Level 9: Feral Impulse

Level 10: Howl - Reduces attack damage and armor of all units around Lycan. The Howl range is global during nighttime, making it a prime time to fight, especially if you have max levels in Wolves and Shapeshift.

Feral Impulse

Level 11: Howl 

Level 12:  Shapeshift 

Level 13: Howl 

Level 14: Howl 

Level 15: -15s Shapeshift Cooldown

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Helm of Dominator (2400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. Allows Lycan to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. As Feral Impulse helps Lycan and his units deal high damage, Lycan can add more soldiers to his army with the help of Helm of Dominator, helping him in farming or fighting. The Dominator also allows him to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Vladimir’s Offering (2450 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Grants lifesteal to Lycan and his allies, along with his controlled units, while also providing them with increased armor while they’re nearby Lycan. 
  • Helm of the Overlord (6175 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Combines both Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. It allows Lycan to dominate two creeps at a time, while also allowing him to control Ancient Creeps. It increases all the perks provided by Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. Regardless of the lane, you play Lycan in, this is a core item on him. 
  • Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Lycan. It also reduces armor for enemies around Lycan. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Lycan, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies. Combining this ability with Wolf Bite makes it easy for enemy heroes to crumble like a cookie. 

4. Kasane Build

It is no secret that Kasane is one of the best new emerging CIS players in the game. Kasane is an aggressive laner on Lycan, extremely powerful right off the bat, and stays relevant even in the late game. This build offers high physical damage potential which may decimate your enemies within no time while also being able to push lanes and control towers. While this build deals with damage, it also offers decent defense at the same time. It is advised that you begin this build with Summon Wolves and further max Feral Impulse so you can deal damage while standing your ground in a tough fight.

Kasane is known to build various item builds that supplement his abilities and enhance his fight potential on the offlane Lycan. On an offlane build, it is often advised to build items that help you and your allies fight while also building items that can sustain you in a fight. Helm of the Overlord is an essential item on Lycan, which offers him the ability to fight and deal with have increased impact in a fight. Further, Kasane also builds Aghanim’s Shard and Assault Cuirass which helps him stay durable and shield him from any threats in a fight. It is not a true Lycan game if you do not build a Helm of the Dominator. It offers optimum fight and pushes potential which you need to win a teamfight, Kasane plays an excellent Lycan, pay attention to his insane map awareness in the highlight video.

Use This Build If:

  • You want an offlane Lycan build that helps you fight and push from the early game
  • If you want to be involved in skirmishes as early as possible
  • You want to prioritize fighting over farming
  • If you are facing squishy low HP heroes with low armor 

Skill Points

Level 1: Summon Wolves - Lycan summons two wolves upon usage. Wolves can turn invisible at level 3, providing them with increased movement speed and damage. The wolves also cripple the targeted enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Due to their invisibility, the wolves can be used to scout enemies and runes, or to harass enemies in the laning phase. 

Level 2: Feral Impulse - Increases the HP regen of Lycan and all the units in his control. The early game increased damage and HP regen benefits Lycan greatly, making him and his units durable and robust throughout the teamfight. 

Level 3: Feral Impulse

Level 4: Summon Wolves 

Level 5: Summon Wolves

Level 6: Shapeshift - Turns Lycan into a wolf, making Lycan and all his units move fast. It also grants Lycan a 40% chance of doing critical damage upon physical attacks, while making him unable to be slowed by spells. This spell makes Lycan invulnerable in the early game, helping him contribute to teamfights as early as he can.

Level 7: Summon Wolves

Level 8: Feral Impulse

Level 9:  Howl - Reduces attack damage and armor of all units around Lycan. The Howl range is global during nighttime, making it a prime time to fight, especially if you have max levels in Wolves and Shapeshift.

Level 10: Feral Impulse

Level 11: Howl 

Level 12:  Shapeshift 

Level 13: Howl 

Level 14: Howl 

Level 15: -15s Shapeshift Cooldown

Level 16: +20% Howl Attack Damage Reduction   

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Helm of Dominator (2400 Gold) - Bought at 9 minutes. Allows Lycan to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. As Feral Impulse helps Lycan and his units deal high damage, Lycan can add more soldiers to his army with the help of Helm of Dominator, helping him in farming or fighting. The Dominator also allows him to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Vladimir’s Offering (2450 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Grants lifesteal to Lycan and his allies, along with his controlled units, while also providing them with increased armor while they’re nearby Lycan. 
  • Helm of the Overlord (6175 Gold) - Bought at 17 minutes. Combines both Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. It allows Lycan to dominate two creeps at a time, while also allowing him to control Ancient Creeps. It increases all the perks provided by Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. Regardless of the lane, you play Lycan in, this is a core item on him. 
  • Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Lycan. It also reduces armor for enemies around Lycan. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Lycan, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies. Combining this ability with Wolf Bite makes it easy for enemy heroes to crumble like a cookie. 
  • Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 27 minutes. Causes Summon Wolves to summon an uncontrollable wolf in every creep wave. The wolf attacks enemy creeps and towers alike. It is an ideal item allowing Lycan to push lanes and get that extra gold throughout the map.

3. DM Build

Unpredictable, Dynamic, and Versatile are all the names that suit DM’s playstyle. Beginning his pro-Dota journey as a mid-player, he quickly shifted focus to the offlane which became his calling. Lycan became a constant pick of DM, which he used to outperform his enemies by a margin. He adores lethal rabid menace, he has an extremely dominant style of playing this hero. He focuses on winning his lane and pressuring his opponents out so he can take the towers effortlessly. DM essentially snowballs on Lycan if he manages to secure his laning phase. 

Being a bully in the lane is a specialty of DM when he is playing Lycan, a trait that is often overlooked in the offlane. Bullying his enemies allows him to control the pace of the game and secure more farm with the help of his Helm of Dominator, which he can do quite well as Lycan. Jumping on heroes, destroying enemy supports, shoving foes out of the lane, and ganking enemies quite early on ticks all the boxes of a successful offlaner. Helm of the Overlord, Nullifier and Assault Cuirass are some of the most common items built by DM when he plays the offlane Lycan.

Use This Build If:

  • You want a reliable offlane Lycan that is a menace even in the late game
  • If you want a build that allows you to rotate early on and get involved in more fights and focus on taking towers
  • You want an early-game-oriented build that helps you demolish towers as soon as possible
  • You want an initiator build that allows you to be the frontliner in a teamfight

Skill Points

Level 1: Summon Wolves - Lycan summons two wolves upon usage. Wolves can turn invisible at level 3, providing them with increased movement speed and damage. The wolves also cripple the targeted enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Due to their invisibility, the wolves can be used to scout enemies and runes, or to harass enemies in the laning phase. 

Level 2: Feral Impulse - Increases the HP regen of Lycan and all the units in his control. The early game increased damage and HP regen benefits Lycan greatly, making him and his units durable and robust throughout the teamfight. 

Level 3: Summon Wolves

Level 4: Feral Impulse

Level 5: Summon Wolves

Level 6: Shapeshift - Turns Lycan into a wolf, making Lycan and all his units move fast. It also grants Lycan a 40% chance of doing critical damage upon physical attacks, while making him unable to be slowed by spells. This spell makes Lycan invulnerable in the early game, helping him contribute to teamfights as early as he can.

Level 7: Summon Wolves

Level 8: Feral Impulse

Level 9:  Howl - Reduces attack damage and armor of all units around Lycan. The Howl range is global during nighttime, making it a prime time to fight, especially if you have max levels in Wolves and Shapeshift.

Level 10: Feral Impulse

Level 11: +10 Wolves Damage

Level 12: Howl  

Level 13: Shapeshift 

Level 14: Howl 

Level 15: -15s Shapeshift Cooldown

Level 16: Howl  

Level 17: Stats

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Helm of Dominator (2400 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. Allows Lycan to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. As Feral Impulse helps Lycan and his units deal high damage, Lycan can add more soldiers to his army with the help of Helm of Dominator, helping him in farming or fighting. The Dominator also allows him to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Vladimir’s Offering (2450 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Grants lifesteal to Lycan and his allies, along with his controlled units, while also providing them with increased armor while they’re nearby Lycan. 
  • Helm of the Overlord (6175 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Combines both Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. It allows Lycan to dominate two creeps at a time, while also allowing him to control Ancient Creeps. It increases all the perks provided by Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. Regardless of the lane, you play Lycan in, this is a core item on him. 
  • Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Lycan. It also reduces armor for enemies around Lycan. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Lycan, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies. Combining this ability with Wolf Bite makes it easy for enemy heroes to crumble like a cookie. 
  • Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 24 minutes. Causes Summon Wolves to summon an uncontrollable wolf in every creep wave. The wolf attacks enemy creeps and towers alike. It is an ideal item allowing Lycan to push lanes and get that extra gold throughout the map.
  • Nullifier (4725 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Nullifier allows Lycan to actively dispel any buffs that the targeted enemy may have, this disables their impact and prevents them from using any defensive items or spells in a fight. It also provides him with increased damage and armor, which is also beneficial in a teamfight.

2. Resolution Build

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Resolution is one of the best players to emerge from the CIS region. From the unexpected 2nd place at Ti6 to another unexpected Ti7 run, he has been a consistent player throughout the years. Team Secret’s recent high placement at the past Ti is also attributed to Resolution. Lycan is not a hero you see played often by Resolution, it is not a part of his main hero rotation, yet he makes the hero look like one of his favorites due to his mind-boggling micro-skills. He has a hyper-aggressive playstyle on Lycan, often opting to dominate the laning phase and shove enemies out as early as he can. 

Resolution loves farming in the early game, Helm of Dominator helps him do more damage and also helps him push lanes faster. He often builds items that ensure he has enough mobility and armor to withstand a teamfight early on. Hence, items such as Boots of Bearing, Scythe of Vyse, and Aghanim’s Shard are highly preferred by him due to their efficacy. As the game progresses, you can also opt for Black King Bar which offers incredible magic immunity and durability potential, though it’s not seen in this game, it is a highly effective item in the extreme late stages of the game. This build is ideal if you want to be a dominating force right from the laning phase.

Use This Build If:

  • You want to have a high impact from the laning phase
  • You want to end the game as early as possible, this build has all the goodies for dealing high tower damage
  • You want a late-game-oriented build that can obliterate even the worst enemies in the late game
  • You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes

Skill Points

Level 1: Summon Wolves - Lycan summons two wolves upon usage. Wolves can turn invisible at level 3, providing them with increased movement speed and damage. The wolves also cripple the targeted enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Due to their invisibility, the wolves can be used to scout enemies and runes, or to harass enemies in the laning phase. 

Level 2: Feral Impulse - Increases the HP regen of Lycan and all the units in his control. The early game increased damage and HP regen benefits Lycan greatly, making him and his units durable and robust throughout the teamfight. 

Level 3: Summon Wolves

Level 4: Feral Impulse

Level 5: Summon Wolves

Level 6: Shapeshift - Turns Lycan into a wolf, making Lycan and all his units move fast. It also grants Lycan a 40% chance of doing critical damage upon physical attacks, while making him unable to be slowed by spells. This spell makes Lycan invulnerable in the early game, helping him contribute to teamfights as early as he can.

Level 7: Summon Wolves

Level 8: Feral Impulse

Level 9: Feral Impulse

Level 10: Howl - Reduces attack damage and armor of all units around Lycan. The Howl range is global during nighttime, making it a prime time to fight, especially if you have max levels in Wolves and Shapeshift.

Level 11: Howl 

Level 12: Shapeshift 

Level 13: Howl 

Level 14: Howl 

Level 15: -15s Shapeshift Cooldown

Level 16: +20% Howl Attack Damage Reduction

Level 17: Stats

Level 18: Shapeshift 

Level 19: Stats

Level 20: +6s Shapeshift Duration

Level 25: Howl Reduces Total Attack Damage

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Helm of Dominator (2400 Gold) - Bought at 8 minutes. Allows Lycan to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. As Feral Impulse helps Lycan and his units deal high damage, Lycan can add more soldiers to his army with the help of Helm of Dominator, helping him in farming or fighting. The Dominator also allows him to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Vladimir’s Offering (2450 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Grants lifesteal to Lycan and his allies, along with his controlled units, while also providing them with increased armor while they’re nearby Lycan. 
  • Helm of the Overlord (6175 Gold) - Bought at 14 minutes. Combines both Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. It allows Lycan to dominate two creeps at a time, while also allowing him to control Ancient Creeps. It increases all the perks provided by Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. Regardless of the lane, you play Lycan in, this is a core item on him. 
  • Drums of Endurance (1650 Gold) - Bought at 16 minutes. Upon usage, it grants increased movement and attack speed to Lycan and all his allies in an AoE. It comes with 8 charges, which can later be replenished if you re-purchase the recipe. The immense attack speed of Lycan, all his units, and allies can help him dominate any fight he encounters. 
  • Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Lycan. It also reduces armor for enemies around Lycan. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Lycan, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies. Combining this ability with Wolf Bite makes it easy for enemy heroes to crumble like a cookie. 
  • Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Scythe of Vyse - Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to Lycan as it allows him to dominate the late game with it as it helps him to lock down his foes and decimate them with the follow-up from his team. 
  • Boots of Bearing (4075 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Provides increased movement and attack speed to Lycan and all his allies in an AoE. It also is charge-based like Drums. Boots of Bearing also makes you and your nearby allies immune to slows for the initial 1.5s. This is an exceptional offlane Lycan item, providing him with increased durability and flexibility. 
  • Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 35 minutes. Grants Lycan with Wold Bite ability, allowing him to turn the targeted ally into a Wolf, granting all the Shape Shift benefits to them, while also granting a 30% increased lifesteal. It is a phenomenal item if you have another core that also deals high physical damage. 

1. Ame Build

Ame is undoubtedly a heartthrob known worldwide for his insane mechanically skilled gameplay and reflexes which are quite unparalleled in the CN region. Ame utilizes all the heroes he plays to their full potential, and he does not miss the mark with Lycan. There are different builds that Ame has gone for Lycan in this meta, but the standard Helm of the Overlord, and Assault Cuirass build takes the cake for being quite an effective build.

With the right items on Lycan, Ame has managed to rip through many pub games quite effortlessly. It is hard for enemies to escape the chilling grip of Ame’s wrath if he has a successful early game on Lycan. His skill build is the standard max Sumon Wolves and Feral Impulse due to the scout and damage potential that they provide. His items allow him to deal more damage while also providing him with the much-needed lockdown and disable that he needs to neutralize enemies without any hassle. Ame is one of the only few people who make Lycan look easier than he is, attributed primarily to his excellent micro-skills.

Use This Build If:

  • You are facing heroes that have low armor and are considered to be squishy in the early game
  • You want a teamfight-oriented build that does not fall off in the late game
  • You want to tackle objectives and constantly keep pressure on the enemy’s side of the lane

Skill Points

Level 1: Summon Wolves - Lycan summons two wolves upon usage. Wolves can turn invisible at level 3, providing them with increased movement speed and damage. The wolves also cripple the targeted enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Due to their invisibility, the wolves can be used to scout enemies and runes, or to harass enemies in the laning phase. 

Level 2: Feral Impulse - Increases the HP regen of Lycan and all the units in his control. The early game increased damage and HP regen benefits Lycan greatly, making him and his units durable and robust throughout the teamfight. 

Level 3: Summon Wolves

Level 4: Feral Impulse

Level 5: Summon Wolves

Level 6: Shapeshift - Turns Lycan into a wolf, making Lycan and all his units move fast. It also grants Lycan a 40% chance of doing critical damage upon physical attacks, while making him unable to be slowed by spells. This spell makes Lycan invulnerable in the early game, helping him contribute to teamfights as early as he can.

Level 7: Summon Wolves

Level 8: Feral Impulse

Level 9: Feral Impulse

Level 10: +10 Wolves Damage

Level 11: Howl - Reduces attack damage and armor of all units around Lycan. The Howl range is global during nighttime, making it a prime time to fight, especially if you have max levels in Wolves and Shapeshift.

Level 12: Shapeshift 

Level 13: Howl 

Level 14: Howl 

Level 15: -15s Shapeshift Cooldown

Level 16: Howl 

Level 17: Stats

Level 18: Shapeshift 

Level 19: Stats

Level 20: +6s Shapeshift Duration

Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)

  • Helm of Dominator (2400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. Allows Lycan to take control of a neutral or enemy creep, increasing its movement speed, HP, armor, and damage. As Feral Impulse helps Lycan and his units deal high damage, Lycan can add more soldiers to his army with the help of Helm of Dominator, helping him in farming or fighting. The Dominator also allows him to use the creep’s abilities (if any).
  • Vladimir’s Offering (2450 Gold) - Bought at 10 minutes. Grants lifesteal to Lycan and his allies, along with his controlled units, while also providing them with increased armor while they’re nearby Lycan. 
  • Helm of the Overlord (6175 Gold) - Bought at 12 minutes. Combines both Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. It allows Lycan to dominate two creeps at a time, while also allowing him to control Ancient Creeps. It increases all the perks provided by Helm of Dominator and Vladimir’s Offering. Regardless of the lane, you play Lycan in, this is a core item on him. 
  • Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 15 minutes. Causes Summon Wolves to summon an uncontrollable wolf in every creep wave. The wolf attacks enemy creeps and towers alike. It is an ideal item allowing Lycan to push lanes and get that extra gold throughout the map.
  • Assault Cuirass (5125 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. Grants 30 attack speed and 5 armor to allies and structures near Lycan. It also reduces armor for enemies around Lycan. With reduced enemy armor and increased damage for Lycan, he can wreak havoc upon his enemies. Combining this ability with Wolf Bite makes it easy for enemy heroes to crumble like a cookie. 
  • Shadow Blade (3000 Gold) - Purchased at 28 minutes. Turns Lycan invisible for a brief duration, increasing his movement speed while he is invisible. If Lycan attacks enemies to break the invisibility, he deals a bonus of 175 damage, which works exceptionally with the damage he deals already.
  • Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Shadow Blade can further be upgraded into Silver Edge which offers the same benefits as its predecessor while also dealing a guaranteed 160% critical strike and disabling enemy passive for 4 seconds. If you are facing enemies with multiple powerful passive spells, then Silver Edge is the right item for you.
  • Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 33 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Lycan invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance even in the late game.
  • Skull Basher (2875 Gold) - Purchased at 39 minutes. Grants Lycan a high chance of bashing enemies upon physical attacks. It also increases his attack damage and allows him to deal bonus physical damage.
  • Abyssal Blade (6250 Gold) - Purchased at 43 minutes. Skull Basher is upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which stuns the targetted unit, it pierces spell immunity. Hence, it can be a useful item to temporarily disable any heroes under the effect of Black King Bar.

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised