[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Damage Items That Wrecks Enemies

Best Damage Items That Wrecks Enemies
04 Jan 2023

[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Damage Items

That Wrecks Enemies

10) Bloodthorn: -


Kill your enemy in silence

Item Intro: -

Bloodthorn is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it requires an item from the Secret Shop to be completed. Bloodthorn is a perfect item if you want to kill an enemy hero with escape abilities like Anti-Mage, Mirana, Slark, Puck, etc.

Why should you buy Bloodthorn? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • To kill escape heroes in the enemy team (Like Anti-Mage, Puck, Slark, Mirana, etc)
  • To solve mana problems in heroes with low mana regeneration
  • Provides additional +30 damage
  • After silence is ended, deals 30% of the damage dealt during silence as additional magic damage
  • Provides a chance for the critical attack to wreck the enemy
  • Provides high attack speed to deal damage quicker

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +5.5 mana regeneration
  • Provides +30 attack damage
  • Provides +90 attack speed
  • Provides 130% chance of critical damage
  • Silences the enemy target for 5 seconds
  • End damage dealt = 30%
  • Cast range = 900
  • Provides +25 intelligence
  • Cooldown = 15 seconds

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Bloodthorn is 6275.

[ Orchid Malevolence (3475) +Hyperstone (2000)+Recipe (800) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Nature’s Prophet, Invoker, Clinkz, Storm Spirit, Queen of Pain, Arc Warden, etc.

You can check its popularity through this link.


9) Silver Edge: -


Backstab your enemy from front

Item Intro: -

The Silver Edge is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. Do you want to backstab your enemy? Do you want to run if team-fight gets ugly? Do you want to sneak with invisibility and surprise your enemy? Do you want to break your enemy’s passive ability?

If so, then Silver Edge is the best item for that purpose. With his invisibility and incredibly incredible stats, it provides a great value in the game.

Why should you buy  Silver Edge? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • To break passive abilities of heroes like Bristleback, Timbersaw, Slark, Riki, Phantom Assassin, etc.
  • To run away from team fight if the team fight doesn’t work well
  • To initiate a team fight by sneaking through invisibility

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Invisibility duration = 14 seconds
  • Movement Speed Bonus = 25%
  • Bonus attack damage attacking to end invisibility = 175 physical damage
  • Fade time = 0.3 seconds
  • Passive Break duration = 4 seconds
  • Cooldown = 18 seconds
  • Mana cost = 75 mana

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Silver Edge is 5600.

[ Shadow Blade (3000) +Oblivion Staff (1500)+Recipe (1100) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Slark, Legion Commander, Kunkka, Drow Ranger, Nature’s Prophet, Arc Warden, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


8) Monkey King Bar: -


Never Miss

Item Intro: -

The Monkey King Bar is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it can only be completed with items from the Secret Shop. Monkey King Bar (also known as MKB) is an item that pierces through evasion. It is used to counter heroes with naturally high evasiveness like  Phantom Assassin,  Windranger, and  Brewmaster.

Why should you buy  Monkey King Bar? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • To easily kill heroes like Phantom Assassin, Windranger, and Brewmaster
  • To gain bonus attack damage and attack speed
  • To pierce through evasion if enemy purchases items like Talisman of Evasion, Radiance, etc.

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Proc Chance = 80%
  • Magic Damage = 70
  • Provides +40 attack damage
  • Provides +35 attack speed
  • It is a passive item.

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Monkey King Bar is 4975.

[ Demon Edge (2200) +Javelin (1100)+Blitz Knuckles (1000) + Recipe (675) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Clinkz, Wind Ranger, Faceless Void, Juggernaut, Templar Assassin, Arc Warden, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


7) Battle Fury: -


Flash Farm with this

Item Intro: -

The Battle Fury is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it requires items from the Secret Shop to be completed. Battle Fury is a powerful item for melee carry heroes, allowing them to attack multiple enemies at once.

If you want to flash farm and get a huge net worth fast, then Battle Fury should be your top priority item. It allows carries to farm fast and effectively so that they can get good items sooner and can win the game.

Why should you buy  Battle Fury? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • It allows you to flash farm.
  • It allows you to clear creep waves in the lane extremely fast so that you can push effectively also.
  • It provides bonus damage, health regeneration, and mana regeneration.
  • It allows you to cut trees to hide from the enemy or juke them.

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +55 bonus damage
  • Provides +7.5 health regeneration
  • Provides +2.75 mana regeneration
  • Allows you to cut trees ( Cooldown = 4 seconds )
  • Its passive ability allows you to gain cleave

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Battle Fury is 4130.

[ Broadsword (1000) +Claymore (1350)+Perseverance (1650) + Quelling Blade (130) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Anti-Mage, Juggernaut, Faceless Void, Riki, Ursa, Ember Spirit, etc.

You can check its popularity through this link.


6) Desolator: -


Reduce your enemy's armor      

Item Intro: -

The Desolator ( popularly known as Deso ) is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. Desolator is a popular item to crush armor of strength heroes. If you have decent damage but the enemy’s armor is getting in your way, then buy Desolator soon to crush the enemy heroes.

Why should you buy  Desolator? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • It reduces the enemy’s armor making it easier to kill them.
  • It also affects buildings, which makes it easier to destroy towers fast.
  • It is a cheap item with high value.
  • It provides a good source as an item for getting easy kills in early to mid-game.

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Reduces enemy armor by 6 for 7 seconds
  • Provides bonus +55 damage
  • Affects enemy units and buildings

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of the Desolator is 3500.

[ Mithril Hammer (1600) + Mithril Hammer (1600) + Blight Stone (300) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Phantom Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Riki, Templar Assassin, Legion Commander, Clinkz, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


5) Satanic: -


Surprise your enemy with lifesteal ! 

Item Intro: -

The Satanic is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Artifacts. However, it can only be completed with items from the Secret Shop.

In late late-game scenarios, where every team fight matters, you wouldn’t want to die recklessly. So, in order to keep you alive, you would need a Satanic as it provides a 200% life steal for 6 seconds when activated.

Why should you buy  Satanic? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • Helps you to sustain in team fights ( Especially in late game)
  • Provides you a bonus of +25 strength
  • Provides you bonus +55 attack damage
  • Passively provides you 25% life steal and 200% life steal when activated
  • It May prove to be a game game-changing item

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides you a bonus of +25 strength
  • Provides you bonus +55 attack damage
  • Passively provides you 25% life steal and 200% life steal for 6 seconds when activated
  • Cooldown = 25 seconds
  • No mana cost
  • Applies basic dispel on the user upon cast

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Satanic is 5050.

[ Morbid Mask (900) + Claymore (1350) + Reaver (2800) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Luna, Sven, Phantom Assassin, Ursa, Gyrocopter, Morphling, Huskar, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


4) Radiance: -


Slowly Burn your enemies like paper

Item Intro: -

Radiance is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it can only be completed with items from the Secret Shop. Radiance is a powerful late late-game weapon item and is often rushed by certain carry heroes and used as a farming, pushing, and team fight tools.

Why should you buy  Radiance? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • Helps you to farm faster
  • Provides bonus +60 damage
  • Provides you 17% evasion
  • In a team fight, continuously burns enemies around you
  • Radiance is also applicable for illusions, so it provides a greater value as an item

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +60 bonus damage
  • Miss chance = 17%
  • Illusion DPS = 35
  • Radius = 700
  • Can be toggled on and off
  • Continuously provides 60 magical damage per second

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Radiance is 5150.

[ Sacred Relic (3800) + Recipe (1350) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Spectre, Kunkka, Ember Spirit, Wraith King, Alchemist, Bristleback, Necrophos, Doom, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


3) Nullifier: -


Dispell your enemy     

Item Intro: -

The Nullifier is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it requires an item from the Secret Shop to be completed.

Why should you buy  Nullifier? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +80 bonus damage
  • Provides +8 armor
  • Provides +6 health regeneration
  • Dispels the enemy target continuously and slows them

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +80 bonus damage
  • Provides +8 armor
  • Provides +6 health regeneration
  • Cast range = 900
  • Duration = 5 seconds
  • Movement slow = 80%
  • Slow duration = 0.5 seconds
  • Cooldown = 11 seconds
  • Mana cost = 75 mana

 Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of the Nullifier is 4725.

[ Sacred Relic (3800) + Helm of Iron Will (925) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin, Riki, Arc Warden, Clinkz, Juggernaut, Windranger, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


2) Daedalus: -


Crit your enemy and kill them in one shot

Item Intro: -

The Daedalus is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it can only be completed with items from the Secret Shop.

 It is a mighty weapon with the Critical Strike ability and is a direct upgrade to Crystalys. Components are Crystalys, Demon Edge, and a recipe.

Why should you buy  Daedalus? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +88 bonus damage
  • Provides a chance to attack critical
  • Extremely An extremely useful item to quickly finish up squishy targets like supports, low H.P bar heroes
  • Multiple Daedalus stacks also which makes this item highly valuable

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +88 bonus damage
  • Critical chance = 30%
  • Critical damage = 225%
  • This is a passive item
  • Multiple Daedalus stacks and increases the damage and critical chance
  • Doesn’t work against buildings, wards, and allied units

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Daedalus is 5150.

[ Crystalys (1950) + Demon Edge (2200) + Recipe (1000) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Kunkka, Sniper, Sven, Templar Assassin, Clinkz, Medusa, Luna, Faceless Void, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.


1) Divine Rapier: -


Let them die in suspense or show them this item and let them run away

Item Intro: -

The Divine Rapier is an item listed at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it is assembled entirely with items from the Secret Shop. Divine Rapier is generally bought as either a last-ditch attempt to win, or a way to maintain a big lead. It also has True Strike.

Divine Rapier cannot be sold, placed in the backpack, or destroyed.

Why should you buy  Divine Rapier? ( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +350 attack damage
  • Can change the game
  • Helps to kill tanky, strength heroes very easily
  • If dropped on death, can be picked up by ally and can be returned to the original buyer
  • Helps to comeback even impossible games
  • You can smash everyone like paper if you have a divine rapier
  • Multiple divine rapiers stack

Item Stats: -( Patch 7.29d )

  • Provides +350 attack damage
  • Can’t be disassembled
  • This is a passive item
  • This item drops when the owner carrying it dies
  • After the item is dropped, it can be picked by anyone in the game ( If an ally of the original owner of rapier picks it, the item is muted and the ally can return the rapier to the original owner)
  • Divine Rapier can’t be sold or destroyed
  • Divine Rapier can’t be put into the backpack
  • Multiple Divine Rapier stacks

Item Cost: -( Patch 7.29d )

The total cost of Divine Rapier is 6000.

[ Sacred Relics (3800) + Demon Edge (2200) ]

Recommended Heroes: -

Kunkka, Sniper, Medusa, Phantom Assassin, Wraith King, Ember Spirit, Sven, Juggernaut, etc. You can check its popularity through this link.



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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised