[Top 10] D&D Best Monk Weapons and Items

D&D Best Monk Weapons and Items
15 Feb 2022

If there’s one thing lacking from playing a Monk, it’s that they can’t enjoy their gold coins that much because the class doesn’t benefit much from weapons and armors.

But there are items out there that are actually really good for Monks (they just have to talk to the DM to acquire it).

Note: The items presented are not ranked from worst to best. They are simply presented in no particular order.

Let’s start.

10. Absorbing Tattoo

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If you have ever played DND 3rd Edition, there was a prestige class for the monk that specialized in magical tattoos. It was called Tattooed Monk.

Now in 5e, they made the magical tattoos into Wondrous Items so that everyone can have it.

The first tattoo that will benefit your monk is the Absorbing Tattoo.

Think of it as Dragon skin color where every color represents an elemental damage, and if you have that specific color tattooed on your body, you will gain resistance against that damage.

Since you can only pick one out of ten options at a time, it’s best to pick the commonly used monster elemental damage: fire and lightning. So, choose from the red tattoo or the yellow one.

This is really good for the monk because the class likes to face combat in melee but lacks much on the defensive side unlike the barbarian, fighter, or paladin. So, the Absorbing Tattoo greatly helps by cutting the elemental damage in half. You can also choose to use its daily power that literally absorbs the element and heals you. One thing also, just in case, you can actually change the color of your tattoo freely every time you are taking your long rest. So, take advantage of this feature.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Very rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You’re a Tattooed Monk
  • You can absorb one elemental damage and heal yourself like an X-Men

9. Bracers of Defense

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These simple Wonder-Woman bracers give a +2 bonus to your AC if you attune yourself to it. This is really a big help for monks since they are probably the only melee-oriented class that cannot benefit from a shield. So, this will act like one while still freeing your hands to do its stunning strikes and flurry of blows.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You will look like Wonder Woman!
  • +2 to AC is ALWAYS good!

8. Ghost Step Tattoo

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The tattoo gives you 3 charges that lets you become a ghost for 2 turns. While in ghost form, you can’t be grappled nor restrained, can pass through creatures and solid objects, and, finally, you have resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damages.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Very rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • Your tattoo might probably resemble a ghostly visage
  • You literally turn into a ghost

7. Boots of Speed

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This one is a no-brainer. Double your walking speed and, for 10 minutes, all opportunity attacks against you have Disadvantage? I guess the enemy archers and mages should be scared now.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You will never ever fear Opportunity Attacks 
  • You should also stick your tongue out everytime your enemy misses its attack

6. Eldritch Claw Tattoo

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Although the Tattoo’s Magical Strikes property overlaps with the Monk’s Ki-Empowered Strikes at 6th level, the Tattoo’s Eldritch Maul is what we’re really after. What it does is, for 10 rounds, your melee attacks have a reach of 15 feet and deals an extra 1d6 force damage.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Uncommon
  • Requires Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You have long demon hands to harass your enemies
  • Might really work well with the Astral Self monk subclass

5. Cloak of Displacement

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This one gives you a constant illusion of your character standing just right beside you causing all attacks against you to have Disadvantage. The effect has no charges. It’s infinite (I think it’s overpowered). Although the only catch is the effect ceases to function until the start of your next turn if you take damage. Also, be careful if someone tries to grapple you because any restraining attack removes its effect for the whole duration of the restrain.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You’re like the Orc Blademaster from Warcraft 3
  • Your enemy will always rub its eyes before striking you

4. Blood Fury Tattoo

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This tattoo is probably the strongest offensive tattoo a monk can have. It has 10 charges a day and whenever you use one, your attacks deal an extra 4d6 necrotic damage while at the same time recover hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. The tattoo also allows you to use a charge to make a reaction melee attack with advantage.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Legendary
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • This tattoo will let you look like a Berserker
  • Your tattoo might glow bloody red whenever you’re angry

3. Lifewell Tattoo

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It’s your emergency lifesaver. Asides from its resistance to necrotic damage, the tattoo immediately brings you to 1 hit point whenever you reach zero life. This is really good for monks since, again, you’re a melee class without the survivability of the other melee classes.

Item Stats:

  • Wondrous Item
  • Very Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You can always NOT die
  • You can tank… I think

2. Staff of Striking

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This one is an iconic weapon for a monk and its effect is straight up strong and simple and has 10 charges. Whenever you hit with an attack with this weapon, you can use up to 3 charges to add an extra 1d6 force damage per charge to your attack.

Item Stats:

  • Staff
  • Very Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You have the Monk’s Ultimate Weapon
  • You can now emulate the Monkey King! 

1. Ring of Spell Storing

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The Ring of Spell Storing is a surprising candidate for the Top 10. The reason it’s here is because the ring can store the Shield spell. This is really good for your monk for emergency purposes because the Shield spell can instantly grant you an extra 4 AC provided that you have a spare reaction to use. The ring also can store up to 5 Shield spells.

Item Stats:

  • Ring
  • Rare
  • Needs Attunement

Why is it good?

  • You might surprise a lot of your enemies. Or, friends
  • You must have a buddy wizard to keep restocking your spells


There you have it.

What do you think? Do you agree with all 10 of the lists, or do you have your own list? Let us know in the comments!

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