Destiny 2 Best Farm Spots

27 Apr 2021

10. The Grinding  point for Returning Players

This guide is excellent for returning players and new players jumping back into the grindathon that is the world of Destiny 2. The adventures here in this guide explain how things work and include a guide to obtaining precious exotics and armor. 

9. Exotic Engram Farm 

This is an excellent method to try as you brave the dangers of Destiny 2 and face its pantheon of enemies. The instructions are pretty straightforward; remember, characters like Zavala will always be dealing out bounties for your character. These should be done, and they usually result in drops of powerful gear. It takes work to level up in this game.

8. Enhancement Cores

The bread and butter of the new season, the enhancement cores are essential for players as they move forward and find themselves grinding for more powerful gear. You will be searching for enhancements from the Pit of Heresy all the way to Lost Sectors in various maps.  These PvP combat elements will be featured heavily as class-focused competition season drops.

7. New Exotic Loot Cave

The legendary loot cave from the original Destiny has finally found a worthy successor in Destiny 2. However, no haunting echoing voice refereeing to the number of souls needed to satiate Master Rahoul’s apatite appears in this one. This location has seen some modification, yet it is still an excellent place to go to farm powerful loot. Pay close attention to the bounties to fully take advantage of all the activities. 

6. Exotic Farming Method – Rig on Titan

Destiny 2 Exotic Farming New Method Exotic Engram Prime Engram Farm

This location was all that and a bag of chips some months ago. The Rig in Destiny 2 has multiple lost sectors to explore, excellent enemy spawning points, and multiple champion-level enemies that, with the right equipment, will see your character climb up the ranks swiftly. While not so beefy as it once was, it is still a great area to rise quickly in power.

5. Farming Sectors on the Moon 

The Hell Mouth on the Moon still is one of the best places to hunt down powerful gear. It still sees powerful enemies walk around, especially in their public events. Take the time and gather a fire team to visit. 

4. Random Drop Exotics Guide

BEST Destiny 2 Exotic Farming Method In Beyond Light! | Destiny 2 Beginner Guide

One of the main features of the exotic hunting game is the random exotic world drops. Players might simply be facing low-level enemies, and then one headshot later, the player is suddenly holding onto a strange sword from some low-level henchman. The point is there are ways and places to exploit the generation of the sought-after weapons. 

3. Ascendant Shards

Getting your gear to the pinnacle masterwork level requires grinding and shards... lots of shards. This handy guide shows players where to grind on various maps since the location is more prominent in some planets or even certain dungeons like the Pit.

2. Armor Farming

FAST High-Stat Armor Farm (60+) … in Under 3 Minutes! [Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen]

Exotics are great, god rolls are fantastic, but don’t forget the meat and bones. Legendary gear might sometimes drop with a higher power level than even your most potent weapon. Grind away in these locations and take advantage of those purple orbs.

1 Farming for Fast Power

Lastly, there is the whole point of farming. The endgame of grinding now is to reach the new level cap presented in Beyond Light. There are multiple ways to farm, and unless our tracking specific exotics, the world is open to players to engage and play in. Here is an option to reach that pinnacle of power faster.


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