[Top 10] Batman Arkham Knight Best Upgrades To Get First

06 May 2024

Upgrades are enhancements aimed at empowering players and enhancing their gameplay experience. These upgrades can range from character attributes such as health, strength, and abilities to weapon modifications that increase damage, accuracy, or firing rate. Additionally, upgrades extend to vehicles, base structures, and skill progression, offering players the opportunity to customize and optimize their gameplay style. 

Whether through leveling up, completing quests, or acquiring in-game currency, upgrades provide players with a sense of progression and achievement, allowing them to become more powerful, efficient, and versatile as they navigate through the game world.

What upgrades should you get first from early to late game?

    One of the first things you should upgrade is the “fear multi-takedown” which can be found in the batsuit upgrades. The fear takedown mechanic is a very useful mechanic that was introduced in Batman: Arkham Knight, which allows players to utilize a different form of stealth, you unlock the initial version of this upgrade within the first 15 minutes of the playthrough. 

When you initially obtain this upgrade, you’re allowed to knock out up to 3 enemies within 15 seconds, however, if you level up enough you’re able to take down up to 5 by utilizing the points that you through the XP you can obtain through fights, side missions, and even main quests.


1. Upgrade: Fear Multi-Takedown (Early Game)

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The new suit bestowed upon Batman in the early game includes an advanced feature known as Fear Multi-Takedown, enabling him to swiftly incapacitate multiple adversaries in stealth scenarios.

The Fear Multi-Takedown capability integrated into Batman's new suit is a game-changer. It streamlines stealth missions, allowing for rapid neutralization of multiple threats without compromise.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:

  • Acquire the new suit with Fear Multi-Takedown early to expedite the completion of stealth missions, reducing the risk of detection and increasing mission efficiency.
  • Its ability to incapacitate multiple adversaries simultaneously provides Batman with a significant tactical advantage, enabling him to maintain the element of surprise.
  • Incorporating Fear Multi-Takedown into Batman's arsenal early enhances his effectiveness in stealth scenarios, ensuring smoother progression through missions and reduced reliance on direct confrontation.

Why You'll Need Fear Multi-Takedown:

  • Efficient Enemy Neutralization: Execute rapid takedowns on multiple adversaries, clearing out areas swiftly and silently.
  • Strategic Advantage: Gain the upper hand in stealth encounters by neutralizing multiple adversaries simultaneously, controlling the flow of engagements and dictating the pace of infiltration.
  • Mission Expediency: Complete stealth missions more efficiently with Fear Multi-Takedown, reducing the time spent navigating enemy-infested areas and increasing overall mission success rates.

Fear Multi-Takedown Suit Details:

Equip Batman with the new suit featuring Fear Multi-Takedown capability, allowing for swift and efficient neutralization of multiple adversaries in stealth scenarios. Utilize this advanced feature to maintain the element of surprise, expedite mission completion, and assert dominance over Gotham's criminal underworld. With the Fear Multi-Takedown suit, Batman operates with unparalleled efficiency and precision in the shadows.


2. Upgrade: Batsuit Module Enhancement 

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The Batsuit Module Enhancement offers a significant boost to Batman's combat and stealth capabilities, allowing for increased multi fear takedown efficiency, enhanced grappler speed, and improved armor against bullets and enemy punches.

The Batsuit Module Enhancement is a crucial upgrade for Batman's arsenal. Its improvements provide him with a substantial advantage in both combat and stealth engagements.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why

  • Acquire the Batsuit Module Enhancement early to augment Batman's combat prowess and survivability, enabling smoother progression through the game's challenges.
  • Its enhancements to fear multi-takedown efficiency, grappler speed, and armor resilience provide Batman with a versatile toolkit for handling various threats.
  • Incorporating the Batsuit Module Enhancement early ensures Batman can tackle increasingly formidable adversaries and obstacles with confidence and efficiency.

Why You'll Need Batsuit Module Enhancement:

  • Increased  Fear Multi-Takedown Efficiency: Execute fear multi-takedowns with greater speed and precision, neutralizing multiple adversaries with ease.
  • Enhanced Grappler Speed: Traverse Gotham City with increased speed and agility, facilitating rapid navigation and pursuit of targets.
  • Improved Armor Resilience: Enhance Batman's defenses against bullets and enemy punches, reducing damage taken and increasing survivability in combat situations.
  • Versatility in Combat and Stealth: Adapt to various combat and stealth scenarios with confidence, utilizing the upgraded Batsuit to overcome challenges effectively.

Batsuit Module Enhancement Details:

Upgrade the Batsuit with the Module Enhancement, enhancing Batman's fear multi-takedown efficiency, grappler speed, and armor resilience. With these improvements, Batman gains a significant advantage in combat and stealth engagements, ensuring his continued dominance over Gotham's criminal underworld. Equip the Batsuit Module Enhancement and unleash the full potential of the Dark Knight.


3. Upgrade: Batmobile Module Upgrades 

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Batmobile Module Upgrades offer various enhancements to the Batmobile, including armor reinforcement, cannon firepower, reload speed, booster efficiency, and an upgraded ejector seat for enhanced mobility and versatility.

Batmobile Module Upgrades are critical enhancements for maximizing the effectiveness of Batman's vehicular arsenal. These upgrades significantly improve the Batmobile's combat capabilities and maneuverability, ensuring Batman maintains the upper hand in the ongoing battle for Gotham's safety.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:  

  • Acquire Batmobile Module Upgrades in the mid to late game to bolster the Batmobile's performance, allowing Batman to tackle increasingly formidable threats throughout Gotham City.
  • These upgrades provide essential enhancements to the Batmobile's armor, firepower, speed, and mobility, ensuring Batman can navigate Gotham's streets with unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Incorporating Batmobile Module Upgrades mid to late game ensures Batman remains a formidable force against the escalating dangers faced during the final stages of his mission.

Why You'll Need Batmobile Module Upgrades:  

  • Armor Reinforcement: Strengthen the Batmobile's armor to withstand greater punishment from enemy attacks, increasing survivability in combat situations.
  • Cannon Firepower: Upgrade the Batmobile's cannon to deliver more firepower, enabling faster takedowns of enemy vehicles and fortified positions.
  • Reload Speed: Improve the Batmobile's cannon reload speed for quicker response times in combat engagements, ensuring sustained offensive pressure.
  • Booster Efficiency: Enhance the Batmobile's booster for faster acceleration and increased maneuverability, facilitating swift navigation through Gotham's streets.
  • Upgraded Ejector Seat: Upgrade the ejector seat to launch Batman higher for gliding, providing greater mobility and flexibility in traversal and combat scenarios.

Batmobile Module Upgrades Details:

Unlock Batmobile Module Upgrades to enhance the Batmobile's armor, firepower, speed, and mobility, ensuring Batman's vehicular arsenal remains unmatched in the ongoing battle against Gotham's criminal underworld. Equip these upgrades and unleash the full potential of the Batmobile as you navigate the perilous streets of Gotham City. With Batmobile Module Upgrades, Batman maintains his dominance as Gotham's protector with unparalleled efficiency and precision.


4. Upgrade: Disruptor

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The Disruptor, a cutting-edge piece of technology utilized by Batman, enhancing its capability to disrupt guns used by enemies.

The Disruptor is a significant upgrade to Batman's arsenal. Its improved functionality enables swift neutralization of enemy firearms, providing a crucial advantage in combat scenarios.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:

  • Acquire the Disruptor mid-game to gain a tactical edge in encounters with armed adversaries, reducing the threat posed by enemy firearms.
  • Incorporating the Disruptor enhances Batman's overall combat effectiveness, enabling smoother progression through missions.

Why You'll Need Disruptor:

  • Swift Firearms Neutralization: Disrupt enemy firearms quickly and effectively, neutralizing the threat posed by armed adversaries.
  • Tactical Advantage: Gain the upper hand in combat scenarios by disrupting enemy firearms, reducing their offensive capabilities and increasing Batman's survivability.
  • Mission Success: Increase mission success rates by neutralizing enemy guns with the Disruptor, ensuring smoother progression 

Disruptor Details:

The Disruptor enhances Batman's capability to disrupt guns used by enemies. With this upgrade, Batman gains a significant tactical advantage in combat scenarios. The Disruptor maintains control over Gotham's streets with unparalleled efficiency.


5. Upgrade: Remote Hacking Device 

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The Remote Hacking Device becomes available during the mid-game, granting Batman the ability to bypass locked doors and access previously inaccessible areas, including locations containing Riddler trophies.

The Remote Hacking Device is a game-changing addition to Batman's arsenal. Its versatility in bypassing electronic locks and accessing restricted areas significantly expands Batman's exploration and puzzle-solving capabilities.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:

  • Acquire the Remote Hacking Device during the mid-game to unlock new avenues of exploration and access previously unreachable areas.
  • Its ability to bypass locked doors enables Batman to collect Riddler trophies and uncover hidden secrets scattered throughout Gotham City.
  • Incorporating the Remote Hacking Device mid-game enhances Batman's puzzle-solving capabilities and allows for more thorough exploration of the game world.

Why You'll Need Remote Hacking Device:

  • Unlocking Restricted Areas: Bypass electronic locks on doors to access previously unreachable areas, including locations containing Riddler trophies and other valuable collectibles.
  • Enhanced Puzzle-Solving: Utilize the Remote Hacking Device to solve intricate puzzles and uncover hidden secrets, expanding Batman's understanding of Gotham City's mysteries.
  • Thorough Exploration:*Access previously inaccessible areas to complete side missions, gather collectibles, and uncover additional lore and story elements.
  • Increased Gameplay Depth: Enhance gameplay experience by adding new layers of exploration and puzzle-solving challenges with the Remote Hacking Device.

Remote Hacking Device Details:

Unlock the Remote Hacking Device during the mid-game, granting Batman the ability to bypass locked doors and access previously unreachable areas. With this versatile tool at his disposal, Batman can collect Riddler trophies, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover hidden secrets scattered throughout Gotham City. Equip the Remote Hacking Device and delve deeper into the mysteries of the Dark Knight's world.


6. Upgrade: Freeze Grenade

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The Freeze Grenade, although not essential for story progression, provides a significant combat advantage, particularly in stealth encounters. This gadget freezes adversaries in place upon detonation, allowing Batman to incapacitate them with ease or prevent them from causing harm.

The Freeze Grenade offers a unique tactical advantage in combat and stealth situations. Its ability to immobilize adversaries provides Batman with the opportunity to neutralize threats swiftly and efficiently.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:  

  • While the Freeze Grenade isn't crucial for advancing the story, acquiring it in the mid to late game enhances Batman's combat and stealth capabilities, providing a strategic edge in encounters with tough adversaries.
  • Its utility in freezing opponents in place grants Batman the opportunity to incapacitate them with a single punch or halt their attacks, minimizing the risk of injury during combat engagements.
  • Incorporating the Freeze Grenade mid to late game ensures Batman can handle increasingly challenging encounters with greater ease and efficiency.

Why You'll Need Freeze Grenade:  

  • Combat Advantage: Freeze adversaries in combat to gain the upper hand, allowing Batman to incapacitate them with ease or prevent them from attacking.
  • Stealth Enhancement: Use Freeze Grenades strategically in stealth encounters to immobilize enemies, creating openings for silent takedowns and maintaining the element of surprise.
  • Risk Mitigation: Minimize the risk of injury during combat engagements by freezing adversaries in place, providing Batman with a safer approach to handling tough opponents.
  • Versatility in Tactics: Incorporate Freeze Grenades into Batman's combat and stealth strategies to adapt to various situations and overcome formidable adversaries.

Freeze Grenade Details: 

Acquire the Freeze Grenade, a versatile gadget that provides a significant combat advantage in both stealth and combat encounters. Whether used to immobilize adversaries for easy takedowns or to prevent them from causing harm, the Freeze Grenade proves to be a valuable addition to Batman's arsenal. Equip the Freeze Grenade and ensure Gotham's safety with unparalleled efficiency and precision.


7. Upgrade: Wayne Tech Upgrade Module 

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The Wayne Tech Upgrade Module offers a significant enhancement to Batman's gadgets, unlocking advanced capabilities such as blinding drones with the Remote Hacking Device and disrupting various devices, from small bombs to large tanks.

The Wayne Tech Upgrade Module represents a quantum leap in Batman's technological arsenal. Its ability to amplify the capabilities of his gadgets is a testament to Wayne Enterprises' commitment to innovation and excellence.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:

  • Acquire the Wayne Tech Upgrade Module in the mid to late game to unlock advanced functionalities for Batman's gadgets, enhancing his effectiveness against increasingly formidable adversaries.
  • Its ability to blind drones with the Remote Hacking Device and disrupt devices of varying scales provides Batman with versatile tools for combat and stealth engagements.
  • Incorporating the Wayne Tech Upgrade Module mid to late game ensures Batman remains one step ahead of his adversaries, equipped with the latest in cutting-edge technology.

Why You'll Need Wayne Tech Upgrade Module:

  • Enhanced Gadget Capabilities: Unlock advanced functionalities for Batman's gadgets, including the ability to blind drones with the Remote Hacking Device and disrupt devices of all sizes.
  • Versatile Combat Tactics: Utilize upgraded gadgets to gain tactical advantages in combat scenarios, disrupting enemy equipment and neutralizing threats with precision.
  • Stealth Mastery: Enhance Batman's stealth capabilities by blinding drones and disrupting surveillance systems, enabling smoother infiltration and evasion.
  • Adaptability to Various Threats: Equip Batman with the tools necessary to tackle a wide range of adversaries, from small-scale explosives to heavily armored tanks.

Wayne Tech Upgrade Module Details:

Upgrade the Wayne Tech Upgrade Module to significantly amplify the capabilities of Batman's gadgets, unlocking advanced functionalities such as blinding drones with the Remote Hacking Device and disrupting devices of all sizes. With this upgrade, Batman gains a decisive edge over his adversaries, equipped with the latest in Wayne Enterprises' groundbreaking technology. Equip the Wayne Tech Upgrade Module and ensure Gotham's safety with unmatched efficiency and precision.


8. Upgrade: Combat Upgrade Module

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The Combat Upgrade Module significantly enhances Batman's combat capabilities, empowering him to execute powerful finishing moves with precision and augmenting select gadgets with small upgrades for use in combat against criminals.

The Combat Upgrade Module is a pivotal advancement in Batman's combat prowess. Its focus on enhancing finishing moves and integrating gadget upgrades ensures Batman maintains his edge in hand-to-hand combat against Gotham's most dangerous criminals.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:

  • Acquire the Combat Upgrade Modules in the mid-game to elevate Batman's combat proficiency, allowing for more efficient takedowns and increased effectiveness against tougher adversaries.
  • Its emphasis on strong finishing moves and gadget enhancements provides Batman with versatile tools to overcome a variety of combat situations.
  • Incorporating the Combat Upgrade Modules mid-game ensures Batman remains a formidable force against the escalating threats faced throughout Gotham City.

Why You'll Need Combat Upgrade Module:  

  • Enhanced Finishing Moves: Execute powerful finishing moves with precision, swiftly neutralizing adversaries and maintaining control of the combat.
  • Augmented Gadget Functionality: Utilize upgraded gadgets to gain tactical advantages in combat, augmenting Batman's offensive capabilities and diversifying his combat strategies.
  • Improved Combat Efficiency: Increase combat efficiency with the ability to dispatch enemies more swiftly and effectively, reducing the risk of prolonged engagements and minimizing damage taken.
  • Adaptability in Combat: Enhance Batman's versatility in combat encounters by integrating new techniques and gadget upgrades, ensuring he remains a formidable opponent against any threat.

Combat Upgrade Module Details:

Upgrade the Combat Module to significantly enhance Batman's combat capabilities, enabling him to execute powerful finishing moves and augment select gadgets for use in combat against criminals. With this upgrade, Batman gains a decisive edge in hand-to-hand combat, ensuring he remains Gotham's greatest protector against the city's most dangerous adversaries. Equip the Combat Upgrade Module and maintain justice with unparalleled efficiency and precision.


9. Upgrade: Remote Electrical Charge Gun

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The Remote Electrical Charge Gun, although available for acquisition at any time during the game, becomes a crucial tool for progression near the end of the storyline. This versatile gadget not only grants access to specific areas but also serves as a formidable weapon capable of electrocuting enemies in combat.

The Remote Electrical Charge Gun is a pivotal gadget in Batman's arsenal, offering both utility and offensive capabilities. Its ability to manipulate electrical currents unlocks new pathways and provides a potent means of incapacitating adversaries.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:  

  • While the Remote Electrical Charge Gun can be obtained at any point in the game, acquiring it near the end of the storyline is essential for progression, as it unlocks access to specific areas crucial to advancing the narrative.
  • Its dual functionality as both a key for accessing certain rooms and a weapon for electrocuting enemies makes it indispensable in late-game scenarios where obstacles are more formidable.
  • Incorporating the Remote Electrical Charge Gun late in the game ensures Batman can overcome the toughest challenges and adversaries faced during the final stages of his mission.

Why You'll Need Remote Electrical Charge Gun:

  • Access to Restricted Areas: Utilize the Remote Electrical Charge Gun to manipulate electrical systems and unlock doors, granting access to otherwise inaccessible rooms and areas.
  • Combat Advantage: Electrocute enemies in combat with precision strikes from the Remote Electrical Charge Gun, incapacitating them and gaining the upper hand in engagements.
  • Puzzle Solving: Solve environmental puzzles by manipulating electrical currents using the Remote Electrical Charge Gun.
  • Story Progression: Acquire the Remote Electrical Charge Gun near the end of the game to progress through the storyline, overcoming obstacles and adversaries in the final stages of Batman's mission.

Remote Electrical Charge Gun Details:  

Unlock the Remote Electrical Charge Gun, a versatile gadget capable of manipulating electrical systems, electrocuting enemies in combat, and unlocking access to restricted areas. Whether used for puzzle solving, combat, or story progression, the Remote Electrical Charge Gun proves to be an indispensable tool in Batman's quest to protect Gotham City. Equip the Remote Electrical Charge Gun and overcome the toughest challenges that lie ahead in Batman's journey.


10. Upgrade: Batmobile Weapons Module

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The Batmobile Weapons Module represents the pinnacle of vehicular arsenal enhancements, offering a comprehensive suite of upgrades including friendly drone hack, EMP, rockets, and additional ammo loads. By the game's conclusion, the Batmobile becomes unparalleled in strength and versatility, surpassing all other tanks in Gotham City.

The Batmobile Weapons Module stands as a testament to Wayne Enterprises' commitment to innovation and defense. These upgrades elevate the Batmobile to unprecedented levels of power and adaptability, ensuring Batman's vehicular arsenal remains unmatched against any threat.

When to Get This Upgrade and Why:  

  • Acquire the Batmobile Weapons Module by the end of the game to fully unleash the Batmobile's potential, ensuring Batman has the necessary firepower to confront the most formidable adversaries in Gotham City.
  • The inclusion of upgrades such as friendly drone hack, EMP, rockets, and additional ammo loads provides Batman with a versatile toolkit for handling a wide range of threats, from enemy tanks to aerial drones.
  • Incorporating the Batmobile Weapons Module late in the game ensures Batman maintains a decisive advantage over his adversaries, cementing his status as Gotham's ultimate protector.

Why You'll Need Batmobile Weapons Module:  

  • Friendly Drone Hack: Gain control of enemy drones and turn them against their allies, shifting the tide of battle in your favor.
  • EMP: Disable enemy vehicles and electronic systems with an electromagnetic pulse, neutralizing threats with precision.
  • Missile Barrage: Unleash a missile barrage to decimate enemy tanks and fortified positions, ensuring swift and decisive takedowns.
  • Extra Loads: Increase the Batmobile's ammo capacity, allowing for sustained firepower and prolonged engagements without the need for rearmament.

Batmobile Weapons Module Details:

Unlock the Batmobile Weapons Module to access a comprehensive suite of upgrades, including friendly drone hack, EMP, rockets, and additional ammo loads. With these enhancements, the Batmobile becomes a force to be reckoned with, surpassing all other tanks in Gotham City and ensuring Batman's dominance over the streets.

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