[Top 3] Apex Legends Best Button Layouts

[Top 3] Apex Legends Best Button Layouts
07 Sep 2020

Respawn’s battle royale has stolen the hearts of PC and console players alike. If you’re part of the console family, you know it is sometimes challenging to keep up with the mouse and keyboard. But with a few tweaks, controller players can improve their gameplay and consistency. 

As a rule, it is paramount to keep your thumbs on the joysticks as much as possible. Therefore, these layouts involve switching the crouch and jump buttons to reduce the time spent away from the joysticks. By making buttons more intuitive and accessible, players can improve their mobility while avoiding common problems like “panic melee.”   

This list examines three of the most popular button layouts for basic controllers. Although discussed in PlayStation 4 terms, these layout recommendations are easily transferable for Xbox One players.   

3. Ninja 

Much like its namesake, Ninja has a focus on mobility. This layout equips R1 as crouch and L1 as jump, which is ideal for crouch shooting fans. As you are less likely to be pinging during a battle, Ninja ensures limited time away from the joysticks by switching ping to X.  

Use Ninja If…

  • You like to crouch shoot. 
  • You want to keep your thumbs on the joysticks while using mobile actions like crouch and jump.

Ninja Details:

  • Jump (L1)
  • Crouch (R1)
  • Tactical (circle)
  • Ping (X)

2. Button Puncher

This layout’s biggest asset is switching the crouch mechanic from circle to R3. For some, using R3 is more intuitive and allows players to easily slide to avoid damage. It also prevents players from accidentally using their melee during an intense firefight, a common struggle with the default setting. 

Use Button Puncher If…

  • You desire a more intuitive slide and crouch set up. 
  • You want to prevent “panic melee.”  
  • You are looking for a layout similar to the default setting. 

Button Puncher Details: 

  • Melee (circle)
  • Crouch (R3)

1. Bumper Jumper

This button layout rebinds the jump button from X to L1. This change allows players to jump without lifting their thumb from the joystick. You may also want to put crouch on a toggle to ensure your thumb can remain on the joystick while scanning the map in a crouched position. 

Use Bumper Jumper If…

  • You want the ability to jump without moving your thumb from the joystick. 
  • You like to check your surroundings while jumping, making your legend more challenging to hit. 
  • You want to Bunnyhop. 

Button Jumper Details

  • Jump (L1)
  • Tactical (X)

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