7 Days To Die: How To Sleep

How To Sleep in 7 Days To Die
17 Jul 2019
Can you sleep in the game?

The short answer is no you cannot. The sleeping bag is not used for sleeping.

Why can't you sleep?

The game design does not allow you to sleep. It is not in the mechanics of the game period.

What are the sleeping items and what are they for?

There are bedrolls and they are used to save locations for when you die. If you die and have a bedroll down you will respawn on the bedroll. If you do not have the bedroll down you will respawn somewhere else on the map. Bedrolls are made out of plant fibers and if you have more than one down it only counts the last one placed as the respawn spot.

What you should spend time doing at night instead
  • Crafting items
  • Fixing up the base
  • Making food, ammo, or restocking forges
  • Clearing the area around the base
  • If you have a mining helmet or a light source such as a torch you can explore areas around the base.
  • Gathering resources such as clay, stone, wood, or iron.
Are there Mods to add the sleeping feature?

No there is no current mods to add sleeping to any of the alpha versions.

What are mods?

Mods are modifications to the program to give a bonus to the game. There are mods for alpha 16 on steam only. Those mods give you additional game features such as a bigger backpack, bigger storage, medieval mod, and more. Currently, though the mod launcher is having issues due to alpha 17 being released. Therefore currently none of the mods will work because of the current version of the game.

What is the best working mod for sleeping and how the mod works?

There are no working mods for alpha 17. As for the PlayStation platform, there are no mods available at all. The mods work by changing some of the game’s code to add or remove gameplay features.

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