Levi is a gamer with a lifetime's worth of extensive proficiency in gaming, and creative fantasy writing, with peak skills in English Literature—including article, email, and blog copywrites as well as honorary awards. In turn, offering a multitude of expertise under all categories.

As a creative writer, I set my throne of expertise over the Player-versus-player (PVP) style, as it is my concurrent game genre. There are always copious amounts of tactics and strategies that can be taken advantage of, alongside the various ways to incorporate them into gameplay.

I—betrothed to my PC, have accumulated over 8,000+ hours across a plethora of games and subsidiaries, I carry an unstoppable sentiment for exploring every nook and cranny in this field. My most favorable games range primarily between online PVP and PVE, such as—Warframe, Halo, Unreal Tournament, and Sea of Thieves, to name a few. However, I can always kick back, relax, and drown out the noise with the ever-changing seasons of Stardew Valley as a secondary source of dopamine.

My love for writing about games is unchanging, being able to convey my findings, my experience, and stratagems to countless communities gives me, satisfies my soul. Which, allows me to appreciate minuscule details that normally go unnoticed sequentially.

Come along! Let's dive into the cavernous abyss of gaming—uncovering, secrets, easter eggs, and life-hacks, whilst acquiring perspicacious viewpoints!
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Halo: Infinite