Kaneene is an experienced creative writing professional whose passion for writing finally fuses with her love of games. As the host of a bi-monthly game night, she's entertained friends with board and video games, cards, dice, and storytelling for years. Motivated by many artistic outlets, games allow her to think critically while having fun – her two favorite things. With years of stories to tell, she's here to deal gamer knowledge, like the cards in her favorite playing deck.

In addition, she advances her writing career by publishing short fiction stories, reading avidly, and consistently making the Dean's List at university. With experience in science fiction, thriller, memoir, and mystery, she's published short stories, screenplays, poetry, and critical analysis essays and aims to add "novelist" to her list of accomplishments. As she pens her upcoming psychological thriller, she collaborates with friends about the next big board game they want to invent or the storyline they want her to write for the video games they build. Creative, entertaining, and accomplished, Kaneene has been storytelling and playing games for thirty of her years on this planet. Geek out with her on a tabletop adventure that will surely be the highlight of your next game night.
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