Meet the seasoned wordsmith navigating the realms of gaming. With a gaming journey starting on the battlefield of Halo: Combat Evolved, they've explored every console generation from the NES to the 360 and PS3. Specializing in gaming, particularly in the expansive worlds of Assassin's Creed and the expansive galaxy of Elite Dangerous, their expertise is etched in years of exploration.

A creative geek with over 30 hours in the slopes of Mont Blanc in Steep and countless adventures in the battlefields of Destiny since 2015, this author thrives in the uncharted territories of gaming. From the chaotic destructive wars of Battlefield 1 to bustling custom factory's of Satisfactory; their love for diverse gaming genres knows no bounds. With an extensive gaming background and a love for exploration and freedom of creativity our author brings a professional touch to the art of game writing, crafting narratives that resonate with fellow gamers and enthusiasts.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Elite Dangerous, AC Unity, Hogwarts Legacy