This is William, he was a gamer in the 80s, when games were treated as nothing more than a fad, doomed to fade away with the times. Becoming a writer for gaming, became part of the his favorite pastime.

I am experienced in writing in different fields, which include: news articles, blogs, and stories to be turned into books.

My area of expertise in game writing, focuses primarily Nintendo, with everything else being secondary.

I have a BA in English degree, focusing on Creative Writing. I have also published two books, which makes me an author as well.

My journey through games started in the 80s, with whatever my parents had available. I grew up with the Atari 2600, and board games like Battleship and Monopoly, with the occasional visit to the arcade at the local mall. During my growth, I received a Nintendo Entertainment System, and with GamePro magazine being my GameFAQs at the time, I got to see the changes that have happened, to today.

My favorite games are those in the Mario, Zelda and Pokemon franchises. My favorite genre is JRPG.

What I enjoy about writing about games, is that I get to share a piece of myself to others, to be myself. That with my words, I can establish bonds with the readers who share a similar interest with me.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Switch, PS4, PC